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Created June 3, 2019 15:46
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Bug when try to "Load into REPL"
(define-keyset "test-keyset" (read-keyset "test-keyset"))
(module acct-module "test-keyset"
@doc "account schema module"
(defschema account
@model [(invariant (>= balance 0))]
(deftable accounts:{account})
(interface coin-sig
"Example Coin Contract"
(use acct-module)
(defun transfer (from:string to:string amount:integer)
@doc "Transfer money between accounts"
@model [(property (row-enforced accounts "ks" from))
(property (> amount 0))
;;(property (= 0 (column-delta accounts "balance")))
;;(property (<= 0 (cell-delta accounts "balance" from)))
(property (!= from to)) ]
(module test-impl "test-keyset"
@doc "test if implementing test-sig resolves schema type"
(use acct-module)
(implements coin-sig)
(defun transfer (from:string to:string amount:integer)
(with-read accounts from { 'balance := from-bal, 'ks := from-ks }
(with-read accounts to { 'balance := to-bal }
(enforce-keyset from-ks)
(enforce (>= from-bal amount) "Insufficient Funds")
(enforce (> amount 0) "Non-positive amount")
(enforce (!= from to) "Sender is the recipient")
(update accounts from { "balance": (- 0 amount) })
(update accounts to { "balance": (+ to-bal amount) }))))
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