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Created April 23, 2021 03:03
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index.html for Chaos Game in JS
<script src="" integrity="sha512-WIklPM6qPCIp6d3fSSr90j+1unQHUOoWDS4sdTiR8gxUTnyZ8S2Mr8e10sKKJ/bhJgpAa/qG068RDkg6fIlNFA==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
const screenDim = 600 // Our dimensions for the canvas
let corners = [{x: 300, y: 100}, {x: 100, y: 450}, {x: 500, y: 450}] // The three corners of our triangle
let pts = [{x: corners[0].x, y: (corners[0].y + corners[1].y) / 2}] // An array for all the points we iterate through, initialize with our starting point
let num = 10 // Number of iterations
let numField, numLbl // Declare our label and textfield to change the numbers
function setup() {
createCanvas(screenDim,screenDim); // Create our canvas for p5 to draw on
//Create our number TextField to the right of our canvas, with our inpEvent() function as the input event:
numField = createInput(num)
numField.position(screenDim + 100, 100)
//Create the number label on the left size of our numField
numLbl = createP("# of Points:")
numLbl.position(screenDim + 15, 85)
drawScreen() // Draw the screen when the app first starts up
function inpEvent() { //This function responds to changes in the number of points
pts = [{x: corners[0].x, y: (corners[0].y + corners[1].y) / 2}] //Reset the pts array
num = this.value() //Change the number value
let randInd
for(let i = 1; i < num; i++) { // Add a point for each iteration
randInd = floor(random(0, 3)) // Pick a random corner
x: (pts[i - 1].x + corners[randInd].x) / 2,
y: (pts[i - 1].y + corners[randInd].y) / 2
}) // Push a new point to the array between the last point and the random corner
drawScreen() // Draw screen once all our points our calculated
function drawScreen() { // Function to draw the points
clear() // Clear all previous points
fill(250); // Set the fill color to white
square(0,0, screenDim) // Draw a square around our canvas
fill("black") // Set the fill color to black
corners.forEach((pt) => { //Draw each of the corners of our triangle
ellipse(pt.x, pt.y, 10) //Ellipse with radius 10
fill("blue") // Set the fill color to blue
pts.forEach((pt, index) => { // Iterate through our points
setTimeout(() => { // Add a nice delay for animation effect
ellipse(pt.x, pt.y, 5) // Draw the point with radius 5
}, (5000 / num) * index) // We want the animation to take 5 seconds no matter what, so increment the delays by 5000/num
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