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Last active March 7, 2022 10:36
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Experimenting with how to deeply un-readonly a type
type Primitive = string | number | boolean | bigint | symbol | undefined | null
type Builtin = Primitive | Function | Date | Error | RegExp
type UnReadOnly<T> = {
-readonly [K in keyof T]:
T[K] extends Builtin
? T[K]
: T[K] extends Ref<infer U>
? Ref<UnReadOnly<U>>
: T[K] extends ReadonlySet<infer U>
? Set<UnReadOnly<U>>
: T[K] extends Set<infer U>
? Set<UnReadOnly<U>>
: T[K] extends ReadonlyMap<infer U, infer V>
? Map<U, UnReadOnly<V>>
: T[K] extends Map<infer U, infer V>
? Map<U, UnReadOnly<V>>
: T[K] extends object ? UnReadOnly<T[K]> : T[K]
type Test = {
readonly name: string,
readonly age: number,
readonly children: string[],
readonly address: {
readonly street: string
readonly zip: number
readonly city: string
readonly items: ReadonlySet<string>
readonly someref: Ref<string>
const test: Test = {
name: 'Tom',
age: 40,
children: ['Tick', 'Trick', 'Track'],
address: {
street: 'main St.'
zip: 12345,
city: 'LA'
items: new Set(),
someref: { value: 'hello' } as unknown as Ref<string>
// Readonly object:
test.address.street = 'Jerry'
// removing readonly from all nested types
const test2: UnReadOnly<typeof test> = test
// mutable object, also for all neste properties = 'london'
// Ref types only for exerimenting, normally defined in Vue core.
declare const RefSymbol: unique symbol
interface Ref<T = any> {
value: T
* Type differentiator only.
* We need this to be in public d.ts but don't want it to show up in IDE
* autocomplete, so we use a private Symbol instead.
[RefSymbol]: true
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