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Created September 11, 2018 10:02
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pub mod error;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::path::Path;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::mem;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use vulkano;
use vulkano::command_buffer::{DynamicState, AutoCommandBuffer, AutoCommandBufferBuilder};
use vulkano::device::Device;
use vulkano::instance::QueueFamily;
use vulkano::format::ClearValue;
use vulkano::framebuffer::RenderPassDesc;
use vulkano::framebuffer::Framebuffer;
use vulkano::framebuffer::FramebufferAbstract;
use vulkano::framebuffer::RenderPassDescClearValues;
use vulkano::buffer::BufferSlice;
use vulkano::buffer::BufferUsage;
use vulkano::buffer::CpuAccessibleBuffer;
use vulkano::pipeline::GraphicsPipelineAbstract;
use vulkano::pipeline::vertex::VertexSource;
use vulkano::descriptor::descriptor_set::collection::DescriptorSetsCollection;
use gltf::{self, Document, Gltf};
use gltf::mesh::util::ReadIndices;
use gltf::mesh::{Mesh, Semantic};
use gltf::accessor::Accessor as GltfAccessor;
use gltf::Node;
use failure::Error;
use ::Position;
use ::PipelineImpl;
use self::error::DrawError;
pub struct Model {
document: Document,
buffers: Vec<gltf::buffer::Data>,
images: Vec<gltf::image::Data>,
device_buffers: Vec<Arc<CpuAccessibleBuffer<[u8]>>>,
impl Model {
pub fn import<S: AsRef<Path>>(device: Arc<Device>, path: S) -> Result<Model, gltf::Error> {
let (document, buffers, images) = gltf::import(path)?;
// TODO: setup buffer staging
let device_buffers: Vec<Arc<CpuAccessibleBuffer<[u8]>>> = buffers.iter().map(|buffer| {
let device_buffer = CpuAccessibleBuffer::from_iter(device.clone(), BufferUsage::all(), (**buffer).into_iter().cloned());
// let main_descriptor_set = Arc::new(
// PersistentDescriptorSet::start(main_pipeline.clone(), 0)
// .add_buffer(main_ubo_device_buffer.clone()).unwrap()
// .add_sampled_image(screen_image.clone(), screen_sampler.clone()).unwrap()
// .add_sampled_image(texture_device_image.clone(), texture_device_sampler.clone()).unwrap()
// .build().unwrap()
// );
Ok(Model {
pub fn draw_scene<S, F, C, RPD>(&self, device: Arc<Device>, queue_family: QueueFamily,
framebuffer: Arc<F>, clear_values: C, pipeline: PipelineImpl<RPD>,
dynamic: &DynamicState, sets: S, scene_index: usize) -> Result<AutoCommandBuffer, Error>
where S: DescriptorSetsCollection + Clone,
F: FramebufferAbstract + RenderPassDescClearValues<C> + Send + Sync + 'static,
RPD: RenderPassDesc + RenderPassDescClearValues<Vec<ClearValue>> + Send + Sync + 'static {
if scene_index >= self.document.scenes().len() {
return Err(DrawError::InvalidSceneIndex { index: scene_index }.into());
let scene = self.document.scenes().nth(scene_index).unwrap();
let mut command_buffer = AutoCommandBufferBuilder::primary_one_time_submit(device, queue_family)
.begin_render_pass(framebuffer, false, clear_values).unwrap();
for node in scene.nodes() {
command_buffer = self.draw_node(node, command_buffer, pipeline.clone(), dynamic, sets.clone());
command_buffer = command_buffer.end_render_pass().unwrap();
pub fn draw_main_scene<S, F, C, RPD>(&self, device: Arc<Device>, queue_family: QueueFamily,
framebuffer: Arc<F>, clear_values: C, pipeline: PipelineImpl<RPD>,
dynamic: &DynamicState, sets: S) -> Result<AutoCommandBuffer, Error>
where S: DescriptorSetsCollection + Clone,
F: FramebufferAbstract + RenderPassDescClearValues<C> + Send + Sync + 'static,
RPD: RenderPassDesc + RenderPassDescClearValues<Vec<ClearValue>> + Send + Sync + 'static {
if let Some(main_scene_index) = self.document.default_scene().map(|default_scene| default_scene.index()) {
self.draw_scene(device, queue_family, framebuffer, clear_values, pipeline, dynamic, sets, main_scene_index)
} else {
pub fn draw_node<'a, S, RPD>(&self, node: Node<'a>, mut command_buffer: AutoCommandBufferBuilder, pipeline: PipelineImpl<RPD>, dynamic: &DynamicState, sets: S)
-> AutoCommandBufferBuilder
where S: DescriptorSetsCollection + Clone,
RPD: RenderPassDesc + RenderPassDescClearValues<Vec<ClearValue>> + Send + Sync + 'static {
if let Some(mesh) = node.mesh() {
command_buffer = self.draw_mesh(mesh, command_buffer, pipeline.clone(), dynamic, sets.clone());
for child in node.children() {
command_buffer = self.draw_node(child, command_buffer, pipeline.clone(), dynamic, sets.clone());
pub fn draw_mesh<'a, S, RPD>(&self, mesh: Mesh<'a>, mut command_buffer: AutoCommandBufferBuilder, pipeline: PipelineImpl<RPD>, dynamic: &DynamicState, sets: S)
-> AutoCommandBufferBuilder
where S: DescriptorSetsCollection + Clone,
RPD: RenderPassDesc + RenderPassDescClearValues<Vec<ClearValue>> + Send + Sync + 'static {
for primitive in mesh.primitives() {
let positions_accessor = primitive.get(&Semantic::Positions).unwrap();
let indices_accessor = primitive.indices();
let vertex_slice: BufferSlice<[Position], Arc<CpuAccessibleBuffer<[u8]>>> = {
let buffer_view = positions_accessor.view();
let buffer_index = buffer_view.buffer().index();
let buffer_offset = positions_accessor.offset() + buffer_view.offset();
let buffer_bytes = positions_accessor.size() * positions_accessor.count();
// println!("positions:");
// println!("\tindex: {}", buffer_index);
// println!("\toffset: {}", buffer_offset);
// println!("\tbytes: {}", buffer_bytes);
let vertex_buffer = self.device_buffers[buffer_index].clone();
let vertex_slice = BufferSlice::from_typed_buffer_access(vertex_buffer)
.slice(buffer_offset..(buffer_offset + buffer_bytes))
unsafe { mem::transmute(vertex_slice) }
let index_slice: Option<BufferSlice<_, _>> =|indices_accessor| {
let buffer_view = indices_accessor.view();
let buffer_index = buffer_view.buffer().index();
let buffer_offset = indices_accessor.offset() + buffer_view.offset();
let buffer_bytes = indices_accessor.size() * indices_accessor.count();
// println!("indices:");
// println!("\tindex: {}", buffer_index);
// println!("\toffset: {}", buffer_offset);
// println!("\tbytes: {}", buffer_bytes);
let index_buffer = self.device_buffers[buffer_index].clone();
let index_slice = BufferSlice::from_typed_buffer_access(index_buffer)
.slice(buffer_offset..(buffer_offset + buffer_bytes))
unsafe { mem::transmute::<_, BufferSlice<[u16], Arc<CpuAccessibleBuffer<[u8]>>>>(index_slice) }
// unsafe {
// let index_slice: BufferSlicePublic<[u16], Arc<CpuAccessibleBuffer<[u8]>>> = mem::transmute(index_slice);
// println!("index_slice: {:?}", index_slice);
// }
// unsafe {
// let vertex_slice: BufferSlicePublic<[u16], Arc<CpuAccessibleBuffer<[u8]>>> = mem::transmute(vertex_slice);
// println!("vertex_slice: {:?}", vertex_slice);
// }
if let Some(index_slice) = index_slice {
command_buffer = command_buffer.draw_indexed(
() /* push_constants */).unwrap();
} else {
command_buffer = command_buffer.draw(
() /* push_constants */).unwrap();
// #[derive(Debug)]
// pub struct BufferSlicePublic<T: ?Sized, B> {
// pub marker: PhantomData<T>,
// pub resource: B,
// pub offset: usize,
// pub size: usize,
// }
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