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Created January 11, 2016 19:38
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Save LincolnBryant/03f0af2f291611704565 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

The "Campus Factory" script basically monitors schedds for idle jobs and submits as appropriate to the remote cluster. A typical submission looks like this:

condor_submit /home/ruc.clemson/bosco/libexec/campus_factory/share/glidein_jobs/job.submit.template  -a REMOTE_SCHEDULER="pbs" -a WN_TMP="/local_scratch" -a GLIDEIN_Site="" -a GLIDEIN_DIR="/home/ruc.clemson/bosco/libexec/campus_factory/share/glidein_jobs" -a REMOTE_FACTORY="/scratch1/osgconnect/bosco/clemson/campus_factory" -a PASSWDFILE_LOCATION="/home/ruc.clemson/bosco/local.bosco/passwdfile" -a BOSCOCluster="" -a GLIDEIN_HOST="" -a REMOTE_CLUSTER=""

I suspect APF can completely replace this component.

The job submit template looks like this:

# Glidein Job submission

# Define the default variables that will be used below
# NOTE - These will be automatically overwritten by configuration options
BOSCOCluster = None				# From Cluster Hosts in campus_factory.conf
GLIDEIN_HOST = $(BOSCOCluster)          # From COLLECTOR_HOST from condor_config
WN_TMP = /local_scratch                # From worker_tmp from campus_factory.conf

Universe = Grid

Executable = $(GLIDEIN_DIR)/

Arguments = -dyn -f

Environment =	_condor_CONDOR_HOST=$(GLIDEIN_HOST);			\
		_condor_CONDOR_ADMIN=condor@$(GLIDEIN_HOST);		\
		_condor_NUM_CPUS=1;			\
		_condor_UID_DOMAIN=$(GLIDEIN_HOST);			\
		_condor_MAIL=/bin/mail;					\
		_condor_GLIDEIN_Site="$(GLIDEIN_Site)";			\
		_condor_BOSCOCluster="$(BOSCOCluster)";			\
		_campusfactory_wntmp=$(WN_TMP);				\

transfer_input_files =	$(GLIDEIN_DIR)/glidein_condor_config,		\
			$(GLIDEIN_DIR)/,		\
			$(GLIDEIN_DIR)/,			\
			$(GLIDEIN_DIR)/glidein_startup,			\
			$(GLIDEIN_DIR)/lockfile,			\
			$(GLIDEIN_DIR)/,			\
			$(GLIDEIN_DIR)/,		\
			$(GLIDEIN_DIR)/glideinExec.tar.gz,		\
			$(GLIDEIN_DIR)/connect.tar.gz,			\

should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
output = output
error = error

# Remove the job if it gets held for too long (1 hour)
PeriodicRemove = (JobStatus == 5 && time() - EnteredCurrentStatus > 300*1*1)
GlobusRSL =


Notification = Never

Some stuff seems to happen within the condor_gridmanager that invokes whatever is defined at $(REMOTE_GAHP). This seems to be roughly around line 237 in htcondor/src/condor_gridmanager/infnbatchjob.cpp:

  if ( gahp_args.Count() > 0 ) {
    gahp_path = param( "REMOTE_GAHP" );
    if ( gahp_path == NULL ) {
      formatstr( error_string, "REMOTE_GAHP not defined" );
      goto error_exit;
  } else {
    // CRUFT: BATCH_GAHP was added in 7.7.6.
    //   Checking <batch-type>_GAHP should be removed at some
    //   point in the future.
    if ( strcasecmp( batchType, "condor" ) ) {
      formatstr( buff, "%s_GAHP", batchType );
      gahp_path = param(buff.c_str());
    if ( gahp_path == NULL ) {
      gahp_path = param( "BATCH_GAHP" );
      if ( gahp_path == NULL ) {
        formatstr( error_string, "Neither %s nor %s defined", buff.c_str(),
             "BATCH_GAHP" );
        goto error_exit;

For us, $(REMOTE_GAHP) is defined to be

$ condor_config_val REMOTE_GAHP

which is a shim script that sets up the SSH tunnel between our factory and the remote clusters and runs $REMOTE_GLITE/bin/batch_gahp.

On the remote side in this case, $REMOTE_GLITE resolves to: /home/osgconnect/bosco/

which is a directory created on the remote side during the "bosco_setup" phase, containing the BLAH scripts and batch_gahp:

$ ./batch_gahp sh: /etc/batch_gahp.config: No such file or directory $GahpVersion: 1.16.5 Mar 31 2008 INFN\ blahpd\ (poly,new_esc_format) $

I don't know much about GAHP, but I assume this is where the conversion magic actually happens on the remote side.

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