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Created May 19, 2017 15:36
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  • Save LinerSRT/edc46604734954f7d19c6c9aa9171d0b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save LinerSRT/edc46604734954f7d19c6c9aa9171d0b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
export curdate=`date "+_%Y:%M"`
red=$(tput setaf 1) # red
grn=$(tput setaf 2) # green
cya=$(tput setaf 6) # cyan
txtbld=$(tput bold) # Bold
bldred=${txtbld}$(tput setaf 1) # red
bldgrn=${txtbld}$(tput setaf 2) # green
bldblu=${txtbld}$(tput setaf 4) # blue
bldcya=${txtbld}$(tput setaf 6) # cyan
txtrst=$(tput sgr0) # Resetz
read LAST_BUILD < <(cat ~/out/last_build.txt)
read ERR_COUNT < <(cat ~/out/error_count.txt)
read NUMBER < <(cat ~/out/build_num.txt)
read BUILD_DATE< <(date "+%Y/%m/%d/ %H:%M")
read SIZE_OUT < <(du -h ~/out | grep -o "[0-9]*[M,G,T,K]")
cd 5010
VER=$(grep -o "VERSION = [0-9]" Makefile | grep -o "[0-9]")
PATCH=$(grep -o "PATCHLEVEL = [0-9]*" Makefile | grep -o "[0-9]*")
SUB=$(grep -o "SUBLEVEL = [0-9]*" Makefile | grep -o "[0-9]*")
read CPU < <(grep -o "MT[0-9]*" arch/arm/configs/pixi4_4_8g1g_defconfig | grep -o "[0-9]*")
echo -e "${txtbld}**********************************************************************************************${txtrst}"
echo -e "${txtbld}* Start building${txtrst}${txtbld}${bldgrn} $VER.$PATCH.$SUB ${txtrst}${txtbld}kernel for${txtrst}${txtbld}${bldgrn} MT$CPU ${txtrst}${txtbld}, please wait and be patient!"
echo -e "${txtbld}**********************************************************************************************${txtrst}"
echo $BUILD_DATE > ~/out/last_build.txt
cd ~/5010 > /dev/null 2>&1
export ARCH=arm > /dev/null 2>&1
export CROSS_COMPILE=~/arm-eabi-4.8/bin/arm-eabi- > /dev/null 2>&1
BUILD_START=$(date +"%s")
make pixi4_4_8g1g_defconfig O=out1 > /dev/null 2>&1
make -j3 O=out1 &> ~/out/
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
mv $PWD/out1/arch/arm/boot/zImage-dtb ~/CarlivImageKitchen64/tcl5022d_3_18/tcl5022d_3_18.img-kernel
cd ~/CarlivImageKitchen64
./repack_img tcl5022d_3_18 > /dev/null 2>&1
mv output/tcl5022d_3_18_repacked.img ~/out/tcl5022d_3_18_test$NUMBER.img
read SIZE_OUT < <(du -h ~/out | grep -o "[0-9]*[M,G,T,K]")
read CHECK_SIZE < <(echo $SIZE_OUT | grep -o "[0-9]*")
if (("$CHECK_SIZE" >= "500")); then
echo -e "${txtbld}**********************************************************************************************${txtrst}"
echo -e "${txtbld}* Size of ${bldcya}~/out${txtrst} ${bldred}reached maximum size${txtrst} ${bldgrn}500M${txtrst}${txtbld}, cleaning. ${txtrst}"
echo -e "${txtbld}**********************************************************************************************${txtrst}"
cd ~/out
rm -rf *.img
mv ~/CarlivImageKitchen64/output/tcl5022d_3_18_repacked.img ~/out/tcl5022d_3_18_test$NUMBER.img
BUILD_END=$(date +"%s")
let "NEW = $NUMBER + 1"
echo $NEW > ~/out/build_num.txt
cd ..
echo -e "${txtbld}**********************************************************************************************${txtrst}"
echo -e "${txtbld}* Firmware ${bldcya}~/out/tcl5022d_3_18_test$NUMBER.img${txtrst} ${txtbld} compiled and packed${txtrst}"
echo -e "${txtbld}* Compilation end with ${bldgrn}$(($DIFF / 60)):$(($DIFF % 60)) (mm:ss)${txtrst}"
echo -e "${txtbld}* Total size output folder: ${bldcya}~/out${txtrst} ${txtbld}is${txtrst} ${bldgrn}$SIZE_OUT ${txtrst}"
echo -e "${txtbld}* Last compilation maded in: ${txtrst}${bldgrn} $LAST_BUILD ${txtrst}"
echo -e "${txtbld}* Total error's count: ${txtrst}${bldred} #$ERR_COUNT ${txtrst}"
echo -e "${txtbld}* Total compilation's count: ${txtrst}${txtbld}${bldgrn} #$NUMBER ${txtrst}${txtbld}"
echo -e "${txtbld}* Platform: ${txtrst}${txtbld}${bldgrn} MT$CPU ${txtrst}${txtbld}"
echo -e "${txtbld}* Target kernel version is: ${txtrst}${txtbld}${bldgrn} $VER.$PATCH.$SUB ${txtrst}${txtbld}"
echo -e "${txtbld}**********************************************************************************************${txtrst}"
#######################Test feature. Open file with error on needed line
read FILENAME < <(cat ~/out/ | grep -o "[/,a-z,_, 0-9]*.[c,h]:[0-9]*:[0-9]*: error" | grep -o "[/,a-z,_, 0-9]*.[c,h]")
read LINE < <(cat ~/out/ | grep -o "[0-9,:]*: error" | grep -o "[0-9]*")
echo -e "${txtbld}${bldred}**********************************************************************************************${txtrst}"
echo -e "${txtbld}${bldred}*${txtrst}${txtbld} Warning! Compilation finished with ${bldred}ERROR! ${txtrst}"
echo -e "${txtbld}${bldred}*${txtrst}${txtbld} Error in file ${bldcya} $FILENAME ${txtrst}${bldred} on${bldgrn} $LINE ${bldred}line ${txtrst}"
echo -e "${txtbld}${bldred}**********************************************************************************************${txtrst}"
#gedit ~/android_kernel3.18_alcatel_5022d/build.log
read ERR_COUNT < <(cat ~/out/error_count.txt)
echo $ERR_COUNT_NUM > ~/out/error_count.txt
gedit +$LINE ~/5010$FILENAME
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