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  • Save Linrstudio/e1322132f2a0f75954047e52eed1da0c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Linrstudio/e1322132f2a0f75954047e52eed1da0c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Math.radians = function(degrees) {
return degrees * Math.PI / 180;
Math.degrees = function(radians) {
return radians * 180 / Math.PI;
Math.ctg = function(val) {
return 1/Math.tan(val);
function longShadowCSS(length, angle, color) {
var byx = (Math.abs(Math.cos(angle)) >= Math.abs(Math.sin(angle)));
var pos = {
x: (Math.cos(angle) >= 0) ? 1 : -1,
y: (Math.sin(angle) <= 0) ? 1 : -1,
var tanctg = byx ? Math.tan : Math.ctg;
var result = '', a, b, x, y;
for(var i = 1; i <= length; i++) {
a = i;
b = Math.abs(Math.round(i * tanctg(angle)));
x = pos.x * (byx ? a : b); y = pos.y * (byx ? b : a);
result += color+' '+ x + 'px ' + y + 'px';
if(i < length) result += ',\n';
return result;
(function($) {
$ = function() {
var offset = this.offset();
var width = this.outerWidth();
var height = this.outerHeight();
return {
x: offset.left + width / 2,
y: + height / 2
$(document).on('mousemove', function(ev) {
var x, y, c, angle;
$('h1').each(function() {
c = $(this).center();
x = c.x - ev.pageX;
y = -(c.y - ev.pageY);
angle = Math.atan(y/x) + ((x < 0) ? Math.PI : 0);
$(this).css({'text-shadow': longShadowCSS(50, angle, '#eee')});
$('.navheader').append('<input type="range" id="range" min="0" max="360">');
$('#range').on('input change', function() {
$('h1').css({'text-shadow': longShadowCSS(200, Math.radians($(this).val()), '#fe8')});
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