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Created October 27, 2022 16:44
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Querying Datasets with Cognates in the Lexibank Repository

Querying Datasets with Cognates in the Lexibank Repository

In order to run the code below (, you need to git-clone the lexibank_analysed package ( and install it using pip. Then, you need to download the script and place it into the lexibank-analysed folder. Before running, you need to run the command cldfbench download in order to download all individual datasets. After that, you can just run the script typing python The output looks as follows:

Dataset Concepts Languages Words Cognates Singletons
bdpa 519 538 50095 750 0
blustaustronesian 210 20 4358 321 2409
bowernpny 344 190 44876 4494 25054
cals 184 88 15826 718 181
carvalhopurus 205 4 731 206 0
chaconarawakan 102 8 711 135 141
chaconbaniwa 243 14 2354 298 312
chaconcolumbian 128 69 9030 1192 1316
chacontukanoan 142 16 1542 141 8
constenlachibchan 110 25 2631 429 976
davletshinaztecan 100 9 854 118 83
deepadungpalaung 100 16 1584 184 35
dravlex 100 20 2127 280 511
dunnaslian 146 32 4560 589 1024
dunnielex 207 20 4393 734 1043
felekesemitic 150 21 3120 356 322
galuciotupi 100 23 2258 303 409
gaotb 100 51 5085 480 665
gerarditupi 244 38 7621 557 525
hattorijaponic 200 10 1986 278 182
kesslersignificance 200 8 1600 214 1031
leekoreanic 246 15 2365 300 93
lieberherrkhobwa 100 22 2144 243 67
listsamplesize 550 4 2429 512 1086
lundgrenomagoa 1807 3 3289 398 2138
mcelhanonhuon 140 14 1960 387 562
nagarajakhasian 200 6 1214 217 517
peirosaustroasiatic 100 109 10706 1117 819
pharaocoracholaztecan 100 9 800 150 152
ratcliffearabic 100 14 1340 98 358
robinsonap 398 13 4841 521 2873
saenkoromance 110 43 4853 224 241
sagartst 250 50 12179 1604 3516
savelyevturkic 254 32 8360 660 245
sidwellbahnaric 200 24 4546 530 525
simsrma 233 11 1055 170 15
starostinpie 110 19 2172 306 328
syrjaenenuralic 173 7 1401 252 618
walworthpolynesian 210 31 7518 664 792
wichmannmixezoquean 110 10 1106 199 140
yanglalo 994 8 8505 1212 10
zhivlovobugrian 110 21 2055 203 39
utoaztecan 121 46 5813 680 1362
abvdoceanic 210 417 85560 7248 21076

To cite this study, please refer to the original blogpost in which it was presented (

Compute coverage for datasets with cognates.
from cldfbench_lexibank_analysed import Dataset as Lexibank
from lingpy import *
from tabulate import tabulate
partial = [
columns = [
'concept_name', 'language_id', 'value', 'form', 'segments',
'cognacy', "cogid_cognateset_id"]
namespace = (
('concept_name', 'concept'),
('language_id', 'doculect'),
("form", "form"),
("value", "value"),
('segments', 'tokens'),
('cognacy', 'cognacy'),
('cogid_cognateset_id', 'cog')
lexibank = Lexibank()
table = []
for row in lexibank.etc_dir.read_csv("lexibank.csv", dicts=True):
if row["CogCore"] == "x" and row["Dataset"] not in partial:
pth = lexibank.raw_dir.joinpath(row["Dataset"], "cldf")
wl = Wordlist.from_cldf(
# workaround for some datasets
new_id = 1
for idx, cog in wl.iter_rows("cog"):
if not cog:
wl[idx, "cog"] = new_id
new_id += 1
# compute etymdict
etd = wl.get_etymdict(ref="cog")
# compute singletons
cognates = len([cog for (cog, idxs) in etd.items() if len(
[idx for idx in idxs if idx]) > 1])
table += [
[row["Dataset"], wl.height, wl.width, len(wl), cognates,
headers=["Dataset", "Concepts", "Languages", "Words", "Cognates",
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