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Created December 20, 2018 23:55
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Uses type families, GADTs, and Singletons to abstract over Scheme Options
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
import Data.Kind
import qualified Crypto.Ed25519.Pure as Ed25519
data SchemeOptions = ED2551' | ETH'
data PPKScheme' :: SchemeOptions -> Type where
ED2551 :: PPKScheme' ED2551'
ETH :: PPKScheme' ETH'
instance Scheme (PPKScheme' ED2551') where
type SchemePubKey (PPKScheme' ED2551') = Ed25519.PublicKey
type SchemePrivKey (PPKScheme' ED2551') = Ed25519.PrivateKey
formatPubKey _ p = Ed25519.exportPublic p
class Scheme a where
type SchemePubKey a
type SchemePrivKey a
formatPubKey :: a -> SchemePubKey a -> ByteString
testScheme :: IO (ByteString)
testScheme = do
(s,p) <- genKeyPairEd
let scheme = ED2551
return $ formatPubKey scheme p
genKeyPairEd :: IO (Ed25519.PrivateKey, Ed25519.PublicKey)
genKeyPairEd = do
g :: SystemRandom <- newGenIO
case Ed25519.generateKeyPair g of
Left _ -> error "Something went wrong in genKeyPairs"
Right (s,p,_) -> return (s,p)
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