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Forked from NitinPraksash9911/UnzipUtils.kt
Created August 21, 2021 13:56
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Unzipping file in android/kotlin
* UnzipUtils class extracts files and sub-directories of a standard zip file to
* a destination directory.
object UnzipUtils {
* @param zipFilePath
* @param destDirectory
* @throws IOException
fun unzip(zipFilePath: File, destDirectory: String) {
val destDir = File(destDirectory)
if (!destDir.exists()) {
ZipFile(zipFilePath).use { zip ->
zip.entries().asSequence().forEach { entry ->
zip.getInputStream(entry).use { input ->
val filePath = destDirectory + File.separator +
if (!entry.isDirectory) {
// if the entry is a file, extracts it
extractFile(input, filePath)
} else {
// if the entry is a directory, make the directory
val dir = File(filePath)
* Extracts a zip entry (file entry)
* @param inputStream
* @param destFilePath
* @throws IOException
private fun extractFile(inputStream: InputStream, destFilePath: String) {
val bos = BufferedOutputStream(FileOutputStream(destFilePath))
val bytesIn = ByteArray(BUFFER_SIZE)
var read: Int
while ( { read = it } != -1) {
bos.write(bytesIn, 0, read)
* Size of the buffer to read/write data
private const val BUFFER_SIZE = 4096
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