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Last active April 12, 2017 20:21
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Puppet 2015.3 Scripts
#!/bin/env python
import time
import requests
import re
from infrastructure.models import Server
from utilities.models import ConnectionInfo
def run(job, logger=None, **kwargs):
This is a sample post-network verification action that can be used to boostrap
a puppet agent onto the node being provisioned and do some initial setup.
Namely, after bootstrapping the agent it adds the node to the group given in
the action input, and runs the puppet agent to apply those changes.
Before running this script, make sure to set up a ConnectionInfo with the name
puppet_master_api_info that has the puppet master's FQDN in the IP/Hostname
field, as well as the username and password for the API.
You must provide the ID of the puppet master server in CB in the action input.
That server must have credentials for remote scripts stored in CB.
In addition, the server being provisioned must have credentials configured to
allow CB to run remote scripts on it.
# first check the prerequisites: need to get puppet master CB server (by ID),
# have credentials on that server for remote scripts, have the ConnectionInfo
# with the puppet master's FQDN, username & password for API, and have credentials
# for remote scripts on this server"Checking prerequisites")
puppet_master_cb_id = {{ id_of_puppet_master_in_cb }}
puppet_master_cb = Server.objects.filter(id=puppet_master_cb_id)
if not puppet_master_cb:
msg = ("The Puppet Master needs to be a server in CB. You said it has ID "
"{}, but there is no such server.").format(puppet_master_cb_id)
return "FAILURE", msg, ""
puppet_master_cb = puppet_master_cb[0]
puppet_master_cb_username = puppet_master_cb.get_credentials().get('username')
puppet_master_cb_password = puppet_master_cb.get_credentials().get('password')
if not puppet_master_cb_username or not puppet_master_cb_password:
msg = ("The Puppet Master server in CB must have a username & password "
"associated with it to use for running remote scripts.")
return "FAILURE", msg, ""
connection_info = ConnectionInfo.objects.filter(name='puppet_master_api_info')
if not connection_info:
msg = ("There must be a ConnectionInfo object with the name 'puppet_master"
"_api_info' that contains the FQDN, API username & API password "
"for the Puppet Master. No such object could be found.")
return "FAILURE", msg, ""
connection_info = connection_info[0]
# FQDN is stored in IP field
puppet_master_api_fqdn = connection_info.ip
puppet_master_api_username = connection_info.username
puppet_master_api_password = connection_info.password
if not puppet_master_api_fqdn or not puppet_master_api_username or not puppet_master_api_password:
msg = ("There is a ConnectionInfo object with the name 'puppet_master_api"
"_info', but it is missing the necessary FQDN, API username, or "
"API password.")
return "FAILURE", msg, ""
# prov jobs only ever have 1 server, so we'll take the first one
server = job.server_set.first()
assert isinstance(server, Server)
server_username = server.get_credentials().get('username')
server_password = server.get_credentials().get('password')
if not server_username or not server_password:
msg = ("The server being provisioned must have a username & password "
"associated with it to use to running remote scripts.")
return "FAILURE", msg, ""
# 1. Remote bootstrap the agent"Bootstrapping the agent")
script = "curl -k https://{0}:8140/packages/current/install.bash | bash -s main:server={0}".format(
server.execute_script(script_contents=script, timeout=600)
# Default behavior is to run agent as a daemon; stop & disable it
server.execute_script(script_contents="service puppet stop")
server.execute_script(script_contents="chkconfig puppet off")
# It's OK for this to return abnormal exit codes, since its cert isn't signed yet
server.execute_script(script_contents="/usr/local/bin/puppet agent -t")
except RuntimeError:
logger.debug("First call to puppet agent -t failed, but that's OK")
# 2. Wait for Node to Request Certificate & Get Cert Name"Getting cert name")
cert_name = ""
while cert_name == "":
cert_name = server.execute_script(script_contents="/usr/local/bin/facter networking.fqdn")
# 3. Wait for Certificate Request to Appear on Puppet Master"Waiting for certificate request on Puppet Master")
cert_req = ""
num_retries = 20
while cert_req == "" and num_retries > 0:
# The grep may not succeed right away
logger.debug("Will test for cert request {} more times".format(num_retries))
# The cert list command only lists unsigned certs, so this will fail
# if the node already has a signed cert
cert_req = puppet_master_cb.execute_script(script_contents="/usr/local/bin/puppet cert list|grep \"{}\"".format(cert_name))
except RuntimeError:
if num_retries == 1:
num_retries -= 1
# (Synchronize servers with CloudBolt) ?????????? PENDING
# Sign the Certificate"Signing the certificate")
cert_sign = ""
while cert_sign == "":
cert_sign = puppet_master_cb.execute_script(script_contents="/usr/local/bin/puppet cert sign {}".format(cert_name))
# ADD THE NODE TO THE GROUP"Adding the node to the group")
# Get an RBAC API Token
url = "https://{}:4433/rbac-api/v1/auth/token".format(puppet_master_api_fqdn)
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
auth_data = {'login': puppet_master_api_username, 'password': puppet_master_api_password}
r =, headers=headers, json=auth_data, verify=False)
logger.debug("Response code for token request: {}".format(r.status_code))
# Returns JSON that contains 'token' key, need value of that key
pe_usertoken = r.json().get('token')
# Get the Existing Group Object
group = '{{ ID_of_group_in_Puppet }}'
url = "https://{}:4433/classifier-api/v1/groups/{}".format(puppet_master_api_fqdn,
headers = {'X-Authentication': pe_usertoken}
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=False)
logger.debug("Response code for getting group object: {}".format(r.status_code))
group_details = r.json()
logger.debug("Group details from API: {}".format(group_details))
# Append the Node to the Group's Rules
# The rule syntax is defined here:
# Assumption: noone else is messing with rules, so it always starts with ‘or’
new_rule = ['=', 'name', '{}'.format(cert_name)]
rules = group_details.get('rule')
# If there are no rules, just set it to the new one; otherwise, append
if rules:
rules = rules + [new_rule]
rules = ['or', new_rule]
group_details['rule'] = rules
# Assign Node to Requested Groups
url = "https://{}:4433/classifier-api/v1/groups/{}".format(
puppet_master_api_fqdn, group)
headers = {'X-Authentication': pe_usertoken, 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
r =, headers=headers, json=group_details, verify=False)
logger.debug("Response code for POSTing modified group: {}".format(r.status_code))
# RUN PUPPET ON THE NODE"Running puppet on the new server")
# Sync Node Until No More Work to Do
agent_result = ""
return_code = '2'
# The puppet agent returns 2 if it's a success but there's more work to do,
# 0 for success with no more work to do, and other for failure
# But sometimes it gives an erroneous "bad" return code early on, so retry
num_retries = 10
p = re.compile(r'RETURNCODEFORCB=(?P<code>[0-9]*)')
while return_code == '2' or (return_code not in ['0','2'] and num_retries > 0):
agent_result = server.execute_script(script_contents="/usr/local/bin/puppet agent -t; echo RETURNCODEFORCB=$?")
m =
return_code ='code')
logger.debug("Return code: {}".format(return_code))
logger.debug("May retry up to {} more times if necessary".format(num_retries))
num_retries -= 1
if return_code != '0':
return "FAILURE", "Error running puppet agent on node", "Result: {}".format(agent_result)
return "", "", ""
# This is for the API; This cannot be 'admin':
# Wait for Node to Request Certificate & Get Cert Name
while :
CERTNAME=`ssh root@$NODE "facter networking.fqdn"`
if [ ! "$CERTNAME" == "" && $exitcode == 0 ]; then
# Wait five seconds
sleep 5
# Stop the node's Puppet Agent
# If we don't do this, the node might check in while we're in the middle of getting rid of it.
ssh root@$NODE "service puppet stop"
ssh root@$NODE "chkconfig puppet off"
# Unpin the node from PE Groups
# -----------------------------
# Get an RBAC API Token
# There are a few ways we can authenticate going forward. One is to generate an API token given a PE username and password; others include whitelisting the server (which was the old way). The token method is pretty new.
PE_USERTOKEN=`curl -k -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d "{\"login\": \"$PE_USERNAME\", \"password\": \"$PE_PASSWORD\"}" https://$PUPPETMASTER:4433/rbac-api/v1/auth/token|grep --color=never -Po '"'"token"'"\s*:\s*"\K([^"]*)'`
# Get the Existing Group Object
# The 'node' element on this object, if it exists, is the existing ruleset for the node-group mapping. If it doesn't exist, we need to create it.
GROUP_DETAILS=`curl -k -X GET https://$PUPPETMASTER:4433/classifier-api/v1/groups/$GROUP_BACON -H "X-Authentication:$PE_USERTOKEN"`
# Append the Node to the Group's Rules
# The rule syntax is defined here:
# We can do a bit better job of parsing through this in multiline python code, e.g. when an 'or' isn't the first bool, etc. (unless CB is managing all of this from the get-go)
pycmd="import json; group=\"${GROUP_DETAILS//\"/\\\"}\"; jsoned=json.loads(group); rules=jsoned.get('rule', None); rules=None if not rules or len(rules)<=2 else [r for r in rules if not isinstance(r, list) or r[2]!=u'${CERTNAME}']; jsoned['rule']=rules; print json.dumps(jsoned);"
NEW_GROUP_DETAILS=`python -c "$pycmd"`
# POST Updated Group to PE
curl -k -X POST https://$PUPPETMASTER:4433/classifier-api/v1/groups/$GROUP_BACON -H "X-Authentication:$PE_USERTOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$NEW_GROUP_DETAILS"
# The output should match $NEW_GROUP_DETAILS.
# Purge the node on the Puppetmaster
# ----------------------------------
# As of PE 2015.??? no longer need to restart memcached, reboot puppetmaster server, or make postgresql UPDATEs
# telling PM to remove from DB
ssh root@$PUPPETMASTER "puppet node purge $CERTNAME"
# Run puppet agent on PM to copy CRL (cert revocation list) to the CA SSL directory - finalize revoking cert
# this should loop until no changes (exit code 2 until 0)
ssh root@$PUPPETMASTER "puppet agent -t"
# Restart the Puppetmaster
# this ensures removal of the agent's cert from the cert list. If you don't do this, the node will check in again and re-register with PuppetDB, once again increasing the license count!
# You have to do this on any load-balanced masters in your system. - include this comment but don’t try to do
ssh root@$PUPPETMASTER "service pe-puppetserver restart"
# Proceed with Deprovisioning
# regular CB deprovisioning steps happen here
# This is for the API; This cannot be 'admin':
# Bootstrap Node
# --------------
# Remote Bootstrap Agent
# (from $src/cbhooks/hookmodules/puppet/
# see also:
ssh root@$NODE "curl -k https://$PUPPETMASTER:8140/packages/current/install.bash | bash -s main:server=$PUPPETMASTER"
# Options: run agent as daemon, run agent on cron, run agent on-demand
ssh root@$NODE "service puppet stop"
ssh root@$NODE "chkconfig puppet off"
# It's OK for this to return abnormal exit codes, since its cert isn't signed yet:
ssh root@$NODE "puppet agent -t" # || [[ $? == 2 ]]"
# Wait for Node to Request Certificate & Get Cert Name
while :
CERTNAME=`ssh root@$NODE "facter networking.fqdn"`
if [ ! "$CERTNAME" == "" && $exitcode == 0 ]; then
# Wait five seconds
sleep 5
# Wait for Certificate Request to Appear on Puppetmaster
while :
CERTREQ=`ssh root@$PUPPETMASTER "puppet cert list|grep \"$CERTNAME\""`
if [ ! "$CERTREQ" == "" && $exitcode == 0 ]; then
sleep 5
# (Synchronize servers with CloudBolt)
# puppet_connector.sync_servers()
# Sign the Certificate
while :
CERTSIGN=`ssh root@$PUPPETMASTER "puppet cert sign $CERTNAME"`
if [ ! "$CERTSIGN" == "" && $exitcode == 0 ]; then
sleep 5
# Add the Node to the Group
# -------------------------
# This can be automatic (based on a group hostname rule) or manual
# This is something that has changed numerous times: there used to be a `puppet node group`, then there was a Rake command… now we have to use the API!
# Get an RBAC API Token
# There are a few ways we can authenticate going forward. One is to generate an API token given a PE username and password; others include whitelisting the server (which was the old way). The token method is pretty new.
#Token lasts for 5 minutes
PE_USERTOKEN=`curl -k -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d "{\"login\": \"$PE_USERNAME\", \"password\": \"$PE_PASSWORD\"}" https://$PUPPETMASTER:4433/rbac-api/v1/auth/token|grep --color=never -Po '"'"token"'"\s*:\s*"\K([^"]*)'`
# Get the Existing Group Object
# The 'node' element on this object, if it exists, is the existing ruleset for the node-group mapping. If it doesn't exist, we need to create it.
GROUP_DETAILS=`curl -k -X GET https://$PUPPETMASTER:4433/classifier-api/v1/groups/$GROUP_BACON -H "X-Authentication:$PE_USERTOKEN"`
# Append the Node to the Group's Rules
# The rule syntax is defined here:
# We can do a bit better job of parsing through this in multiline python code, e.g. when an 'or' isn't the first bool, etc. (unless CB is managing all of this from the get-go)
# Assumption: noone else is messing with rules, so it always starts with ‘or’
pycmd="import json; group=\"${GROUP_DETAILS//\"/\\\"}\"; jsoned=json.loads(group); new_rule=[u'=', u'name', u'$CERTNAME']; rules=jsoned.get('rule'); rules=rules+[new_rule] if rules else [u'or', new_rule]; jsoned['rule']=rules; print json.dumps(jsoned);"
import json
jsoned = response.json()
new_rule=[u'=', u'name', u'$CERTNAME']
if rules:
rules = rules + [new_rule]
rules = ['or', new_rule]
#rules=rules+[new_rule] if rules else [u'or', new_rule]
print json.dumps(jsoned);"
NEW_GROUP_DETAILS=`python -c "$pycmd"`
# ["or", ['~', 'name', 'hostname[0-9]*']]
# Assign Node to Requested Groups
curl -k -X POST https://$PUPPETMASTER:4433/classifier-api/v1/groups/$GROUP_BACON -H "X-Authentication:$PE_USERTOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$NEW_GROUP_DETAILS"
# The output should match $NEW_GROUP_DETAILS.
# Run Puppet on the Node
# ----------------------
# Sync Node Until No More Work to Do
while :
AGENT_RESULT=`ssh root@$NODE "puppet agent -t"`
#;echo RETURNCODE=$?"` RETURNCODE=([0-9]*)
#AGENT_RESULT would have all output - parse return code out of last line (actually think it’s 1st, but should just be able to search) - 2=> try again, 0 => done, other => fail
echo "Puppet Agent Run Results (will run until no changes):"
if [ ! "$AGENT_RESULT" == "" && $exitcode == 0 ]; then
sleep 5
# Check Puppet for Reports that demonstrate the groups are associated?
# Sync CB Server with Node
#!/bin/env python
import time
import requests
import re
from infrastructure.models import Server
from utilities.models import ConnectionInfo
def run(job, logger=None, **kwargs):
This is a sample post-network verification action that can be used to boostrap
a puppet agent onto the node being provisioned and do some initial setup.
Namely, after bootstrapping the agent it adds the node to the group given in
the action input, and runs the puppet agent to apply those changes.
Before running this script, make sure to set up a ConnectionInfo with the name
puppet_master_api_info that has the puppet master's FQDN in the IP/Hostname
field, as well as the username and password for the API.
You must provide the ID of the puppet master server in CB in the action input.
That server must have credentials for remote scripts stored in CB.
In addition, the server being provisioned must have credentials configured to
allow CB to run remote scripts on it.
# first check the prerequisites: need to get puppet master CB server (by ID),
# have credentials on that server for remote scripts, have the ConnectionInfo
# with the puppet master's FQDN, username & password for API, and have credentials
# for remote scripts on this server"Checking prerequisites")
puppet_master_cb_id = {{ id_of_puppet_master_in_cb }}
puppet_master_cb = Server.objects.filter(id=puppet_master_cb_id)
if not puppet_master_cb:
msg = ("The Puppet Master needs to be a server in CB. You said it has ID "
"{}, but there is no such server.").format(puppet_master_cb_id)
return "FAILURE", msg, ""
puppet_master_cb = puppet_master_cb[0]
puppet_master_cb_username = puppet_master_cb.get_credentials().get('username')
puppet_master_cb_password = puppet_master_cb.get_credentials().get('password')
if not puppet_master_cb_username or not puppet_master_cb_password:
msg = ("The Puppet Master server in CB must have a username & password "
"associated with it to use for running remote scripts.")
return "FAILURE", msg, ""
connection_info = ConnectionInfo.objects.filter(name='puppet_master_api_info')
if not connection_info:
msg = ("There must be a ConnectionInfo object with the name 'puppet_master"
"_api_info' that contains the FQDN, API username & API password "
"for the Puppet Master. No such object could be found.")
return "FAILURE", msg, ""
connection_info = connection_info[0]
# FQDN is stored in IP field
puppet_master_api_fqdn = connection_info.ip
puppet_master_api_username = connection_info.username
puppet_master_api_password = connection_info.password
if not puppet_master_api_fqdn or not puppet_master_api_username or not puppet_master_api_password:
msg = ("There is a ConnectionInfo object with the name 'puppet_master_api"
"_info', but it is missing the necessary FQDN, API username, or "
"API password.")
return "FAILURE", msg, ""
server = job.server_set.first()
assert isinstance(server, Server)
server_username = server.get_credentials().get('username')
server_password = server.get_credentials().get('password')
if not server_username or not server_password:
msg = ("The server being provisioned must have a username & password "
"associated with it to use to running remote scripts.")
return "FAILURE", msg, ""
# Get Cert Name"Getting cert name")
cert_name = ""
while cert_name == "":
cert_name = server.execute_script(script_contents="/usr/local/bin/facter networking.fqdn")
# Stop the node's Puppet Agent
# If we don't do this, the node might check in while we're in the middle of getting rid of it.
server.execute_script(script_contents="service puppet stop")
server.execute_script(script_contents="chkconfig puppet off")
# UNPIN THE NODE FROM THE GIVEN GROUP"Unpinning the node from the group")
# Get an RBAC API Token
url = "https://{}:4433/rbac-api/v1/auth/token".format(puppet_master_api_fqdn)
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
auth_data = {'login': puppet_master_api_username, 'password': puppet_master_api_password}
r =, headers=headers, json=auth_data, verify=False)
logger.debug("Response code for token request: {}".format(r.status_code))
# Returns JSON that contains 'token' key, need value of that key
pe_usertoken = r.json().get('token')
# Get the Existing Group Object
group = '{{ ID_of_group_in_Puppet }}'
url = "https://{}:4433/classifier-api/v1/groups/{}".format(puppet_master_api_fqdn,
headers = {'X-Authentication': pe_usertoken}
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=False)
logger.debug("Response code for getting group object: {}".format(r.status_code))
group_details = r.json()
logger.debug("Group details from API: {}".format(group_details))
# Remove the Node from the Group's Rules
# The rule syntax is defined here:
rules = group_details.get('rule')
if rules:
# The initial boolean is not a list; keep it
# For the subsequent lists, only keep those where the 3rd item (value to
# compare) is not the name of this node's cert
rules = [r for r in rules if not isinstance(r, list) or r[2] != cert_name]
# If after removing this node there's only one item, it's the initial
# boolean operator only, so just set rules to None
if len(rules) == 1:
rules = None
group_details['rule'] = rules
# Update the Group in Puppet
url = "https://{}:4433/classifier-api/v1/groups/{}".format(
puppet_master_api_fqdn, group)
headers = {'X-Authentication': pe_usertoken, 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
r =, headers=headers, json=group_details, verify=False)
logger.debug("Response code for POSTing modified group: {}".format(r.status_code))
# PURGE NODE ON PUPPET MASTER"Purging the node on the Puppet Master")
puppet_master_cb.execute_script(script_contents="/usr/local/bin/puppet node purge {}".format(cert_name))
# Run puppet agent on PM to copy CRL to the CA SSL directory AKA finalize revoking cert"Running agent on Puppet Master to finalize revoking cert")
agent_result = ""
return_code = '2'
# The puppet agent returns 2 if it's a success but there's more work to do,
# 0 for success with no more work to do, and other for failure
# But sometimes it gives an erroneous "bad" return code early on, so retry
num_retries = 10
p = re.compile(r'RETURNCODEFORCB=(?P<code>[0-9]*)')
while return_code == '2' or (return_code not in ['0','2'] and num_retries > 0):
agent_result = puppet_master_cb.execute_script(script_contents="/usr/local/bin/puppet agent -t; echo RETURNCODEFORCB=$?")
m =
return_code ='code')
logger.debug("Return code: {}".format(return_code))
logger.debug("May retry up to {} more times if necessary".format(num_retries))
num_retries -= 1
if return_code != '0':
return "FAILURE", "Error running puppet agent on Puppet Master", "Result: {}".format(agent_result)
# Restart the Puppet Master
# This ensures removal of the agent's cert from the cert list. If you don't do this, the node will check in again and re-register with PuppetDB, once again increasing the license count!
# You have to do this on any load-balanced masters in your system."Restarting Puppet Master to ensure removal of cert")
puppet_master_cb.execute_script(script_contents="service pe-puppetserver restart")
return "", "", ""
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Even better than items 1 and 3 above, in an ideal world it would be awesome to have a single API call to remove/decommission a node, which handles all of the multiple steps involved.

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Lingnik commented Mar 9, 2016

Uploaded Lisa's 2nd Python script.

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