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Last active August 11, 2020 18:49
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The Official Documentation for the Discord Bot, Hulkbot

Hulkbot Official Docs

This is the official documentation for Hulkbot, a wonderful bot programmed in Discord.js. Here, you can find a full list of commands, command usage, and more.

Getting Started with Hulkbot

When Hulkbot joins your server, it'll DM you instructions to get started. To get started using the bot, say h!info in the server, and you'll get some basic info for the bot. To view the commands, say h!help. There! You're started with Hulkbot, the (going to be) best discord bot!


Please note that the bot will only respond to lowercase commands. Don't try to use them in uppercase letters. Won't work! For additional help, see the website here

Commands - Over 40 commands!

1 Advice
2 Auth
3 Avatar
4 Ban
5 Bork
6 Changegame
7 Checkpremium
8 Clearlogs
9 Redeem
10 Coinflip
11 Contact
12 Creators
13 Debug
14 Dnd
15 Eval
16 Help
17 Idle
18 Info
19 Invbot
20 Invite
21 Joinserver
22 Kick
23 Knockknock
24 Leave
25 Listservers
26 Mlg
27 Mute
28 MyID
29 Onbot
30 Perms
31 Ping
32 Purge
33 Question
34 Roast
35 Say
36 ServerID
37 Shutdown
38 Stats
39 Test
40 Unmute
41 Update
42 Uptime
43 Weather
44 Yomomma
45 YouTube


First of all - Creator only commands.
Don't try getting the Owner Only cmds through the help menu, it's set to show creator commands to me and me only.
Don't try using them either, or you'll get a big, loud, and rude 'Nope!' back from the bot.
Bot Creator v
Onbot h!onbot - The bot will come online.
Idlebot h!idlebot - The bot will go idle.
Dnd h!dnd - The bot will go into 'Do Not Disturb' mode.
Invbot h!invbot - The bot will go invisible.
Changegame h!changegame [game] [game] argument must be string. i.e. h!changegame this is a test
Eval h!eval [code] i.e [code] argument must be js code.
Announce h!announce [msg] [msg] must be string. i.e. h!announce [oh my god the borg] yes
Setnick Sets the nickname of the bot.
Debug h!debug - The bot will show it's memory usage, version, and more.

Everyone v

Advice Just use the command with no arguments.
Auth Use the command with no arguments.
Avatar h!avatar @user; Use command with no arguments to get your own avatar.
Ban h!ban @user [reason], command is functional with/without arguments.
Bork h!bork @user; Use command with arguments, no arguments does not work.

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Wow this was a long time ago.

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