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Created February 18, 2017 04:15
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Compare versions in Bash
# -*- tab-width: 2; encoding: utf-8 -*-
## @file version_compare
## Compare [semantic] versions in Bash, comparable to PHP's version_compare function.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
## @author Mark Carver <>
## @copyright MIT
## @version 1.0.0
## @see
APP_NAME=$(basename ${0})
# Version compare
function version_compare () {
# Default to a failed comparison result.
local -i result=1;
# Ensure there are two versions to compare.
[ $# -lt 2 ] || [ -z "${1}" ] || [ -z "${2}" ] && echo "${FUNCNAME[0]} requires a minimum of two arguments to compare versions." &>/dev/stderr && return ${result}
# Determine the operation to perform, if any.
local op="${3}"
# Convert passed versions into values for comparison.
local v1=$(version_compare_convert ${1})
local v2=$(version_compare_convert ${2})
# Immediately return when comparing version equality (which doesn't require sorting).
if [ -z "${op}" ]; then
[ "${v1}" == "${v2}" ] && echo 0 && return;
if [ "${op}" == "!=" ] || [ "${op}" == "<>" ] || [ "${op}" == "ne" ]; then
if [ "${v1}" != "${v2}" ]; then let result=0; fi;
return ${result};
elif [ "${op}" == "=" ] || [ "${op}" == "==" ] || [ "${op}" == "eq" ]; then
if [ "${v1}" == "${v2}" ]; then let result=0; fi;
return ${result};
elif [ "${op}" == "le" ] || [ "${op}" == "<=" ] || [ "${op}" == "ge" ] || [ "${op}" == ">=" ] && [ "${v1}" == "${v2}" ]; then
if [ "${v1}" == "${v2}" ]; then let result=0; fi;
return ${result};
# If we get to this point, the versions should be different.
# Immediately return if they're the same.
[ "${v1}" == "${v2}" ] && return ${result}
local sort='sort'
# If only one version has a pre-release label, reverse sorting so
# the version without one can take precedence.
[[ "${v1}" == *"-"* ]] && [[ "${v2}" != *"-"* ]] || [[ "${v2}" == *"-"* ]] && [[ "${v1}" != *"-"* ]] && sort="${sort} -r"
# Sort the versions.
local -a sorted=($(printf "%s\n%s" "${v1}" "${v2}" | ${sort}))
# No operator passed, indicate which direction the comparison leans.
if [ -z "${op}" ]; then
if [ "${v1}" == "${sorted[0]}" ]; then echo -1; else echo 1; fi
case "${op}" in
"<" | "lt" | "<=" | "le") if [ "${v1}" == "${sorted[0]}" ]; then let result=0; fi;;
">" | "gt" | ">=" | "ge") if [ "${v1}" == "${sorted[1]}" ]; then let result=0; fi;;
return ${result}
# Converts a version string to an integer that is used for comparison purposes.
function version_compare_convert () {
local version="${@}"
# Remove any build meta information as it should not be used per semver spec.
# Extract any pre-release label.
local prerelease
[[ "${version}" = *"-"* ]] && prerelease=${version##*-}
[ -n "${prerelease}" ] && prerelease="-${prerelease}"
# Separate version (minus pre-release label) into an array using periods as the separator.
local OLDIFS=${IFS} && local IFS=. && version=(${version%-*}) && IFS=${OLDIFS}
# Unfortunately, we must use sed to strip of leading zeros here.
local major=$(echo ${version[0]:=0} | sed 's/^0*//')
local minor=$(echo ${version[1]:=0} | sed 's/^0*//')
local patch=$(echo ${version[2]:=0} | sed 's/^0*//')
local build=$(echo ${version[3]:=0} | sed 's/^0*//')
# Combine the version parts and pad everything with zeros, except major.
printf "%s%04d%04d%04d%s\n" "${major}" "${minor}" "${patch}" "${build}" "${prerelease}"
# Color Support
# See:
if test -t 1; then
ncolors=$(tput colors)
if test -n "$ncolors" && test $ncolors -ge 8; then
bold="$(tput bold)" && underline="$(tput smul)" && standout="$(tput smso)" && normal="$(tput sgr0)"
black="$(tput setaf 0)" && red="$(tput setaf 1)" && green="$(tput setaf 2)" && yellow="$(tput setaf 3)"
blue="$(tput setaf 4)" && magenta="$(tput setaf 5)" && cyan="$(tput setaf 6)" && white="$(tput setaf 7)"
function version_compare_usage {
echo "${bold}${APP_NAME} (${APP_VERSION})${normal}"
echo "Compare [semantic] versions in Bash, comparable to PHP's version_compare function."
echo "${bold}Usage:${normal}"
echo " ${APP_NAME} [-hV] ${cyan}<version1> <version2>${normal} [${cyan}<operator>${normal}]"
echo "${bold}Required arguments:${normal}"
echo " - ${cyan}<version1>${normal}: First version number to compare."
echo " - ${cyan}<version2>${normal}: Second version number to compare."
echo "${bold}Optional arguments:${normal}"
echo " - ${cyan}<operator>${normal}: When this argument is provided, it will test for a particular"
echo " relationship. This argument is case-sensitive, values should be lowercase."
echo " Possible operators are:"
echo " ${bold}=, ==, eq${normal} (equal)"
echo " ${bold}>, gt${normal} (greater than)"
echo " ${bold}>=, ge${normal} (greater than or equal)"
echo " ${bold}<, lt${normal} (less than)"
echo " ${bold}<=, le${normal} (less than or equal)"
echo " ${bold}!=, <>, ne${normal} (not equal)"
echo "${bold}Return Value:${normal}"
echo " There are two distinct operation modes for ${APP_NAME}. It's solely based"
echo " on whether or not the ${cyan}<operator>${normal} argument was provided:"
echo " - When ${cyan}<operator>${normal} IS provided, ${APP_NAME} will return either a 0 or 1"
echo " exit code (no output printed to /dev/stdout) based on the result of the ${cyan}<operator>${normal}"
echo " relationship between the versions. This is particularly useful in cases where"
echo " testing versions can, historically, be quite cumbersome:"
echo " ${magenta}! ${APP_NAME} \${version1} \${version2} \">\" && echo \"You have not met the minimum version requirements.\" && exit 1${normal}"
echo " You can, of course, opt for the more traditional/verbose conditional"
echo " block in that suites your fancy:"
echo " ${magenta}${APP_NAME} \${version1} \${version2}"
echo " if [ \$? -gt 0 ]; then"
echo " echo \"You have not met the minimum version requirements.\""
echo " exit 1"
echo " fi${normal}"
echo " - When ${cyan}<operator>${normal} is NOT provided, ${APP_NAME} will output (print to /dev/stdout):"
echo " -1: ${cyan}<version1>${normal} is lower than ${cyan}<version2>${normal}"
echo " 0: ${cyan}<version1>${normal} and ${cyan}<version2>${normal} are equal"
echo " 1: ${cyan}<version2>${normal} is lower than ${cyan}<version1>${normal}"
echo " This mode is primarily only ever helpful when there is a need to determine the"
echo " relationship between two versions and provide logic for all three states:"
echo " ${magenta}ret=\$(${APP_NAME} \${version1} \${version2})"
echo " if [ \"\${ret}\" == \"-1\" ]; then"
echo " # Do some logic here."
echo " elif [ \"\${ret}\" == \"0\" ]; then"
echo " # Do some logic here."
echo " else"
echo " # Do some logic here."
echo " fi${normal}"
echo " While there are use cases for both modes, it's recommended that you provide an"
echo " ${cyan}<operator>${normal} argument to reduce any logic whenever possible."
echo "${bold}Options:${normal}"
echo " ${bold}-h${normal} Display this help and exit."
echo " ${bold}-V${normal} Display version information and exit."
# Do not continue if sourced.
[[ ${0} != "$BASH_SOURCE" ]] && return
# Process options.
while getopts ":hV" opt; do
case $opt in
h) version_compare_usage && exit;;
V) echo "${APP_VERSION}" && exit;;
\?|*) echo "${red}${APP_NAME}: illegal option: -- ${OPTARG}${normal}" >&2 && echo && version_compare_usage && exit 64;;
shift $((OPTIND-1)) # Remove parsed options.
# Allow script to be invoked as a CLI "command" by proxying arguments to the internal function.
[ $# -gt 0 ] && version_compare ${@}
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