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Created August 26, 2016 18:42
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Save Lipen/52d92f51548d90e176988308ba3c1ad8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
extern crate sfml;
extern crate rand;
use sfml::graphics::{CircleShape, Color, Font, RectangleShape, RenderTarget, RenderWindow, Shape,
Text, Transformable};
use sfml::window::{ContextSettings, Key, VideoMode, Event, window_style};
use sfml::system::{Clock, Time, Vector2f};
use sfml::audio::{Sound, SoundBuffer, SoundSource};
use rand::{Rng, thread_rng};
use std::f32::consts::PI;
use std::env;
fn main() {
let mut aa_level = 0;
if let Some(arg) = env::args().nth(1) {
if let Ok(arg_as_num) = arg.parse::<u32>() {
println!("Using {}xAA", arg_as_num);
aa_level = arg_as_num;
// Define some constants
let game_width: u32 = 800;
let game_height: u32 = 600;
let paddle_size: Vector2f = Vector2f::new(25., 100.);
let ball_radius: f32 = 10.;
// Create the window of the application
let mut window = RenderWindow::new(VideoMode::new_init(game_width, game_height, 32),
"SFML Pong",
// Load the sounds used in the game
let ball_soundbuffer = SoundBuffer::new("resources/ball.wav").unwrap();
let mut ball_sound = Sound::new_with_buffer(ball_soundbuffer.get_ref()).unwrap();
// Create the left paddle
let mut left_paddle = RectangleShape::new().unwrap();
left_paddle.set_size(&(paddle_size - 3f32));
left_paddle.set_fill_color(&Color::new_rgb(100, 100, 200));
left_paddle.set_origin(&(paddle_size / 2f32));
// Create the right paddle
let mut right_paddle = RectangleShape::new().unwrap();
right_paddle.set_size(&(paddle_size - 3f32));
right_paddle.set_fill_color(&Color::new_rgb(200, 100, 100));
right_paddle.set_origin(&(paddle_size / 2f32));
// Create the ball
let mut ball = CircleShape::new().unwrap();
ball.set_radius(ball_radius as f32 - 3.);
ball.set_origin(&Vector2f::new(ball_radius / 2., ball_radius / 2.));
// Load the text font
let font = Font::new_from_file("resources/sansation.ttf").unwrap();
// Initialize the pause message
let mut pause_message = Text::new().unwrap();
pause_message.set_position(&(Vector2f::new(170., 150.)));
pause_message.set_string("Welcome to SFML pong!\nPress space to start the game");
// Define the paddles properties
let mut ai_timer = Clock::new();
let ai_time: Time = Time::with_seconds(0.1);
let paddle_speed = 400.;
let mut right_paddle_speed = 0.;
let ball_speed = 400.;
let mut ball_angle: f32 = 0.; // to be changed later
let mut clock = Clock::new();
let mut is_playing = false;
let mut rng = thread_rng();
loop {
for event in {
match event {
Event::Closed => return,
Event::KeyPressed { code, .. } => {
match code {
Key::Escape => return,
Key::Space => {
if !is_playing {
// (re)start the game
is_playing = true;
// Reset the position of the paddles and ball
left_paddle.set_position(&Vector2f::new(10. + paddle_size.x / 2.,
game_height as f32 / 2.));
right_paddle.set_position(&Vector2f::new(game_width as f32 - 10. -
paddle_size.x / 2.,
game_height as f32 / 2.));
ball.set_position(&Vector2f::new(game_width as f32 / 2.,
game_height as f32 / 2.));
// Reset the ball angle
loop {
// Make sure the ball initial angle is not too much vertical
ball_angle = rng.gen_range(0., 360.) * 2. * PI / 360.;
if ball_angle.cos().abs() >= 0.7 {
_ => {}
_ => {}
if is_playing {
let delta_time = clock.restart().as_seconds();
// Move the player's paddle
if Key::Up.is_pressed() && (left_paddle.get_position().y - paddle_size.y / 2. > 5.) {
left_paddle.move2f(0., -paddle_speed * delta_time);
if Key::Down.is_pressed() &&
(left_paddle.get_position().y + paddle_size.y / 2. < game_height as f32 - 5.) {
left_paddle.move2f(0., paddle_speed * delta_time);
// Move the computer's paddle
if ((right_paddle_speed < 0.) &&
(right_paddle.get_position().y - paddle_size.y / 2. > 5.)) ||
((right_paddle_speed > 0.) &&
(right_paddle.get_position().y + paddle_size.y / 2. < game_height as f32 - 5.)) {
right_paddle.move2f(0., right_paddle_speed * delta_time);
// Update the computer's paddle direction according to the ball position
if ai_timer.get_elapsed_time().as_microseconds() > ai_time.as_microseconds() {
if ball.get_position().y + ball_radius >
right_paddle.get_position().y + paddle_size.y / 2. {
right_paddle_speed = paddle_speed;
} else if ball.get_position().y - ball_radius <
right_paddle.get_position().y - paddle_size.y / 2. {
right_paddle_speed = -paddle_speed;
} else {
right_paddle_speed = 0.;
// Move the ball
let factor = ball_speed * delta_time;
ball.move_(&Vector2f::new(ball_angle.cos() * factor, ball_angle.sin() * factor));
// Check collisions between the ball and the screen
if ball.get_position().x - ball_radius < 0. {
is_playing = false;
pause_message.set_string("You lost !\nPress space to restart or\nescape to exit");
if ball.get_position().x + ball_radius > game_width as f32 {
is_playing = false;
pause_message.set_string("You won !\nPress space to restart or\nescape to exit");
if ball.get_position().y - ball_radius < 0. {;
ball_angle = -ball_angle;
let p = ball.get_position().x;
ball.set_position(&Vector2f::new(p, ball_radius + 0.1));
if ball.get_position().y + ball_radius > game_height as f32 {;
ball_angle = -ball_angle;
let p = ball.get_position().x;
ball.set_position(&Vector2f::new(p, game_height as f32 - ball_radius - 0.1));
// Check the collisions between the ball and the paddles
// Left Paddle
if ball.get_position().x - ball_radius <
left_paddle.get_position().x + paddle_size.x / 2. &&
ball.get_position().x - ball_radius > left_paddle.get_position().x &&
ball.get_position().y + ball_radius >=
left_paddle.get_position().y - paddle_size.y / 2. &&
ball.get_position().y - ball_radius <=
left_paddle.get_position().y + paddle_size.y / 2. {
if ball.get_position().y > left_paddle.get_position().y {
ball_angle = PI - ball_angle + rng.gen_range(0., 20.) * PI / 180.;
} else {
ball_angle = PI - ball_angle - rng.gen_range(0., 20.) * PI / 180.;
let p = ball.get_position().y;
ball.set_position(&Vector2f::new(left_paddle.get_position().x + ball_radius +
paddle_size.x / 2. +
// Right Paddle
if ball.get_position().x + ball_radius >
right_paddle.get_position().x - paddle_size.x / 2. &&
ball.get_position().x + ball_radius < right_paddle.get_position().x &&
ball.get_position().y + ball_radius >=
right_paddle.get_position().y - paddle_size.y / 2. &&
ball.get_position().y - ball_radius <=
right_paddle.get_position().y + paddle_size.y / 2. {
if ball.get_position().y > right_paddle.get_position().y {
ball_angle = PI - ball_angle + rng.gen_range(0., 20.) * PI / 180.;
} else {
ball_angle = PI - ball_angle - rng.gen_range(0., 20.) * PI / 180.;
let p = ball.get_position().y;
ball.set_position(&Vector2f::new(right_paddle.get_position().x - ball_radius -
paddle_size.x / 2. -
// Clear the window
window.clear(&Color::new_rgb(50, 200, 50));
if is_playing {
// Draw the paddles and the ball
} else {
// Draw the pause message
// Display things on screen
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