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Created December 9, 2019 01:20
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Option Explicit
Dim Shell
Call Main()
Public Sub Main()
Dim FolderFSO
Dim Folder
Set Shell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set FolderFSO = FSO.GetFolder(".")
Set Folder = Shell.Namespace(FolderFSO.Path)
PropertyNamesTest Folder
'SingleItemTest Folder, "wxDKA5YwOJA.jpg"
'SingleItemTest Folder, "Descript.ion"
'MultiItemTest Folder
MultiItemTestFSO Folder, FolderFSO
End Sub
Private Sub PropertyNamesTest(ByRef Folder)
For TMP = -1 To 1000
If IsNoProperty(Folder, Folder.Items, TMP, TXT) Then
WScript.Echo ""
Exit For
WScript.Echo TMP & " ==> " & TXT
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SingleItemTest(ByRef Folder, ByVal FileName)
Dim File
Set File = Folder.ParseName(FileName)
SingleItemTest Folder, File
End Sub
Private Sub SingleItemTest2(ByRef Folder, ByRef File)
Dim TXT1
Dim TXT2
TMP = -2
If Not IsNoProperty(Folder, Folder.Items, TMP, TXT1) Or _
Not IsNoProperty(Folder, File, TMP, TXT2) Then
If TXT2 <> "" Then _
WScript.Echo TMP & " :: " & TXT1 & " :: " & TXT2
Exit Do
End If
TMP = TMP + 1
End Sub
Private Sub MultiItemTest(ByRef Folder)
Dim File
For Each File In Folder.Items
WScript.Echo "### " & File
WScript.Echo ""
SingleItemTest2 Folder, File
WScript.Echo ""
End Sub
Private Sub MultiItemTestFSO(ByRef Folder, ByRef FolderFSO)
Dim FileFSO
Dim File
Dim Collection
For Each Collection In Array(FolderFSO.SubFolders, FolderFSO.Files)
For Each FileFSO In Collection
WScript.Echo "### " & FileFSO.Name
WScript.Echo ""
Set File = Folder.ParseName(FileFSO.Name)
SingleItemTest2 Folder, File
WScript.Echo ""
End Sub
' GetDetailsOf
' ------------
' An Integer value that specifies the information to be retrieved.
' The information available for an item depends on the folder in
' which it is displayed. This value corresponds to the zero-based
' column number that is displayed in a Shell view. For an item in
' the file system, this can be one of the following values:
' (0) Retrieves the name of the item.
' (1) Retrieves the size of the item.
' (2) Retrieves the type of the item.
' (3) Retrieves the date and time that the item was last modified.
' (4) Retrieves the attributes of the item.
' (-1) Retrieves the info tip information for the item.
Private Function IsNoProperty(ByRef FolderObject, _
ByRef ItemToCheck, _
ByVal PropertyIndex, _
ByRef lpActualValue)
IsNoProperty = True
TXT = FolderObject.GetDetailsOf(ItemToCheck, PropertyIndex)
If TXT = "" Then
TXT = FolderObject.GetDetailsOf(ItemToCheck, PropertyIndex + 1)
If TXT = "" Then
TXT = FolderObject.GetDetailsOf(ItemToCheck, PropertyIndex + 2)
If TXT = "" Then
TXT = FolderObject.GetDetailsOf(ItemToCheck, PropertyIndex + 3)
If TXT = "" Then
TXT = FolderObject.GetDetailsOf(ItemToCheck, PropertyIndex + 4)
If TXT = "" Then
TXT = FolderObject.GetDetailsOf(ItemToCheck, PropertyIndex + 5)
If TXT = "" Then
TXT = FolderObject.GetDetailsOf(ItemToCheck, PropertyIndex + 6)
If TXT = "" Then
lpActualValue = ""
Exit Function
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
lpActualValue = FolderObject.GetDetailsOf(ItemToCheck, PropertyIndex)
IsNoProperty = False
End Function
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