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Created June 26, 2019 13:58
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  • Save LinguList/fa93b0829fede0d6cbb01f4ca5f5b864 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Checking the intersection of concept lists with `pyconcepticon`

Checking the intersection of concept lists with pyconcepticon


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To check the intersection of the lists, type:

$ concepticon --repos=PATH intersection Sagart-2018-250.tsv Bodt-2019-664.tsv 

To check only the coverage, type:

$ concepticon --repos=PATH intersection Sagart-2018-250.tsv Bodt-2019-664.tsv | wc -l 

In both cases, PATH needs to be replaced by your path to concepticon-data on your system.

Bodth-2019-664-1 1 1sg 1209 I
Bodth-2019-664-2 2 2pl.excl 1213 YOU
Bodth-2019-664-3 3 2pl.incl 1131 WE (INCLUSIVE)
Bodth-2019-664-4 4 2sg 1215 THOU
Bodth-2019-664-5 5 3sg 262 HE OR SHE OR IT
Bodth-2019-664-6 6 ablative
Bodth-2019-664-7 7 above, top 2379 UP OR ABOVE
Bodth-2019-664-8 8 achieve, obtain 694 GET
Bodth-2019-664-9 9 aconite
Bodth-2019-664-10 10 after 1685 AFTERWARDS
Bodth-2019-664-11 11 afternoon 1807 AFTERNOON
Bodth-2019-664-12 12 agent
Bodth-2019-664-13 13 alive, healthy 1422 BE ALIVE
Bodth-2019-664-14 14 all 98 ALL
Bodth-2019-664-15 15 allative
Bodth-2019-664-16 16 amaranth
Bodth-2019-664-17 17 angry (vi) 2223 BE ANGRY
Bodth-2019-664-18 18 ant 587 ANT
Bodth-2019-664-19 19 arrow 977 ARROW
Bodth-2019-664-20 20 ascend 705 GO UP (ASCEND)
Bodth-2019-664-21 21 ash 646 ASH
Bodth-2019-664-22 22 ask 1309 ASK (INQUIRE)
Bodth-2019-664-23 23 associative
Bodth-2019-664-24 24 attic
Bodth-2019-664-25 25 axe 677 AXE
Bodth-2019-664-26 26 back (n) 1291 BACK
Bodth-2019-664-27 27 back (wards) 2910 BACK (DIRECTION)
Bodth-2019-664-28 28 bad 1292 BAD
Bodth-2019-664-29 29 bamboo 1927 BAMBOO
Bodth-2019-664-30 30 banana 868 BANANA
Bodth-2019-664-31 31 barley 932 BARLEY
Bodth-2019-664-32 32 bastard 1947 BASTARD
Bodth-2019-664-33 33 bat 1793 BAT
Bodth-2019-664-34 34 beans 832 BEAN
Bodth-2019-664-35 35 bear 1820 BEAR
Bodth-2019-664-36 36 beat, hit 1433 HIT
Bodth-2019-664-37 37 beautiful 1427 BEAUTIFUL
Bodth-2019-664-38 38 bee 665 BEE
Bodth-2019-664-39 39 beer filter
Bodth-2019-664-40 40 beer strainer
Bodth-2019-664-41 41 behind 1686 BEHIND
Bodth-2019-664-42 42 belly, abdomen 2114 BELLY OR STOMACH
Bodth-2019-664-43 43 belt 772 BELT
Bodth-2019-664-44 44 big 1202 BIG
Bodth-2019-664-45 45 bind (v) 1917 TIE
Bodth-2019-664-46 46 bird 937 BIRD
Bodth-2019-664-47 47 bite 1403 BITE
Bodth-2019-664-48 48 bitter (vi) 887 BITTER
Bodth-2019-664-49 49 black 163 BLACK
Bodth-2019-664-50 50 blood 946 BLOOD
Bodth-2019-664-51 51 blow 176 BLOW (WITH MOUTH)
Bodth-2019-664-52 52 blow (wind) 175 BLOW (OF WIND)
Bodth-2019-664-53 53 boar, wild 3154 WILD BOAR
Bodth-2019-664-54 54 boil (water) 792 BOIL (OF LIQUID)
Bodth-2019-664-55 55 boil (n) 793 BOIL (OF SKIN)
Bodth-2019-664-56 56 bone 1394 BONE
Bodth-2019-664-57 57 borrow 1823 BORROW
Bodth-2019-664-58 58 bow 994 BOW
Bodth-2019-664-59 59 brain 1583 BRAIN
Bodth-2019-664-60 60 branch 1531 BRANCH
Bodth-2019-664-61 61 break 2558 BREAK (CLEAVE)
Bodth-2019-664-62 62 breast, milk 2129 BREAST OR MILK
Bodth-2019-664-63 63 breath 870 BREATH
Bodth-2019-664-64 64 bridge 1011 BRIDGE
Bodth-2019-664-65 65 bridge, hanging
Bodth-2019-664-66 66 bring 692 BRING
Bodth-2019-664-67 67 brother (elder) 1759 OLDER BROTHER
Bodth-2019-664-68 68 brother-in-law 2314 BROTHER-IN-LAW
Bodth-2019-664-69 69 brother, younger 1760 YOUNGER BROTHER
Bodth-2019-664-70 70 buckwheat, bitter 3256 BITTER BUCKWHEAT
Bodth-2019-664-71 71 buckwheat, sweet 2040 BUCKWHEAT
Bodth-2019-664-72 72 buffalo 934 BUFFALO
Bodth-2019-664-73 73 Bugun
Bodth-2019-664-74 74 burn (vi) 1428 BURNING
Bodth-2019-664-75 75 burn, roast (vt) 1962 ROAST (SOMETHING)
Bodth-2019-664-76 76 butter 1245 BUTTER
Bodth-2019-664-77 77 butterfly 1791 BUTTERFLY
Bodth-2019-664-78 78 buy 1869 BUY
Bodth-2019-664-79 79 call for 1084 CALL
Bodth-2019-664-80 80 cane 146 SUGAR CANE
Bodth-2019-664-81 81 cap, hat 2130 HEADGEAR
Bodth-2019-664-82 82 carry 465 CARRY ON BACK
Bodth-2019-664-83 83 cat 1208 CAT
Bodth-2019-664-84 84 cattle, cow 1153 CATTLE
Bodth-2019-664-85 85 cave 1155 CAVE
Bodth-2019-664-86 86 charcoal 1188 CHARCOAL
Bodth-2019-664-87 87 chest 1592 CHEST
Bodth-2019-664-88 88 chew 321 CHEW
Bodth-2019-664-89 89 chicken 1318 CHICKEN
Bodth-2019-664-90 90 child 1801 CHILD (DESCENDANT)
Bodth-2019-664-91 91 chili 919 CHILI PEPPER
Bodth-2019-664-92 92 chin 1510 CHIN
Bodth-2019-664-93 93 civet or spotted wild cat 3157 CIVET
Bodth-2019-664-94 94 civet, palm 3157 CIVET
Bodth-2019-664-95 95 clean 704 CLEAN
Bodth-2019-664-96 96 ?
Bodth-2019-664-97 97 cliff, ravine 1930 RAVINE
Bodth-2019-664-98 98 clitoris 3257 CLITORIS
Bodth-2019-664-99 99 clothing 1895 CLOTHES
Bodth-2019-664-100 100 cloud, mist, fog 3275 CLOUD OR FOG
Bodth-2019-664-101 101 cockroach 1575 COCKROACH
Bodth-2019-664-102 102 cold 1287 COLD
Bodth-2019-664-103 103 cold (vi)
Bodth-2019-664-104 104 comb 1475 COMB
Bodth-2019-664-105 105 come 1446 COME
Bodth-2019-664-106 106 comparative degree
Bodth-2019-664-107 107 cook 1100 COOK (SOMETHING)
Bodth-2019-664-108 108 copula, existential 1579 BE
Bodth-2019-664-109 109 copula, negative
Bodth-2019-664-110 110 corpse 767 CORPSE
Bodth-2019-664-111 111 cotton 1850 COTTON
Bodth-2019-664-112 112 cough (vi) 879 COUGH
Bodth-2019-664-113 113 count 1420 COUNT
Bodth-2019-664-114 114 cover (v) 761 COVER
Bodth-2019-664-115 115 creeper, vine
Bodth-2019-664-116 116 crow 913 CROW
Bodth-2019-664-117 117 cry 1839 CRY
Bodth-2019-664-118 118 cucumber 496 CUCUMBER
Bodth-2019-664-119 119 curcuma sp. 2842 TURMERIC
Bodth-2019-664-120 120 cure (vi)
Bodth-2019-664-121 121 cut 2156 CUT (WITH KNIFE)
Bodth-2019-664-122 122 dance 1879 DANCE
Bodth-2019-664-123 123 daughter 1357 DAUGHTER
Bodth-2019-664-124 124 daughter-in-law 1057 DAUGHTER-IN-LAW
Bodth-2019-664-125 125 day after tomorrow 1179 DAY AFTER TOMORROW
Bodth-2019-664-126 126 day after two days 2332 THREE DAYS FROM NOW
Bodth-2019-664-127 127 day before two days 2333 THREE DAYS BEFORE NOW
Bodth-2019-664-128 128 day before yesterday 1180 DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY
Bodth-2019-664-129 129 deaf 996 DEAF
Bodth-2019-664-130 130 deep 1593 DEEP
Bodth-2019-664-131 131 deer, barking 1936 DEER
Bodth-2019-664-132 132 deer, sambar
Bodth-2019-664-133 133 defeat (vi) 782 DEFEAT
Bodth-2019-664-134 134 deity, ghost 1944 GOD
Bodth-2019-664-135 135 descend 2014 GO DOWN (DESCEND)
Bodth-2019-664-136 136 die 1494 DIE
Bodth-2019-664-137 137 dig 1418 DIG
Bodth-2019-664-138 138 dirty 1230 DIRTY
Bodth-2019-664-139 139 disease 1986 DISEASE
Bodth-2019-664-140 140 do 813 DO
Bodth-2019-664-141 141 dog 2009 DOG
Bodth-2019-664-142 142 dog, wild 2448 WILD DOG
Bodth-2019-664-143 143 door 1567 DOOR
Bodth-2019-664-144 144 down 1326 DOWN
Bodth-2019-664-145 145 down (visible)
Bodth-2019-664-146 146 dragon, thunder, lightning
Bodth-2019-664-147 147 dream (n) 2374 DREAM
Bodth-2019-664-148 148 drink 1401 DRINK
Bodth-2019-664-149 149 dry (adj.) 1398 DRY
Bodth-2019-664-150 150 dry, dry up (v.i.) 1786 DRY UP
Bodth-2019-664-151 151 dual
Bodth-2019-664-152 152 eagle, buzzard 2683 EAGLE OR HAWK
Bodth-2019-664-153 153 ear 1247 EAR
Bodth-2019-664-154 154 earthworm 2350 EARTHWORM
Bodth-2019-664-155 155 eat 1336 EAT
Bodth-2019-664-156 156 egg 744 EGG
Bodth-2019-664-157 157 eggplant 1146 AUBERGINE
Bodth-2019-664-158 158 eight 1705 EIGHT
Bodth-2019-664-159 159 elbow 981 ELBOW
Bodth-2019-664-160 160 elephant 1290 ELEPHANT
Bodth-2019-664-161 161 empty 1624 EMPTY
Bodth-2019-664-162 162 excrement 675 FAECES (EXCREMENT)
Bodth-2019-664-163 163 excrete 676 SHIT (DEFECATE)
Bodth-2019-664-164 164 exit 1107 GO OUT
Bodth-2019-664-165 165 eye 1248 EYE
Bodth-2019-664-166 166 face 1560 FACE
Bodth-2019-664-167 167 falcon 3258 FALCON
Bodth-2019-664-168 168 fall 1280 FALL
Bodth-2019-664-169 169 far 1406 FAR
Bodth-2019-664-170 170 fast 1631 FAST
Bodth-2019-664-171 171 fat (n) 1282 FAT (FROM ANIMALS)
Bodth-2019-664-172 172 father 1217 FATHER
Bodth-2019-664-173 173 fear (vi) 1419 FEAR (BE AFRAID)
Bodth-2019-664-174 174 female 1551 FEMALE
Bodth-2019-664-175 175 fence 1690 FENCE
Bodth-2019-664-176 176 fern, fiddlehead
Bodth-2019-664-177 177 fetch
Bodth-2019-664-178 178 few, little 1242 FEW
Bodth-2019-664-179 179 field 212 FIELD
Bodth-2019-664-180 180 finger 1303 FINGER
Bodth-2019-664-181 181 fire 221 FIRE
Bodth-2019-664-182 182 fire prefix
Bodth-2019-664-183 183 fish 227 FISH
Bodth-2019-664-184 184 five 493 FIVE
Bodth-2019-664-185 185 flame 889 FLAME
Bodth-2019-664-186 186 flee 956 FLEE
Bodth-2019-664-187 187 float 1574 FLOAT
Bodth-2019-664-188 188 flour 1594 FLOUR
Bodth-2019-664-189 189 flow 2003 FLOW
Bodth-2019-664-190 190 fly (n) 1504 FLY (INSECT)
Bodth-2019-664-191 191 fly (vi) 1441 FLY (MOVE THROUGH AIR)
Bodth-2019-664-192 192 fodder 3046 FODDER
Bodth-2019-664-193 193 food 256 FOOD
Bodth-2019-664-194 194 forehead 123 FOREHEAD
Bodth-2019-664-195 195 forest 420 FOREST
Bodth-2019-664-196 196 forget 1523 FORGET
Bodth-2019-664-197 197 four 1500 FOUR
Bodth-2019-664-198 198 friend 1325 FRIEND
Bodth-2019-664-199 199 frog 503 FROG
Bodth-2019-664-200 200 frost 2034 FROST
Bodth-2019-664-201 201 fruit 1507 FRUIT
Bodth-2019-664-202 202 frying pan 31 PAN
Bodth-2019-664-203 203 full 1429 FULL
Bodth-2019-664-204 204 gall, bile 1780 BILE
Bodth-2019-664-205 205 garden 586 GARDEN
Bodth-2019-664-206 206 garlic 2368 GARLIC
Bodth-2019-664-207 207 give 1447 GIVE
Bodth-2019-664-208 208 go 695 GO
Bodth-2019-664-209 209 goat 1502 GOAT
Bodth-2019-664-210 210 goitre 1957 GOITER
Bodth-2019-664-211 211 gold 1369 GOLD
Bodth-2019-664-212 212 good 1035 GOOD
Bodth-2019-664-213 213 goral 3259 GORAL
Bodth-2019-664-214 214 gourd 411 GOURD
Bodth-2019-664-215 215 grandfather 1383 GRANDFATHER
Bodth-2019-664-216 216 grandmother 1496 GRANDMOTHER
Bodth-2019-664-217 217 green 1425 GREEN
Bodth-2019-664-218 218 grind, pound 1033 GRIND
Bodth-2019-664-219 219 gum 139 GUMS
Bodth-2019-664-220 220 hail 609 HAIL
Bodth-2019-664-221 221 hair (body): feather 2381 FEATHER OR FUR OR HAIR
Bodth-2019-664-222 222 hair (head) 2648 HAIR (HEAD)
Bodth-2019-664-223 223 halt, stop 2880 HALT (STOP)
Bodth-2019-664-224 224 hand, arm 2121 ARM OR HAND
Bodth-2019-664-225 225 hard 1884 HARD
Bodth-2019-664-226 226 hatch 3116 HATCH (OUT)
Bodth-2019-664-227 227 head 1256 HEAD
Bodth-2019-664-228 228 heart 1223 HEART
Bodth-2019-664-229 229 hearth, fireplace 185 FIREPLACE
Bodth-2019-664-230 230 heavy 1210 HEAVY
Bodth-2019-664-231 231 here 136 HERE
Bodth-2019-664-232 232 hide 2486 HIDE
Bodth-2019-664-233 233 hold 1448 HOLD
Bodth-2019-664-234 234 honey 942 HONEY
Bodth-2019-664-235 235 horn 1393 HORN (ANATOMY)
Bodth-2019-664-236 236 hornbill 3260 HORNBILL
Bodth-2019-664-237 237 hornet 3261 HORNET
Bodth-2019-664-238 238 horse 615 HORSE
Bodth-2019-664-239 239 horsefly 3262 HORSEFLY
Bodth-2019-664-240 240 house 1252 HOUSE
Bodth-2019-664-241 241 how many 822 HOW MANY
Bodth-2019-664-242 242 human being 683 PERSON
Bodth-2019-664-243 243 human being prefix
Bodth-2019-664-244 244 hungry (vi) 1533 BE HUNGRY
Bodth-2019-664-245 245 hunter 1053 HUNTER
Bodth-2019-664-246 246 husband 1200 HUSBAND
Bodth-2019-664-247 247 ice 617 ICE
Bodth-2019-664-248 248 imperative
Bodth-2019-664-249 249 in 1460 IN
Bodth-2019-664-250 250 Indo-Aryan person
Bodth-2019-664-251 251 insect 620 INSECT
Bodth-2019-664-252 252 intestines 1991 INTESTINES
Bodth-2019-664-253 253 iron 621 IRON
Bodth-2019-664-254 254 itch 148 ITCH
Bodth-2019-664-255 255 jackal 2461 WOLF-LIKE ANIMAL
Bodth-2019-664-256 256 Jerigaon people
Bodth-2019-664-257 257 jump 1829 JUMP
Bodth-2019-664-258 258 keep, remain 987 REMAIN
Bodth-2019-664-259 259 Khoitam people
Bodth-2019-664-260 260 kick (v) 1135 KICK
Bodth-2019-664-261 261 kill 1417 KILL
Bodth-2019-664-262 262 kiss (n) 578 KISS
Bodth-2019-664-263 263 knee 1371 KNEE
Bodth-2019-664-264 264 know 1410 KNOW (SOMETHING)
Bodth-2019-664-265 265 ladder 1464 LADDER
Bodth-2019-664-266 266 language 1307 LANGUAGE
Bodth-2019-664-267 267 langur
Bodth-2019-664-268 268 lap 3263 LAP
Bodth-2019-664-269 269 late (vi) 425 BE LATE
Bodth-2019-664-270 270 laugh 1355 LAUGH
Bodth-2019-664-271 271 leaf 628 LEAF
Bodth-2019-664-272 272 leaf litter
Bodth-2019-664-273 273 leech, land 2273 LEECH
Bodth-2019-664-274 274 leech, water 949 WATER LEECH
Bodth-2019-664-275 275 left (side) 244 LEFT
Bodth-2019-664-276 276 leg 1297 LEG
Bodth-2019-664-277 277 lick 319 LICK
Bodth-2019-664-278 278 lie (n) 475 UNTRUTH
Bodth-2019-664-279 279 lift completely, carry 501 LIFT
Bodth-2019-664-280 280 light 1052 LIGHT (WEIGHT)
Bodth-2019-664-281 281 lightning 1654 LIGHTNING
Bodth-2019-664-282 282 like, love 1117 LIKE
Bodth-2019-664-283 283 liquor 842 LIQUOR
Bodth-2019-664-284 284 listen, heed 1635 OBEY
Bodth-2019-664-285 285 live, stay 363 DWELL (LIVE, RESIDE)
Bodth-2019-664-286 286 liver 1224 LIVER
Bodth-2019-664-287 287 load (n) 1679 LOAD
Bodth-2019-664-288 288 locative
Bodth-2019-664-289 289 long 1203 LONG
Bodth-2019-664-290 290 look 1819 LOOK
Bodth-2019-664-291 291 louse 1392 LOUSE
Bodth-2019-664-292 292 lungs 688 LUNG
Bodth-2019-664-293 293 macaque
Bodth-2019-664-294 294 machete 2680 MACHETE
Bodth-2019-664-295 295 maize 506 MAIZE
Bodth-2019-664-296 296 make 734 MAKE
Bodth-2019-664-297 297 male 1553 MALE
Bodth-2019-664-298 298 man 1554 MAN
Bodth-2019-664-299 299 manure 2057 DUNG (ANIMAL FAECES)
Bodth-2019-664-300 300 marrow 1835 MARROW
Bodth-2019-664-301 301 marten
Bodth-2019-664-302 302 meat, animal 2096 ANIMAL OR MEAT
Bodth-2019-664-303 303 medicine 1372 MEDICINE
Bodth-2019-664-304 304 meet 1831 MEET
Bodth-2019-664-305 305 melt 2334 MELT
Bodth-2019-664-306 306 middle / centre 1093 MIDDLE
Bodth-2019-664-307 307 Miji people
Bodth-2019-664-308 308 millet, broomcorn 931 MILLET
Bodth-2019-664-309 309 millet, finger 3265 FINGER MILLET
Bodth-2019-664-310 310 millet, foxtail 3266 FOXTAIL MILLET
Bodth-2019-664-311 311 mithun GAYAL
Bodth-2019-664-312 312 Monpa
Bodth-2019-664-313 313 moon, month 2463 MOON OR MONTH
Bodth-2019-664-314 314 morning 1339 MORNING
Bodth-2019-664-315 315 mortar (wood) 224 MORTAR CRUSHER
Bodth-2019-664-316 316 mother 1216 MOTHER
Bodth-2019-664-317 317 mountain 639 MOUNTAIN
Bodth-2019-664-318 318 mountain peak 1614 SUMMIT
Bodth-2019-664-319 319 mouse, rat 2139 MUROID (MOUSE OR RAT)
Bodth-2019-664-320 320 mouth 674 MOUTH
Bodth-2019-664-321 321 much 1198 MANY
Bodth-2019-664-322 322 mud 640 MUD
Bodth-2019-664-323 323 mushroom 641 MUSHROOM
Bodth-2019-664-324 324 naga, serpent deity
Bodth-2019-664-325 325 nail 1896 FINGERNAIL OR TOENAIL
Bodth-2019-664-326 326 name 1405 NAME
Bodth-2019-664-327 327 Namshu people
Bodth-2019-664-328 328 navel 1838 NAVEL
Bodth-2019-664-329 329 neck 1333 NECK
Bodth-2019-664-330 330 need to, have to 971 MUST
Bodth-2019-664-331 331 needle 1382 NEEDLE (FOR SEWING)
Bodth-2019-664-332 332 negative prefix
Bodth-2019-664-333 333 nest, hive, womb 539 NEST
Bodth-2019-664-334 334 net for fishing 388 FISHNET
Bodth-2019-664-335 335 new 1231 NEW
Bodth-2019-664-336 336 night 1233 NIGHT
Bodth-2019-664-337 337 nine 1483 NINE
Bodth-2019-664-338 338 nomen agentis
Bodth-2019-664-339 339 nominaliser
Bodth-2019-664-340 340 noon 12 MIDDAY
Bodth-2019-664-341 341 nose 1221 NOSE
Bodth-2019-664-342 342 oil 2556 OIL (HYDROPHOBIC LIQUID)
Bodth-2019-664-343 343 okay
Bodth-2019-664-344 344 old 2113 OLD (USED)
Bodth-2019-664-345 345 one 1493 ONE
Bodth-2019-664-346 346 other 197 OTHER
Bodth-2019-664-347 347 otter 15 OTTER
Bodth-2019-664-348 348 outside 762 OUTSIDE
Bodth-2019-664-349 349 palm, sole 1181 PALM
Bodth-2019-664-350 350 pangolin 2508 PANGOLIN
Bodth-2019-664-351 351 partridge
Bodth-2019-664-352 352 path, road 2457 PATH OR ROAD
Bodth-2019-664-353 353 patient marker
Bodth-2019-664-354 354 peas 2025 PEA
Bodth-2019-664-355 355 penis 1222 PENIS
Bodth-2019-664-356 356 pheasant, kalij
Bodth-2019-664-357 357 pheasant, tragopan
Bodth-2019-664-358 358 pig 1337 PIG
Bodth-2019-664-359 359 pillow 1044 PILLOW
Bodth-2019-664-360 360 pinch 378 PINCH
Bodth-2019-664-361 361 pine kindle
Bodth-2019-664-362 362 plait 333 PLAIT
Bodth-2019-664-363 363 plant (vt) 1486 PLANT (SOMETHING)
Bodth-2019-664-364 364 play 1413 PLAY
Bodth-2019-664-365 365 plough (v) 1921 PLOUGH
Bodth-2019-664-366 366 plural
Bodth-2019-664-367 367 poison 655 POISON
Bodth-2019-664-368 368 porcupine 2510 PORCUPINE
Bodth-2019-664-369 369 potato-bean
Bodth-2019-664-370 370 pour 1487 POUR
Bodth-2019-664-371 371 present 2982 GIFT
Bodth-2019-664-372 372 prohibitive prefix
Bodth-2019-664-373 373 pull 1455 PULL
Bodth-2019-664-374 374 pulse 3267 PULSE
Bodth-2019-664-375 375 pumpkin 864 PUMPKIN
Bodth-2019-664-376 376 Puroik
Bodth-2019-664-377 377 pus 1808 PUS
Bodth-2019-664-378 378 push 1452 PUSH
Bodth-2019-664-379 379 put 998 PUT
Bodth-2019-664-380 380 quarrel (v) 1848 QUARREL
Bodth-2019-664-381 381 question 3268 QUESTION
Bodth-2019-664-382 382 quiver 52 SHIVER
Bodth-2019-664-383 383 radish 2365 RADISH
Bodth-2019-664-384 384 Rahung, people of
Bodth-2019-664-385 385 rain (n) 658 RAIN (PRECIPITATION)
Bodth-2019-664-386 386 rainbow 1733 RAINBOW
Bodth-2019-664-387 387 reap 1827 HARVEST CROPS
Bodth-2019-664-388 388 recognise 2248 KNOW (SOMEBODY)
Bodth-2019-664-389 389 red 156 RED
Bodth-2019-664-390 390 reflexive marker
Bodth-2019-664-391 391 rest (n)
Bodth-2019-664-392 392 rib 801 RIB
Bodth-2019-664-393 393 rice, husked 926 RICE
Bodth-2019-664-394 394 rice, unhusked, paddy 2749 UNHUSKED RICE
Bodth-2019-664-395 395 ride, mount 367 RIDE
Bodth-2019-664-396 396 right 1019 RIGHT
Bodth-2019-664-397 397 ripe 178 RIPE
Bodth-2019-664-398 398 roof 769 ROOF
Bodth-2019-664-399 399 root 670 ROOT
Bodth-2019-664-400 400 rope 1218 ROPE
Bodth-2019-664-401 401 rot (vi) 569 SPOIL (BECOME SPOILED)
Bodth-2019-664-402 402 round, small object 2303 SPHERICAL (ROUND IN THREE DIMENSIONS)
Bodth-2019-664-403 403 rub 1449 RUB
Bodth-2019-664-404 404 rub; sharpen 251 SHARPEN (SOMETHING)
Bodth-2019-664-405 405 run 1519 RUN
Bodth-2019-664-406 406 sago 2270 SAGO
Bodth-2019-664-407 407 saliva 1503 SALIVA
Bodth-2019-664-408 408 salt 1274 SALT
Bodth-2019-664-409 409 same, equal 200 SAME
Bodth-2019-664-410 410 sand 671 SAND
Bodth-2019-664-411 411 say 1458 SAY
Bodth-2019-664-412 412 scratch 1436 SCRATCH
Bodth-2019-664-413 413 search 1468 LOOK FOR
Bodth-2019-664-414 414 see 1409 SEE
Bodth-2019-664-415 415 seed 714 SEED
Bodth-2019-664-416 416 serow 3270 SEROW
Bodth-2019-664-417 417 settle
Bodth-2019-664-418 418 seven 1704 SEVEN
Bodth-2019-664-419 419 sew 1457 SEW
Bodth-2019-664-420 420 shade 1388 SHADE
Bodth-2019-664-421 421 shake 1909 SHAKE
Bodth-2019-664-422 422 sharp 1396 SHARP
Bodth-2019-664-423 423 sheep 1331 SHEEP
Bodth-2019-664-424 424 shelf 745 SHELF
Bodth-2019-664-425 425 Sherdukpen
Bodth-2019-664-426 426 Shergaon, people of
Bodth-2019-664-427 427 shoe, footwear 1381 SHOE
Bodth-2019-664-428 428 shoot 1172 SHOOT
Bodth-2019-664-429 429 short 1645 SHORT
Bodth-2019-664-430 430 shoulder 1482 SHOULDER
Bodth-2019-664-431 431 shy, ashamed (vi) 1894 ASHAMED
Bodth-2019-664-432 432 sick (vi) 1847 SICK
Bodth-2019-664-433 433 silver 759 SILVER
Bodth-2019-664-434 434 sing 1261 SING
Bodth-2019-664-435 435 sister-in-law 2317 SISTER-IN-LAW
Bodth-2019-664-436 436 sister, elder 1758 OLDER SISTER
Bodth-2019-664-437 437 sister, younger 1761 YOUNGER SISTER
Bodth-2019-664-438 438 sit 1416 SIT
Bodth-2019-664-439 439 six 1703 SIX
Bodth-2019-664-440 440 skin, bark 2127 BARK OR SKIN
Bodth-2019-664-441 441 sky 1732 SKY
Bodth-2019-664-442 442 sleep 1585 SLEEP
Bodth-2019-664-443 443 slowly 2165 SLOWLY
Bodth-2019-664-444 444 small 1246 SMALL
Bodth-2019-664-445 445 smell (n) 2938 FLAVOR
Bodth-2019-664-446 446 smell (vi) 2124 SMELL (STINK)
Bodth-2019-664-447 447 smoke 778 SMOKE (EXHAUST)
Bodth-2019-664-448 448 snake 730 SNAKE
Bodth-2019-664-449 449 snatch away
Bodth-2019-664-450 450 snow 784 SNOW
Bodth-2019-664-451 451 soda ash
Bodth-2019-664-452 452 soft / smooth 1856 SOFT
Bodth-2019-664-453 453 soil, earth 1228 EARTH (SOIL)
Bodth-2019-664-454 454 son 1620 SON
Bodth-2019-664-455 455 son-in-law 1056 SON-IN-LAW
Bodth-2019-664-456 456 song 1096 SONG
Bodth-2019-664-457 457 soup, liquid, broth, juice 731 BEVERAGE
Bodth-2019-664-458 458 sour 1906 SOUR
Bodth-2019-664-459 459 sow, broadcast 748 SOW SEEDS
Bodth-2019-664-460 460 soybean 2027 SOYA
Bodth-2019-664-461 461 sparrow 1854 SPARROW
Bodth-2019-664-462 462 speak 1623 SPEAK
Bodth-2019-664-463 463 spear 945 SPEAR
Bodth-2019-664-464 464 spicy, pungent 544 SPICY
Bodth-2019-664-465 465 spider 843 SPIDER
Bodth-2019-664-466 466 spirit, soul, shadow 53 SPIRIT
Bodth-2019-664-467 467 spit 1440 SPIT
Bodth-2019-664-468 468 spittle, spit 1503 SALIVA
Bodth-2019-664-469 469 split 1437 SPLIT
Bodth-2019-664-470 470 squirrel 1628 SQUIRREL
Bodth-2019-664-471 471 squirrel, flying 3271 FLYING SQUIRREL
Bodth-2019-664-472 472 stab 1434 STAB
Bodth-2019-664-473 473 stand (up) 1442 STAND
Bodth-2019-664-474 474 star 1430 STAR
Bodth-2019-664-475 475 steal 713 STEAL
Bodth-2019-664-476 476 steam 1193 STEAM
Bodth-2019-664-477 477 stich
Bodth-2019-664-478 478 stick 1295 STICK
Bodth-2019-664-479 479 stone 857 STONE
Bodth-2019-664-480 480 story 2060 STORY
Bodth-2019-664-481 481 straight 1404 STRAIGHT
Bodth-2019-664-482 482 stump (tree) 241 TREE STUMP
Bodth-2019-664-483 483 suck 1421 SUCK
Bodth-2019-664-484 484 sugarcane 146 SUGAR CANE
Bodth-2019-664-485 485 sun, day 2140 DAY OR SUN
Bodth-2019-664-486 486 swallow 897 SWALLOW
Bodth-2019-664-487 487 sweet 717 SWEET
Bodth-2019-664-488 488 swell 1573 SWELL
Bodth-2019-664-489 489 tail 1220 TAIL
Bodth-2019-664-490 490 take 1749 TAKE
Bodth-2019-664-491 491 takin 3272 TAKIN
Bodth-2019-664-492 492 taro 351 TARO
Bodth-2019-664-493 493 tasty 1813 TASTY
Bodth-2019-664-494 494 tear (vt) 1735 TEAR (SHRED)
Bodth-2019-664-495 495 tell 1711 TELL
Bodth-2019-664-496 496 ten 1515 TEN
Bodth-2019-664-497 497 that 78 THAT
Bodth-2019-664-498 498 that side
Bodth-2019-664-499 499 Thembang people
Bodth-2019-664-500 500 thick 1244 THICK
Bodth-2019-664-501 501 thief 1160 THIEF
Bodth-2019-664-502 502 thigh 800 THIGH
Bodth-2019-664-503 503 thin 2308 THIN
Bodth-2019-664-504 504 thing 738 THING
Bodth-2019-664-505 505 think 2271 THINK
Bodth-2019-664-506 506 thirsty (vi) 847 THIRSTY
Bodth-2019-664-507 507 this 1214 THIS
Bodth-2019-664-508 508 thorn 124 THORN
Bodth-2019-664-509 509 thousand 1843 THOUSAND
Bodth-2019-664-510 510 thread 1161 THREAD
Bodth-2019-664-511 511 three 492 THREE
Bodth-2019-664-512 512 throw 1456 THROW
Bodth-2019-664-513 513 thunder (vi) 2378 THUNDER (VERB)
Bodth-2019-664-514 514 tie (vt) 1917 TIE
Bodth-2019-664-515 515 tiger 846 TIGER
Bodth-2019-664-516 516 till (hoe) 3273 TILL
Bodth-2019-664-517 517 tired (vi) 1757 TIRED
Bodth-2019-664-518 518 today 1283 TODAY
Bodth-2019-664-519 519 together with 2482 TOGETHER
Bodth-2019-664-520 520 tomorrow 1329 TOMORROW
Bodth-2019-664-521 521 tongue 1205 TONGUE
Bodth-2019-664-522 522 tooth 1380 TOOTH
Bodth-2019-664-523 523 trivet 3264 TRIVET
Bodth-2019-664-524 524 trunk (tree) 344 TREE TRUNK
Bodth-2019-664-525 525 tuber 670 ROOT
Bodth-2019-664-526 526 tusk 2495 ELEPHANT TUSK
Bodth-2019-664-527 527 twenty 1710 TWENTY
Bodth-2019-664-528 528 twist 430 TWIST
Bodth-2019-664-529 529 two 1498 TWO
Bodth-2019-664-530 530 under, below 1485 BELOW OR UNDER
Bodth-2019-664-531 531 up there
Bodth-2019-664-532 532 up; ascend 705 GO UP (ASCEND)
Bodth-2019-664-533 533 uproot
Bodth-2019-664-534 534 urine 1142 URINE
Bodth-2019-664-535 535 vagina 1836 VAGINA
Bodth-2019-664-536 536 vegetable, leafy 924 VEGETABLES
Bodth-2019-664-537 537 veranda 3269 PORCH
Bodth-2019-664-538 538 village 930 VILLAGE
Bodth-2019-664-539 539 vomit 1278 VOMIT
Bodth-2019-664-540 540 waist 1681 WAIST
Bodth-2019-664-541 541 wait 1590 WAIT (FOR)
Bodth-2019-664-542 542 wake up 1602 WAKE UP
Bodth-2019-664-543 543 walk, move, go 695 GO
Bodth-2019-664-544 544 walking stick 1296 WALKING STICK
Bodth-2019-664-545 545 walnut 2042 WALNUT
Bodth-2019-664-546 546 warm, hot (adj.) 2272 HOT OR WARM
Bodth-2019-664-547 547 warm, hot (vi) 2032 WARM UP
Bodth-2019-664-548 548 wash 1453 WASH
Bodth-2019-664-549 549 water 948 WATER
Bodth-2019-664-550 550 wealthy 712 RICH
Bodth-2019-664-551 551 wear 976 WEAR
Bodth-2019-664-552 552 weave 133 WEAVE
Bodth-2019-664-553 553 weed, grass 606 GRASS
Bodth-2019-664-554 554 wet 1726 WET
Bodth-2019-664-555 555 wheat 1077 WHEAT
Bodth-2019-664-556 556 when 1238 WHEN
Bodth-2019-664-557 557 where 1237 WHERE
Bodth-2019-664-558 558 white 1335 WHITE
Bodth-2019-664-559 559 who 1235 WHO
Bodth-2019-664-560 560 wife 1199 WIFE
Bodth-2019-664-561 561 wind 960 WIND
Bodth-2019-664-562 562 window 1375 WINDOW
Bodth-2019-664-563 563 wing 1257 WING
Bodth-2019-664-564 564 wipe 1454 WIPE
Bodth-2019-664-565 565 woman 962 WOMAN
Bodth-2019-664-566 566 wood 1803 WOOD
Bodth-2019-664-567 567 wool 964 WOOL
Bodth-2019-664-568 568 word 1599 WORD
Bodth-2019-664-569 569 work 1086 WORK (ACTIVITY)
Bodth-2019-664-570 570 wring, squeeze 1414 SQUEEZE
Bodth-2019-664-571 571 year 1226 YEAR
Bodth-2019-664-572 572 year, next 515 NEXT YEAR
Bodth-2019-664-573 573 year, this 513 THIS YEAR
Bodth-2019-664-574 574 yellow 1424 YELLOW
Bodth-2019-664-575 575 yesterday 1174 YESTERDAY
Bodth-2019-664-576 576 arrive 1387 ARRIVE
Bodth-2019-664-577 577 dragon 2038 DRAGON
Bodth-2019-664-578 578 surround, confine 3274 ENCIRCLE
Bodth-2019-664-579 579 sulphur
Bodth-2019-664-580 580 amnion
Bodth-2019-664-581 581 apply (ointment)
Bodth-2019-664-582 582 bamboo stick
Bodth-2019-664-583 583 be numb
Bodth-2019-664-584 584 be overfull
Bodth-2019-664-585 585 be paired
Bodth-2019-664-586 586 big boil
Bodth-2019-664-587 587 blink 1655 BLINK
Bodth-2019-664-588 588 boil 792 BOIL (OF LIQUID)
Bodth-2019-664-589 589 bottom item
Bodth-2019-664-590 590 cane carry strap
Bodth-2019-664-591 591 carry on shoulder 413 CARRY ON SHOULDER
Bodth-2019-664-592 592 cloud 1489 CLOUD
Bodth-2019-664-593 593 cover mouth
Bodth-2019-664-594 594 cross over
Bodth-2019-664-595 595 deepfry 991 FRY
Bodth-2019-664-596 596 deer 1936 DEER
Bodth-2019-664-597 597 dew drops
Bodth-2019-664-598 598 fall down from height
Bodth-2019-664-599 599 fear 781 FEAR (FRIGHT)
Bodth-2019-664-600 600 feel nauseous
Bodth-2019-664-601 601 feel uneasy because of smoke
Bodth-2019-664-602 602 fern (not edible)
Bodth-2019-664-603 603 filter (v) 940 STRAIN
Bodth-2019-664-604 604 flatten (dough)
Bodth-2019-664-605 605 fold (e.g. clothes) 1470 FOLD
Bodth-2019-664-606 606 ford 2818 FORD (CROSSING)
Bodth-2019-664-607 607 gather, collect1 7 GATHER
Bodth-2019-664-608 608 gather, collect2 7 GATHER
Bodth-2019-664-609 609 gift 2982 GIFT
Bodth-2019-664-610 610 grind (grinding stone) 1033 GRIND
Bodth-2019-664-611 611 hair; feather 2381 FEATHER OR FUR OR HAIR
Bodth-2019-664-612 612 hang around neck
Bodth-2019-664-613 613 hate 1607 HATE
Bodth-2019-664-614 614 heed, agree
Bodth-2019-664-615 615 husks, chaff
Bodth-2019-664-616 616 land (vi)
Bodth-2019-664-617 617 leak
Bodth-2019-664-618 618 leather strap
Bodth-2019-664-619 619 make fence
Bodth-2019-664-620 620 make hole
Bodth-2019-664-621 621 mate, have intercourse 1785 HAVE SEX
Bodth-2019-664-622 622 mix, shake 2017 MIX
Bodth-2019-664-623 623 now 1376 NOW
Bodth-2019-664-624 624 other adj. 197 OTHER
Bodth-2019-664-625 625 overcook, drench, rot
Bodth-2019-664-626 626 pack load
Bodth-2019-664-627 627 parch
Bodth-2019-664-628 628 perforate 1501 BORE
Bodth-2019-664-629 629 phlegm 3061 PHLEGM
Bodth-2019-664-630 630 plough beam
Bodth-2019-664-631 631 pound lightly
Bodth-2019-664-632 632 pound with force 354 POUND
Bodth-2019-664-633 633 prepare warp
Bodth-2019-664-634 634 pubic hair 36 PUBIC HAIR
Bodth-2019-664-635 635 pull thread
Bodth-2019-664-636 636 put on (pants, shoes) 158 PUT ON
Bodth-2019-664-637 637 quarrel 1848 QUARREL
Bodth-2019-664-638 638 reciprocal suff.
Bodth-2019-664-639 639 ripen (fruits) 179 RIPEN
Bodth-2019-664-640 640 scatter 2064 SCATTER (SEEDS)
Bodth-2019-664-641 641 scold 299 SCOLD
Bodth-2019-664-642 642 shell (maize) 598 SHELL
Bodth-2019-664-643 643 slip 1324 SLIP
Bodth-2019-664-644 644 smoke out (e.g. hornets)
Bodth-2019-664-645 645 soak in water
Bodth-2019-664-646 646 split (bamboo) 1437 SPLIT
Bodth-2019-664-647 647 spread and dry
Bodth-2019-664-648 648 step onto
Bodth-2019-664-649 649 stick into
Bodth-2019-664-650 650 strangle
Bodth-2019-664-651 651 stretch 214 STRETCH
Bodth-2019-664-652 652 strong (liquor)
Bodth-2019-664-653 653 suffice (e.g. salt)
Bodth-2019-664-654 654 take off (e.g. clothes) 1755 UNDRESS
Bodth-2019-664-655 655 tear, snap 2558 BREAK (CLEAVE)
Bodth-2019-664-656 656 tease
Bodth-2019-664-657 657 thunder 1150 THUNDER
Bodth-2019-664-658 658 tingle
Bodth-2019-664-659 659 turn around 1444 TURN AROUND
Bodth-2019-664-660 660 turn by hand
Bodth-2019-664-661 661 turn inside out, evaginate
Bodth-2019-664-662 662 war, hot (adj) 2272 HOT OR WARM
Bodth-2019-664-663 663 wear (bracelet) 976 WEAR
Bodth-2019-664-664 664 wear on head
Sagart-2018-250-1 1 above 731 1741 ABOVE
Sagart-2018-250-2 2 all 962 98 ALL
Sagart-2018-250-3 3 the ant 365 587 ANT
Sagart-2018-250-4 4 the armpit 92 1886 ARMPIT
Sagart-2018-250-5 5 bad 1053 1292 BAD
Sagart-2018-250-6 6 the bamboo 389 1927 BAMBOO
Sagart-2018-250-7 7 the barley (tibetan or highland) 411 932 BARLEY
Sagart-2018-250-8 8 to be alive 1087 1422 BE ALIVE
Sagart-2018-250-9 9 the belly 96 1251 BELLY
Sagart-2018-250-10 10 below, under 732 1485 BELOW OR UNDER
Sagart-2018-250-11 11 big 964 1202 BIG
Sagart-2018-250-12 12 the bird 326 937 BIRD
Sagart-2018-250-13 13 to bite 1753 1403 BITE
Sagart-2018-250-14 14 black 1005 163 BLACK
Sagart-2018-250-15 15 the blood 129 946 BLOOD
Sagart-2018-250-16 16 to blow (of wind) 1738 175 BLOW (OF WIND)
Sagart-2018-250-17 17 the body hair (hair or fur) 266 189 HAIR (BODY)
Sagart-2018-250-18 18 the bone 133 1394 BONE
Sagart-2018-250-19 19 the branch 374 1531 BRANCH
Sagart-2018-250-20 20 the breast (female) 94 1402 BREAST
Sagart-2018-250-21 21 to burn [intransitive] 1269 1428 BURNING
Sagart-2018-250-22 22 to buy 1516 1869 BUY
Sagart-2018-250-23 23 to chew 1424 321 CHEW
Sagart-2018-250-24 24 the child (young human) 169 1304 CHILD (YOUNG HUMAN)
Sagart-2018-250-25 25 the cloud 7 1489 CLOUD
Sagart-2018-250-26 26 cold (of temperature) 1063 1287 COLD
Sagart-2018-250-27 27 to come 1491 1446 COME
Sagart-2018-250-28 28 correct (right) 1045 1725 CORRECT (RIGHT)
Sagart-2018-250-29 29 to count 1640 1420 COUNT
Sagart-2018-250-30 30 to cry (weep) 1485 1839 CRY
Sagart-2018-250-31 31 dark 1013 706 DARK
Sagart-2018-250-32 32 the daughter 222 1357 DAUGHTER
Sagart-2018-250-33 33 the dew 15 1977 DEW
Sagart-2018-250-34 34 to die 1651 1494 DIE
Sagart-2018-250-35 35 to dig 1698 1418 DIG
Sagart-2018-250-36 36 dirty 1086 1230 DIRTY
Sagart-2018-250-37 37 the dog 289 2009 DOG
Sagart-2018-250-38 38 the dream 699 2374 DREAM
Sagart-2018-250-39 39 to drink 1370 1401 DRINK
Sagart-2018-250-40 40 dry 1028 1398 DRY
Sagart-2018-250-41 41 the dust 45 2 DUST
Sagart-2018-250-42 42 the ear 81 1247 EAR
Sagart-2018-250-43 43 early 1018 672 EARLY
Sagart-2018-250-44 44 the earth (soil) 40 1228 EARTH (SOIL)
Sagart-2018-250-45 45 the earthworm 363 2350 EARTHWORM
Sagart-2018-250-46 46 to eat 1198 1336 EAT
Sagart-2018-250-47 47 the egg 450 744 EGG
Sagart-2018-250-48 48 eight 804 1705 EIGHT
Sagart-2018-250-49 49 the eye 79 1248 EYE
Sagart-2018-250-50 50 far 974 1406 FAR
Sagart-2018-250-51 51 the father 218 1217 FATHER
Sagart-2018-250-52 52 the feather 299 1201 FEATHER
Sagart-2018-250-53 53 to fight 1234 1423 FIGHT
Sagart-2018-250-54 54 the fire 18 221 FIRE
Sagart-2018-250-55 55 firewood 534 10 FIREWOOD
Sagart-2018-250-56 56 the fish 351 227 FISH
Sagart-2018-250-57 57 five 801 493 FIVE
Sagart-2018-250-58 58 the flea 355 232 FLEA
Sagart-2018-250-59 59 to float 1553 1574 FLOAT
Sagart-2018-250-60 60 to flow 1502 2003 FLOW
Sagart-2018-250-61 61 the flower 377 239 FLOWER
Sagart-2018-250-62 62 to fly (move through air) 1318 1441 FLY (MOVE THROUGH AIR)
Sagart-2018-250-63 63 the fog 16 249 FOG
Sagart-2018-250-64 64 the foot 103 1301 FOOT
Sagart-2018-250-65 65 the forest 50 420 FOREST
Sagart-2018-250-66 66 to forget 1704 1523 FORGET
Sagart-2018-250-67 67 four 800 1500 FOUR
Sagart-2018-250-68 68 the fox 325 1312 FOX
Sagart-2018-250-69 69 the frog 349 503 FROG
Sagart-2018-250-70 70 the front (front side) 712 2194 FRONT (PART)
Sagart-2018-250-71 71 the frost 14 2034 FROST
Sagart-2018-250-72 72 the fruit 378 1507 FRUIT
Sagart-2018-250-73 73 full 984 1429 FULL
Sagart-2018-250-74 74 to give 1345 1447 GIVE
Sagart-2018-250-75 75 the goat 276 1502 GOAT
Sagart-2018-250-76 76 good 1052 1035 GOOD
Sagart-2018-250-77 77 the grass 436 606 GRASS
Sagart-2018-250-78 78 green 1009 1425 GREEN
Sagart-2018-250-79 79 the hail 13 609 HAIL
Sagart-2018-250-80 80 the hair (of the head) 75 1040 HAIR
Sagart-2018-250-81 81 the hand 107 1277 HAND
Sagart-2018-250-82 82 hard 1034 1884 HARD
Sagart-2018-250-83 83 he or she [third person singular] 934 262 HE OR SHE OR IT
Sagart-2018-250-84 84 the head 74 1256 HEAD
Sagart-2018-250-85 85 to hear 1682 1408 HEAR
Sagart-2018-250-86 86 the heart 144 1223 HEART
Sagart-2018-250-87 87 heavy 1014 1210 HEAVY
Sagart-2018-250-88 88 here 944 136 HERE
Sagart-2018-250-89 89 to hide (conceal) 1169 602 HIDE (CONCEAL)
Sagart-2018-250-90 90 high / tall 968 1265 HIGH
Sagart-2018-250-91 91 to hold 1709 1448 HOLD
Sagart-2018-250-92 92 the hoof 264 152 HOOF
Sagart-2018-250-93 93 horizontal 1001 2376 HORIZONTAL
Sagart-2018-250-94 94 the horn (keratinized skin) 263 1393 HORN (ANATOMY)
Sagart-2018-250-95 95 the horse 268 615 HORSE
Sagart-2018-250-96 96 hot 1062 1286 HOT
Sagart-2018-250-97 97 the house 494 1252 HOUSE
Sagart-2018-250-98 98 hundred 824 1634 HUNDRED
Sagart-2018-250-99 99 to hunt 1230 1435 HUNT
Sagart-2018-250-100 100 the husband 247 1200 HUSBAND
Sagart-2018-250-101 101 I [first person singular] 928 1209 I
Sagart-2018-250-102 102 the ice 17 617 ICE
Sagart-2018-250-103 103 inside 715 1606 INSIDE
Sagart-2018-250-104 104 to kill 1602 1417 KILL
Sagart-2018-250-105 105 to knead 1594 274 KNEAD
Sagart-2018-250-106 106 the knee 101 1371 KNEE
Sagart-2018-250-107 107 knife 549 1352 KNIFE
Sagart-2018-250-108 108 to know (something) 1798 1410 KNOW (SOMETHING)
Sagart-2018-250-109 109 the lake 31 624 LAKE
Sagart-2018-250-110 110 late 1019 477 LATE
Sagart-2018-250-111 111 to laugh 1735 1355 LAUGH
Sagart-2018-250-112 112 the leaf 376 628 LEAF
Sagart-2018-250-113 113 to learn 1742 504 LEARN
Sagart-2018-250-114 114 left 710 244 LEFT
Sagart-2018-250-115 115 to lick 1674 319 LICK
Sagart-2018-250-116 116 to lie down 1661 215 LIE DOWN
Sagart-2018-250-117 117 light (of weight) 1015 1052 LIGHT (WEIGHT)
Sagart-2018-250-118 118 the lip (the lips) 85 478 LIP
Sagart-2018-250-119 119 the liver 145 1224 LIVER
Sagart-2018-250-120 120 long 972 1203 LONG
Sagart-2018-250-121 121 the louse 356 1392 LOUSE
Sagart-2018-250-122 122 the lung 143 688 LUNG
Sagart-2018-250-123 123 the man (male human) 173 2106 MALE PERSON
Sagart-2018-250-124 124 many 987 1198 MANY
Sagart-2018-250-125 125 to marry (a man marries a woman) 1578 2164 MARRY (AS MAN)
Sagart-2018-250-126 126 the meat 443 634 MEAT
Sagart-2018-250-127 127 middle 708 1093 MIDDLE
Sagart-2018-250-128 128 the moon 4 1313 MOON
Sagart-2018-250-129 129 morning 749 1339 MORNING
Sagart-2018-250-130 130 the mosquito 360 1509 MOSQUITO
Sagart-2018-250-131 131 the mother 219 1216 MOTHER
Sagart-2018-250-132 132 the mountain 23 639 MOUNTAIN
Sagart-2018-250-133 133 the mouse or rat 320 2139 MUROID (MOUSE OR RAT)
Sagart-2018-250-134 134 the mouth 84 674 MOUTH
Sagart-2018-250-135 135 the mud 46 640 MUD
Sagart-2018-250-136 136 the nail (fingernail or claw) 113 2128 CLAW OR NAIL
Sagart-2018-250-137 137 the name 687 1405 NAME
Sagart-2018-250-138 138 narrow 977 1267 NARROW
Sagart-2018-250-139 139 near 975 1942 NEAR
Sagart-2018-250-140 140 the neck 89 1333 NECK
Sagart-2018-250-141 141 the needle (for sewing) 578 1382 NEEDLE (FOR SEWING)
Sagart-2018-250-142 142 new 1050 1231 NEW
Sagart-2018-250-143 143 nine 805 1483 NINE
Sagart-2018-250-144 144 the nit 357 267 NIT
Sagart-2018-250-145 145 noon 750 12 MIDDAY
Sagart-2018-250-146 146 the nose 80 1221 NOSE
Sagart-2018-250-147 147 old (of person) 1058 2112 OLD (AGED)
Sagart-2018-250-148 148 one 797 1493 ONE
Sagart-2018-250-149 149 the otter 317 15 OTTER
Sagart-2018-250-150 150 outside 714 762 OUTSIDE
Sagart-2018-250-151 151 the pig 284 1337 PIG
Sagart-2018-250-152 152 to plant (vegetals, rice) 1774 1486 PLANT (SOMETHING)
Sagart-2018-250-153 153 to play 1703 1413 PLAY
Sagart-2018-250-154 154 to pull 1568 1455 PULL
Sagart-2018-250-155 155 to push 1689 1452 PUSH
Sagart-2018-250-156 156 the rain 10 658 RAIN (PRECIPITATION)
Sagart-2018-250-157 157 the rainbow 11 1733 RAINBOW
Sagart-2018-250-158 158 red 1007 156 RED
Sagart-2018-250-159 159 to reside (live) 1452 1099 RESIDE
Sagart-2018-250-160 160 the rice plant 439 2026 RICE PLANT
Sagart-2018-250-161 161 right 711 1019 RIGHT
Sagart-2018-250-162 162 the river 30 666 RIVER
Sagart-2018-250-163 163 the road 38 667 ROAD
Sagart-2018-250-164 164 the root 375 670 ROOT
Sagart-2018-250-165 165 the rope 619 1218 ROPE
Sagart-2018-250-166 166 round 990 1395 ROUND
Sagart-2018-250-167 167 to run 1544 1519 RUN
Sagart-2018-250-168 168 the salt 61 1274 SALT
Sagart-2018-250-169 169 salty 1076 1091 SALTY
Sagart-2018-250-170 170 the sand 44 671 SAND
Sagart-2018-250-171 171 to scratch 1530 1436 SCRATCH
Sagart-2018-250-172 172 the sea 32 1474 SEA
Sagart-2018-250-173 173 to see 1471 1409 SEE
Sagart-2018-250-174 174 the seed 405 714 SEED
Sagart-2018-250-175 175 seven 803 1704 SEVEN
Sagart-2018-250-176 176 sharp 1020 1396 SHARP
Sagart-2018-250-177 177 the sheep 275 1331 SHEEP
Sagart-2018-250-178 178 to shoot (an arrow) 1611 1172 SHOOT
Sagart-2018-250-179 179 short 973 1645 SHORT
Sagart-2018-250-180 180 the shoulder 90 1482 SHOULDER
Sagart-2018-250-181 181 shy 1365 487 SHY
Sagart-2018-250-182 182 the sickle 624 341 SICKLE
Sagart-2018-250-183 183 to sing 1184 1261 SING
Sagart-2018-250-184 184 six 802 1703 SIX
Sagart-2018-250-185 185 the skin 120 763 SKIN
Sagart-2018-250-186 186 the sky 1 1732 SKY
Sagart-2018-250-187 187 to sleep 1646 1585 SLEEP
Sagart-2018-250-188 188 small 965 1246 SMALL
Sagart-2018-250-189 189 to smell (perceive odor) [transitive] 1707 1586 SMELL (PERCEIVE)
Sagart-2018-250-190 190 the smoke 19 778 SMOKE (EXHAUST)
Sagart-2018-250-191 191 smooth 1037 1234 SMOOTH
Sagart-2018-250-192 192 the snake 347 730 SNAKE
Sagart-2018-250-193 193 the snow 12 784 SNOW
Sagart-2018-250-194 194 soft 1035 1856 SOFT
Sagart-2018-250-195 195 the son 220 1620 SON
Sagart-2018-250-196 196 the sparrow 336 1854 SPARROW
Sagart-2018-250-197 197 the spider 361 843 SPIDER
Sagart-2018-250-198 198 to spit 1688 1440 SPIT
Sagart-2018-250-199 199 to stand 1784 1442 STAND
Sagart-2018-250-200 200 the star 5 1430 STAR
Sagart-2018-250-201 201 to steal 1686 713 STEAL
Sagart-2018-250-202 202 the stick 586 1295 STICK
Sagart-2018-250-203 203 the stone (a piece of) 43 857 STONE
Sagart-2018-250-204 204 straight 1003 1404 STRAIGHT
Sagart-2018-250-205 205 the sun 2 1343 SUN
Sagart-2018-250-206 206 the tail 267 1220 TAIL
Sagart-2018-250-207 207 ten 806 1515 TEN
Sagart-2018-250-208 208 that 947 78 THAT
Sagart-2018-250-209 209 there 950 1937 THERE
Sagart-2018-250-210 210 thick 980 1244 THICK
Sagart-2018-250-211 211 the thigh 100 800 THIGH
Sagart-2018-250-212 212 thin (object) 981 2307 THIN (OF HAIR AND LEAF)
Sagart-2018-250-213 213 to think (reflect) 1726 1415 THINK (REFLECT)
Sagart-2018-250-214 214 this 942 1214 THIS
Sagart-2018-250-215 215 thou [second person singular] 931 1215 THOU
Sagart-2018-250-216 216 three 799 492 THREE
Sagart-2018-250-217 217 to throw 1687 1456 THROW
Sagart-2018-250-218 218 the thunder 8 1150 THUNDER
Sagart-2018-250-219 219 the tiger 304 846 TIGER
Sagart-2018-250-220 220 today 738 1283 TODAY
Sagart-2018-250-221 221 tomorrow 742 1329 TOMORROW
Sagart-2018-250-222 222 the tongue 139 1205 TONGUE
Sagart-2018-250-223 223 the tooth (front) 137 1380 TOOTH
Sagart-2018-250-224 224 the tree 372 906 TREE
Sagart-2018-250-225 225 twenty 816 1710 TWENTY
Sagart-2018-250-226 226 two 798 1498 TWO
Sagart-2018-250-227 227 to vomit 1535 1278 VOMIT
Sagart-2018-250-228 228 to walk 1815 1443 WALK
Sagart-2018-250-229 229 the water 47 948 WATER
Sagart-2018-250-230 230 we [first person plural inclusive] 930 1131 WE (INCLUSIVE)
Sagart-2018-250-231 231 wet 1029 1726 WET
Sagart-2018-250-232 232 what 954 1236 WHAT
Sagart-2018-250-233 233 the wheat 410 1077 WHEAT
Sagart-2018-250-234 234 where 955 1237 WHERE
Sagart-2018-250-235 235 white 1006 1335 WHITE
Sagart-2018-250-236 236 who 953 1235 WHO
Sagart-2018-250-237 237 the wife 248 1199 WIFE
Sagart-2018-250-238 238 the wind 9 960 WIND
Sagart-2018-250-239 239 the wing 298 1257 WING
Sagart-2018-250-240 240 to wipe 1163 1454 WIPE
Sagart-2018-250-241 241 the wolf 324 522 WOLF
Sagart-2018-250-242 242 the woman 174 962 WOMAN
Sagart-2018-250-243 243 the wood (material) 511 1803 WOOD
Sagart-2018-250-244 244 to sow (broadcast, scatter seeds) 1597 748 SOW SEEDS
Sagart-2018-250-245 245 the year 777 1226 YEAR
Sagart-2018-250-246 246 yellow 1008 1424 YELLOW
Sagart-2018-250-247 247 yesterday 739 1174 YESTERDAY
Sagart-2018-250-248 248 you [second person plural] 933 1213 YOU
Sagart-2018-250-249 249 young 1059 1207 YOUNG
Sagart-2018-250-250 250 the shit 151 676 SHIT (DEFECATE)
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