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Created October 11, 2019 09:29
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React Native Chart Kit - #4 Stacked Bar Chart
labels: ["Test1", "Test2"],
legend: ["L1", "L2", "L3"],
data: [[60, 60, 60], [30, 30, 60]],
barColors: ["#dfe4ea", "#ced6e0", "#a4b0be"]
width={Dimensions.get("window").width - 50} // from react-native
backgroundColor: "green",
backgroundGradientFrom: "green",
backgroundGradientTo: "green",
decimalPlaces: 2, // optional, defaults to 2dp
color: (opacity = 1) => `white`,
labelColor: (opacity = 1) => `white`,
style: {
borderRadius: 16
marginVertical: 8,
borderRadius: 16
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