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Created August 21, 2023 23:00
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use futures::lock::Mutex;
use helix_term::commands::{paste_impl, Context, MappableCommand, Paste};
use helix_view::current;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use std::sync::Arc;
use helix_term::tokio;
// in another file, i copied the `` from
// but renamed it horribly to `theme_watcher_macos`
mod theme_watcher_macos;
use theme_watcher_macos::Appearance;
pub extern "C" fn register_commands() -> Vec<MappableCommand> {
vec![MappableCommand::Static {
name: "hello_world",
fun: command_hello_world,
doc: "A hello world command",
lazy_static! {
static ref IS_DARK: Arc<Mutex<bool>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(false));
static ref RUNTIME: tokio::runtime::Runtime = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap();
pub extern "C" fn init(context: &mut Context<'_>) {
let _runtime = RUNTIME.enter();
// try observe early
// idk what only_changes print, try printing it out anyway to see if
// it also contains the `old_value`?
let mut curr_appearance = Appearance::Light; // might need Mutex<Arc>> here
let watcher =
theme_watcher_macos::run(!context.quit || !context.only_changes, move |appearance| {
// set current appearance
curr_appearance = appearance;
println!("Current appearance is: {}", appearance); // light / dark
tokio::spawn(async move {
loop {
let mut is_dark = IS_DARK.lock().await;
*is_dark = std::process::Command::new("defaults")
.map(|o| o.stdout.starts_with(b"Dark"))
// does this work?????
// println!("🤔 {:?}", is_dark);
pub extern "C" fn deinit() {}
pub fn command_hello_world(context: &mut Context) {
let _runtime = RUNTIME.enter();
let count = context.count();
let (view, doc) = current!(context.editor);
let values = &["hello world! !!! 💞".to_string()];
paste_impl(values, doc, view, Paste::After, count, context.editor.mode);
pub extern "C" fn render(context: &mut helix_term::compositor::Context<'_>) {
fn set_theme_based_on_mode(editor: &mut helix_view::Editor) {
let is_dark = RUNTIME.block_on(async { *IS_DARK.lock().await });
let theme_name = if is_dark {
} else {
let theme = editor.theme_loader.load(theme_name).unwrap();
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