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Created March 11, 2021 14:29
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Minizinc models for common graph problems
%%% Graph Coloring
%% Constants.
int: V;
int: E = length(edges1d) div 2;
int: k;
set of int: NODES = 1..V;
set of int: EDGES = 1..E;
set of int: COLORS = 1..k;
array[int] of NODES: edges1d;
array[EDGES, 1..2] of NODES: edges = array2d(EDGES, 1..2, edges1d);
%% Variables.
array[NODES] of var COLORS: color;
%% Constraints.
constraint forall (i in EDGES) (
color[edges[i,1]] != color[edges[i,2]]
k = 3;
solve satisfy;
%%% Maximum Independent (Stable) Set
%% Constants.
int: V;
int: E = length(edges1d) div 2;
set of int: NODES = 1..V;
set of int: EDGES = 1..E;
array[int] of NODES: edges1d;
array[EDGES, 1..2] of NODES: edges = array2d(EDGES, 1..2, edges1d);
%% Variables.
array[NODES] of var bool: stable; % is node in stable set?
var NODES: k = sum(i in NODES)(bool2int(stable[i])); % size of stable set (to be maximized)
%% Constraints.
constraint forall (i in EDGES) (
not( stable[edges[i,1]] /\ stable[edges[i,2]])
%% Solution.
solve maximize k;
output [
"stable = \(stable)", "\n",
"k = \(k)", "\n",
"stable set = \({ v | v in NODES where stable[v] })", "\n",
%%% Minimum Graph Coloring
%% Constants.
int: V;
int: E = length(edges1d) div 2;
var int: k;
set of int: NODES = 1..V;
set of int: EDGES = 1..E;
set of int: COLORS = 1..V;
array[int] of NODES: edges1d;
array[EDGES, 1..2] of NODES: edges = array2d(EDGES, 1..2, edges1d);
%% Variables.
array[NODES] of var COLORS: color;
%% Constraints.
constraint forall (i in EDGES) (
color[edges[i,1]] != color[edges[i,2]]
constraint forall (i in NODES) (
color[i] <= k
%% Solution.
solve minimize k;
V = 10;
edges1d = [
1, 3,
3, 5,
5, 2,
2, 4,
4, 1,
1, 6,
2, 7,
3, 8,
4, 9,
5, 10,
6, 7,
7, 8,
8, 9,
9, 10,
10, 6
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