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Last active December 30, 2021 17:29
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Plasma 2040 with diffuser strip festive effect
import plasma
from plasma import plasma2040
from pimoroni import RGBLED, Button, Analog
import math
import random
import utime
sense = Analog(plasma2040.CURRENT_SENSE, plasma2040.ADC_GAIN, plasma2040.SHUNT_RESISTOR)
led = RGBLED(plasma2040.LED_R, plasma2040.LED_G, plasma2040.LED_B)
led.set_rgb(15, 0, 0)
button_a = Button(plasma2040.BUTTON_A)
button_b = Button(plasma2040.BUTTON_B)
button_boot = Button(plasma2040.USER_SW)
NUM_LEDS = 96 # Chunky diffuser
#NUM_LEDS = 332 # Ultra-dense
#NUM_LEDS = 96 + 332 # Both daisy chained
led_strip = plasma.WS2812(NUM_LEDS, 0, 0, plasma2040.DAT)
# "framebuffer" to composite effects onto
ledbuf = [(0, 0, 0)] * NUM_LEDS
def additive(led, r, g, b):
if led < 0 or led >= NUM_LEDS:
ledbuf[led] = (
int(min(ledbuf[led][0] + r, 255)),
int(min(ledbuf[led][1] + g, 255)),
int(min(ledbuf[led][2] + b, 255)))
class Sparkle():
def __init__(self):
def reset(self):
self.position = random.uniform(-1.0, NUM_LEDS+1.0)
self.intensity = random.uniform(0.5, 1.0)
self.momentum = random.uniform(-0.2, 0.2)
def simulate(self):
self.position += self.momentum
self.intensity *= 0.9
if self.position < -1.0 or self.position > NUM_LEDS + 1 or self.intensity < 1.0/255.0:
def render(self):
leftpos = math.floor(s.position)
rightfrac = s.position - leftpos
leftintensity = s.intensity * 255 * (1.0 - rightfrac)
rightintensity = s.intensity * 255 * rightfrac
additive(leftpos, leftintensity * 2.0, leftintensity, 0)
additive(leftpos + 1, rightintensity * 2.0, rightintensity, 0)
sparkles = []
for i in range(NUM_LEDS / 10):
# but it's just simple sine waves
class PlasmaWave():
def __init__(self, frequency, r, g, b):
self.frequency = frequency # random.uniform(math.pi * 4.0, math.pi * 8.0)
self.phase = random.uniform(0.0, math.pi)
self.momentum = random.uniform(0.1, 0.5)
self.r = r
self.g = g
self.b = b
if random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) > 0.5:
self.momentum *= -1.0
def simulate(self):
self.phase += self.momentum
def render(self):
for i in range(NUM_LEDS):
intensity = 0.5 * (1.0 + math.sin(((self.frequency * i) / NUM_LEDS) + self.phase))
r = self.r * intensity
g = self.g * intensity
b = self.b * intensity
additive(i, r, g, b)
plasma_waves = [
PlasmaWave(math.pi * 1.0, 0, 16, 0),
PlasmaWave(math.pi * 4.0, 0, 32, 0),
PlasmaWave(math.pi * 8.0, 0, 32, 0)]
#for i in range(4):
# plasma_waves.append(PlasmaWave())
SLEEP = 0.02
tick = 0
while True:
# Blank buffer
for i in range(NUM_LEDS):
# 22 green is the threshold where the LED isn't quite off,
# which looks better rather than having blank spans
ledbuf[i] = (0, 22, 0)
# Do some background greenery using plasma effects
for w in plasma_waves:
# Simulate and render sparkles
for s in sparkles:
# Blit, sort of
for i in range(NUM_LEDS):
led_strip.set_rgb(i, ledbuf[i][0], ledbuf[i][1], ledbuf[i][2])
# Measure current and sleep
tick += 1
if tick > 10:
print("Current =", sense.read_current(), "A")
tick -= 10
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