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Created January 23, 2020 12:20
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module Program
open System.Collections.Generic
open BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes
open BenchmarkDotNet.Running
[<SimpleJob(launchCount = 3, warmupCount = 3, targetCount = 5)>]
type Benchs() =
member val N = 0 with get, set
member __.Indexes = [
for i = 0 to __.N do yield i
member __.Map =
Map.ofSeq <| seq {
for i = 0 to __.N do
yield i, i+1
member __.Dict =
let seq = seq {
for i = 0 to __.N do
yield KeyValuePair.Create(i, i+1)
new Dictionary<_, _>(seq)
member __.mapTest(index) =
Map.tryFind index __.Map
member __.dictTest(index) =
__.Dict.ContainsKey index
let main argv =
let summary = BenchmarkRunner.Run<Benchs>();
0 // return an integer exit code
| Method | N | index | Mean | Error | StdDev | Gen 0 | Gen 1 | Gen 2 | Allocated |
|--------- |-------- |------ |-------------------:|-----------------:|-----------------:|-----------:|----------:|----------:|------------:|
| mapTest | 1 | 0 | 242.4 ns | 41.02 ns | 38.37 ns | 0.0100 | - | - | 392 B |
| dictTest | 1 | 0 | 209.2 ns | 11.60 ns | 10.85 ns | 0.0098 | - | - | 392 B |
| mapTest | 1000 | 0 | 598,627.5 ns | 34,521.99 ns | 32,291.89 ns | 12.6953 | - | - | 514304 B |
| dictTest | 1000 | 0 | 51,512.4 ns | 1,673.77 ns | 1,565.65 ns | 1.9531 | 0.0610 | - | 73368 B |
| mapTest | 1000000 | 0 | 1,379,134,146.7 ns | 64,264,994.87 ns | 60,113,516.07 ns | 25000.0000 | 2000.0000 | 1000.0000 | 993666848 B |
| dictTest | 1000000 | 0 | 61,881,864.2 ns | 2,370,891.23 ns | 2,217,733.12 ns | 375.0000 | 375.0000 | 375.0000 | 53889410 B |
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