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Using Visual Studio debugger to figure out game crash reason.

Installing Visual Studio.

First of all you need to install Visual Studio. In this guide I will be using Visual Studio 2022, however 2019 will work as well.

Download it here:

Select "Visual Studio Community" and run downloaded executable. Wait until visual studio installer gets installed. Then go to "Individual components", select "Just-In-Time debugger" and press "Install" button. You only need this component, however, if you wish, you may install any additional ones.


Limiana / SplatoonStepRadius
Created September 6, 2021 09:52
Show radius of steps while dancing
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<TriggernometryExport Version="1">
<ExportedFolder Id="36458808-db13-433d-b261-4e47ea27803b" Name="Step radius" Enabled="true">
<Folders />
<Trigger Enabled="true" Name="Show" Id="782353f8-a23a-45ca-a7ce-4f6a6c6495f5" RegularExpression="(?&lt;timestamp&gt;(?:^.{14})) 1A:(?&lt;targetId&gt;(?:[0-9A-F]{8})):(?&lt;target&gt;(?:.*?)) gains the effect of (Standard|Technical) Step from (?&lt;source&gt;(?:.*?)) for (?&lt;duration&gt;(?:-?[0-9]+(?:[.,][0-9]+)?(?:E-?[0-9]+)?)) Seconds\.">
<Action OrderNumber="1" JsonEndpointExpression=";destroyAt=15000" JsonPayloadExpression="{&#xD;&#xA; &quot;type&quot;: 1,&#xD;&#xA; &quot;refX&quot;: 101.507187,&#xD;&#xA; &quot;refY&quot;: -144.548019,&#xD;&#xA; &quot;refZ&quot;: 57.0827446,&#xD;&#xA; &quot;radius&quot;: 15.0,&#xD;&#xA; &quot;color&quot;: 3355508735,&#xD;&#xA; &quot;refActorType&quot;: 1&#xD;&#xA;}" LogLevel="-1" MouseX="" MouseY="" Text