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Created August 18, 2022 13:46
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Projection Velodyne data into image plane in NAVER LABS dataset
import os
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
import h5py
import numpy as np
from helper.intrinsics import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
cmap =
import cv2
from helper.tf_helpers import get_T_c_l
import open3d
CAMERA_IDs = {"2019-04-16_15-35-46": ["22970285", "22970286", "22970288", "22970289", "22970290", "22970291"],
"2019-04-16_16-14-48": ["22970285", "22970286", "22970288", "22970289", "22970290", "22970291",
"AC01324954", "AC01324955", "AC01324968", "AC01324969"],
"2019-08-20_10-41-18": ["40027089", "40029628", "40030065", "40031951", "40033113", "40033116",
"AC01324954", "AC01324955", "AC01324968", "AC01324969"],
"2019-08-21_09-49-05": ["40027089", "40029628", "40030065", "40031951", "40033113", "40033116",
"AC01324954", "AC01324955", "AC01324968", "AC01324969"],
"2019-04-16_14-35-00": ["22970285", "22970286", "22970288", "22970289", "22970290", "22970291",
"AC01324954", "AC01324955", "AC01324968", "AC01324969"],
"2019-08-20_11-32-05": ["40027089", "40029628", "40030065", "40031951", "40033113", "40033116",
"AC01324954", "AC01324955", "AC01324968", "AC01324969"],
"2019-08-21_12-10-13": ["40027089", "40029628", "40030065", "40031951", "40033113", "40033116",
"AC01324954", "AC01324955", "AC01324968", "AC01324969"]}
def get_timestamp(dataname):
ts = dataname.split("_")[-1].split(".")[0]
return ts
def project():
def imgs2dict(root, folder_class):
folder_path = root + folder_class + "/images"
cam_ids = CAMERA_IDs[folder_class]
times_per_id = {}
for cam_id in cam_ids:
times_per_id[cam_id] = []
imgs = os.listdir(folder_path)
for img in imgs:
camera_id, time_w_jpg = img.split("_")
time = int(time_w_jpg.split(".")[0])
num_total = 0
for key in times_per_id.keys():
num_imgs = len(times_per_id[key])
num_total += num_imgs
print("Total: ", num_total)
return times_per_id
def lidars2dict(root, folder_class):
folder_path = root + folder_class + "/pointclouds_data"
lidar_ids = ["lidar0", "lidar1"]
times_per_id = {}
for lidar_id in lidar_ids:
times_per_id[lidar_id] = []
pcds = os.listdir(folder_path)
for pcd in pcds:
lidar_id, time_w_jpg = pcd.split("_")
time = int(time_w_jpg.split(".")[0])
num_total = 0
for key in times_per_id.keys():
num_imgs = len(times_per_id[key])
num_total += num_imgs
print("Total: ", num_total)
return times_per_id
def search_nearest_ts(cam_ts, lidar_ts):
global T_STEP
i = 0
min_length = len(cam_ts)
nearest_index = 0
nearest_ts = []
for i in range(min_length):
for j in range(nearest_index, len(lidar_ts)-1):
tc = cam_ts[i]
t1, t2 = lidar_ts[j:j+2]
t_diff1 = tc - t1
t_diff2 = tc - t2
# In case of intial stage
if t_diff1 * t_diff2 <= 0: # each has different sign
if abs(t_diff1) <= abs(t_diff2):
elif abs(t_diff1) > abs(t_diff2):
raise ValueError("Sth wrong?")
nearest_index = j+1
if t_diff2 >= 0:
continue # t_lidar <<< t_cam
elif t_diff1 < 0:
break # t_lidar >>>> t_cam
assert len(cam_ts) == len(nearest_ts)
return nearest_ts
def get_pose(id, timestamp):
global h5_gt
timestamp_key = id + "_stamp"
pose_key = id + "_pose"
stamps = h5_gt.get(timestamp_key)[()]
rows, cols = np.where(stamps == int(timestamp))
row = rows[0]
poses_src = h5_gt.get(pose_key)[()]
pose = poses_src[row:row + 1, :]
return pose
def get_pc_homo(pc_path):
l0 =
pc = np.asarray(l0.points)
pcs_np = np.transpose(pc)
len_pc = pcs_np.shape[1]
ones = np.ones((1, len_pc))
pcs_homo = np.concatenate((pcs_np, ones), axis=0)
return pcs_homo
def is_in_the_region(pose_col, limit_lower, limit_upper):
upper = pose_col >= limit_lower
lower = pose_col < limit_upper
is_in = np.bitwise_and(upper, lower)
return is_in
def remove_backward_pcs(pcs, depth):
is_front = depth[0, :] > 0
depth_f = depth[:, is_front]
pcs_f = pcs[:, is_front]
return pcs_f, depth_f
def remove_outside_pixels(pixels, h, w):
x_in = is_in_the_region(pixels[0, :], 0, w)
y_in = is_in_the_region(pixels[1, :], 0, h)
is_in = np.bitwise_and(x_in, y_in)
pixels_filtered = pixels[:, is_in]
return pixels_filtered, is_in
def filter_outliers(pcs_hnorm, depth, h, w):
pcs_f1, depth_f1 = remove_backward_pcs(pcs_hnorm, depth)
pcs_f2, is_in = remove_outside_pixels(pcs_f1, h, w)
depth_f2 = depth_f1[:, is_in]
return pcs_f2, depth_f2
def project_depth(pixel, depth, h, w):
pixel = pixel.astype(
num_pcs = pixel.shape[1]
proj_d = np.zeros((h, w))
for i in range(num_pcs):
x = pixel[0, i]
y = pixel[1, i]
d = depth[0, i]
proj_d[y, x] = d
return proj_d
def calc_depth(pcs, P_mat):
''' Refer to multiview geometry p.162 '''
M = P_mat[:3, :3]
det_M = np.linalg.det(M)
sign = None
if det_M > 0:
sign = 1
sign = -1
m3 = M[:, 2]
m3_2norm_value = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(m3, 2)))
w = pcs[-1:, :].copy()
depth = sign * w / m3_2norm_value
return depth
def exaggerate(pixel, sparse_d_viz, target, r=5):
num_pix = pixel.shape[1]
viz_new = target.copy()
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(viz_new)
for i in range(num_pix):
x = pixel[0, i]
y = pixel[1, i]
loc = x, y
color = sparse_d_viz.getpixel(loc)
draw.ellipse((x-r, y-r, x+r, y+r), fill=color, outline=color)
return viz_new
def colored_depthmap(depth, d_min=None, d_max=None):
if d_min is None:
d_min = np.min(depth)
if d_max is None:
d_max = np.max(depth)
depth_relative = (depth - d_min) / (d_max - d_min)
colored = 255 * cmap(depth_relative)[:, :, :3] # H, W, C
return colored.astype(np.uint8)
def get_concat_h(im1, im2):
dst ='RGB', (im1.width + im2.width, im1.height))
dst.paste(im1, (0, 0))
dst.paste(im2, (im1.width, 0))
return dst
if __name__ == "__main__":
mode = "train"
root = "/home/shapelim/ws/dataset/1f/{}/".format(mode)
DIR_1F_TRAIN = ["2019-04-16_14-35-00", "2019-08-20_11-32-05"]
# for target_dir in DIR_1F_TRAIN:
target_path = os.path.join(root, DIR_1F_TRAIN[0])
times_per_cam = imgs2dict(root, DIR_1F_TRAIN[0])
times_per_lidar = lidars2dict(root, DIR_1F_TRAIN[0])
gt_path = os.path.join(target_path, 'groundtruth.hdf5')
param_path = os.path.join(target_path, 'camera_parameters.txt')
intrinsics = parse_camera_params(param_path)
cam_keys = times_per_cam.keys()
lidar_keys = times_per_lidar.keys()
lidar_id = "lidar0"
k = 1
is_initial = True
for camera_id in cam_keys:
if "AC" in camera_id:
cam_ts_list = times_per_cam[camera_id]
nearest_ts = search_nearest_ts(cam_ts_list, times_per_lidar[lidar_id])
h5_gt = h5py.File(gt_path, mode="r")
pc_path = os.path.join(target_path, "pointclouds_data", lidar_id + "_" + str(nearest_ts[k]) + ".pcd")
img_path = os.path.join(target_path, "images", camera_id + "_" + str(cam_ts_list[k]) + ".jpg")
timestamp_key = camera_id + "_stamp"
pose_key = camera_id + "_pose"
# get corresponding poses of camera and lidar
pose_c = get_pose(camera_id, cam_ts_list[k])
pose_l = get_pose(lidar_id, nearest_ts[k])
T_c_l = get_T_c_l(pose_c, pose_l)
K = intrinsics[camera_id].K
D = intrinsics[camera_id].D
h = intrinsics[camera_id].h
w = intrinsics[camera_id].w
P_mat = np.matmul(K, T_c_l)
pcs = get_pc_homo(pc_path)
pcs_c_l = np.matmul(T_c_l, pcs)
pcs_img_plane = np.matmul(K, pcs_c_l)
depth = calc_depth(pcs_img_plane, P_mat)
z = pcs_img_plane[-1:, :].copy()
pcs_hnorm = pcs_img_plane / z
assert depth.shape[1] == pcs_hnorm.shape[1]
pixels_filtered, depths_filtered = filter_outliers(pcs_hnorm, depth, h, w)
proj_d = project_depth(pixels_filtered, depths_filtered, h, w)
# visualization
viz = colored_depthmap(proj_d, 0, np.amax(depths_filtered))
viz = Image.fromarray(viz)
img =
viz_exaggerate = exaggerate(pixels_filtered, viz, img)
w, h = viz_exaggerate.size
ratio = 0.2
if is_initial:
viz_merge = viz_exaggerate.resize((int(w * ratio), int(h * ratio)))
is_initial = False
viz_ = viz_exaggerate.resize((int(w * ratio), int(h * ratio)))
viz_merge = get_concat_h(viz_, viz_merge)
# from labs_dataloaders.load_inputs import viz_pcd
# viz_pcd(pc_path)"test.png")
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