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Last active March 29, 2024 21:29
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Save LioTree/8d10d123d31f50db05a25586e62a87ba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

A SSRF vulnerability in gleezcms 1.20.

If :// is present in the URL path, GleezCMS will use the cURL library to send a request specified by the attacker.


This vulnerability is far more dangerous than it looks like because curl supports gopher protocol, which is always used to attack php-fpm, redis, memecached and so on. If these application exists, this ssrf may cause remote code execution.

echo Request::factory()
public static function factory($uri = TRUE, $client_params = array(), $allow_external = TRUE, $injected_routes = array())
Request::$initial = $request = new Request($uri, $client_params, $allow_external, $injected_routes);//
public function __construct($uri, $client_params = array(), $allow_external = TRUE, $injected_routes = array())
	// Initialise the header
	$this->_header = new HTTP_Header(array());

	// Assign injected routes
	$this->_routes = $injected_routes;

	// Cleanse query parameters from URI (faster that parse_url())
	$split_uri = explode('?', $uri);
	$uri = array_shift($split_uri);

	// Initial request has global $_GET already applied
	if (Request::$initial !== NULL)
		if ($split_uri)
			parse_str($split_uri[0], $this->_get);

	// Detect protocol (if present)
	// $allow_external = FALSE prevents the default index.php from
	// being able to proxy external pages.
	if ( ! $allow_external OR strpos($uri, '://') === FALSE)
		// Remove trailing slashes from the URI
		$this->_uri = trim($uri, '/');

		// Apply the client
		$this->_client = new Request_Client_Internal($client_params);
		// Create a route
		$this->_route = new Route($uri);

		// Store the URI
		$this->_uri = $uri;

		// Set the security setting if required
		if (strpos($uri, 'https://') === 0)

		// Set external state
		$this->_external = TRUE;

		// Setup the client
		$this->_client = Request_Client_External::factory($client_params);
  • Eventually, the specified URL is accessed in Kohana_Request_Client_Curl::_send_message.
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