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Created May 13, 2020 16:11
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Finite-difference method for evolution under the heat equation (diffusion) with periodic boundary conditions (Cython)
# Finite-difference method from
# Parallel Numerical Solution of 2-D Heat Equation, Verena Horak & Peter Gruber (Parallel Numerics ’05, 47-56)
def diffuse(initial_condition, int nstep, double c = 1.0, double delta_t_factor = 0.5):
"""Evolve `initial_condition` according to the 2D heat (diffusion) equation under periodic boundary conditions."""
# Short circut
if nstep == 0:
return initial_condition
mat_np = initial_condition.astype(np.float, copy = True)
mat_new_np = np.empty(shape = initial_condition.shape, dtype = np.float)
cdef double [:, :] mat = mat_np
cdef double [:, :] mat_new = mat_new_np
assert initial_condition.shape[0] == initial_condition.shape[1]
cdef Py_ssize_t side_length = initial_condition.shape[0]
cdef double delta_s = 1.0 / (side_length + 1)
cdef delta_t = delta_t_factor * ((delta_s) ** 2 / (2 * c))
cdef double multiplier = c * (delta_t / (delta_s * delta_s))
cdef Py_ssize_t i = 0
cdef Py_ssize_t j = 0
cdef Py_ssize_t tstep = 0
with nogil:
for tstep in range(nstep):
for i in range(side_length):
for j in range(side_length):
mat_new[i, j] = mat[i, j] + multiplier * \
mat[(i + 1) % side_length, j] + \
mat[(i - 1) % side_length, j] - \
4 * mat[i, j] + \
mat[i, (j + 1) % side_length] + \
mat[i, (j - 1) % side_length]
mat[:] = mat_new
# Sanity Check
assert np.sum(mat_new_np) - np.sum(initial_condition) < 0.0000001
assert np.max(mat_new_np) <= np.max(initial_condition)
assert np.min(mat_new_np) >= np.min(initial_condition)
assert not np.any(np.isnan(mat_new_np))
return mat_new_np
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