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Last active September 14, 2022 14:56
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Fully commented source code for Lumon-8, a 1KB PICO-8 demake of the MDR program from the TV show Severance (made for #Pico1k jam 2022)
-- lumon-8 (#pico1k)
-- paul nicholas
-- step 1: initialisation
poke(24365,1) -- enable mouse support
-- (custom font related)
-- first define the size of the custom font
-- then define the actual font bitmap data
-- (note: only definining the portion of data relating to digits + a couple more for "%","x" and mouse pointer)
u=0 -- 1st internal timer, used to track number size oscillation
v=0 -- 2nd timer, used to lerping the numbers into the selected bin
f={} -- table to store the data field of numbers (displayed on screen)
g={ -- init the bin data (each of the 5 bins stores data for each of the 4 types of numbers)
?"\astb3a#ga#a#gg" -- play some notes from the intro to the tv show
a={1,2,3,4,5} -- table used to keep track of bins that are not yet full
-- step 2: game loop
-- draw the header
oval(90,1,126,15,12) -- draw "world" bg part of the LUMON logo
oval(99,2,116,14) --
r=false -- used to track when mouse is released
x=stat(32) -- track current mouse pos
if stat(34)>0 and #a>0 then -- if mouse button pressed AND not yet 100%...
if (not d) d=true j=x k=y -- if first click, then switch into drag mode and capture initial pos
else -- else (no buttons down)
if (d) then -- if was dragging...
r=true -- flag mouse button "released"
v=.01 -- start the lerp timer
s=rnd(a) -- select a random bin from those still available (not already full)
d=false -- cancel out of drag mode
j=nil -- clear last "initial click" position
rect(-1,17,128,19) -- draw the top double-line
rect(-1,101,128,103) -- draw the bottom double-line
for i=0,127 do -- loop through all of the number slots
n=f[i] or { -- get the number at current slot OR if not there, create a new number
n=rnd()*10\1, -- pick whole number between 0-9
x=(i*8)%128+2, -- init x-pos based on index
y=((i*8)\128)*10+22, -- init y-pos based on index
a=(i*8)%128+2, -- store orig x-pos (used for lerping)
b=((i*8)\128)*10+22, -- store orig y-pos (used for lerping)
z=.5, -- default number "size"
v=rnd(), -- randomise number "size" growth seed
z=n.z+sin(u+n.v) -- init number "size" based on seed
-- if in drag mode and current number growth size is large enough
-- ...then store whether current number within drag area ( n.s)
if(j)n.s=n.x<x and n.x>j and n.y<y and n.y>k and z>1.4
-- draw current number with following criteria...
-- if current cursor pos is within 12 pixels, then draw with regular font
-- else draw using custom (tiny numbers) font
-- also, if current number is "selected" then draw white, else in normal blue col
?((((x-n.x)^2+(y-n.y)^2)^█<12 or z>1.4) and "" or "\14")..n.n,n.x,n.y,n.s and 7 or 12
if(r and n.s) n.u=(s-1)*24+12 -- if button just released and current number is selected
-- ...then set it's lerp target to be pos of selected bin
if n.u then -- if current number has lerp target pos...
n.x=n.a*(1-v)+n.u*v -- update current pos using linear interpolation (lerp)-ing
n.y=n.b*(1-v)+103*v --
if(v>1)then -- if lerp timer complete..
n=nil -- "kill" current number
k=rnd{1,2,3,4} -- pick a random number type
g[s][k]=min(g[s][k]+1,25) -- increment the count of number type (to max of 25)
f[i]=n -- store update number back into field table (or nil, to get new one next cycle)
if (d) rect(j,k,x,y) -- if in drag mode, then draw rectangle for drag bounding area
u+=.0005 -- increment main timer (for number growth animations)
if v>0 then -- if lerp timer has been enabled
v+=.04 -- increment lerp timer (for lerp animations)
l=(s-1)*24+5 -- temp variable to store left-hand pos (for status report info box)
w=mid(.77-abs(v/2%4-.77),.37)-.25 -- third lerp timer, which does a "ping-pong" with pausing (for info box)
for i=1,4 do -- for each number type...
-- draw number current(i) type acronyms, using their corresponding colours
?"⁶#"..({"WO","FC","DR","MA"})[i].." ",l+2,112+i*6-w*4*65,("3421")[i]
-- now draw progress bar for current(i) number type (uses last drawn colour from above)
-- draw the hatch "doors" for current bin
line(l,110,l+sin(w)*10,110-cos(w)*10,7) -- left
line(l+20,110,l+20-sin(w)*10,110-cos(w)*10) -- right
if(v>4)v=0 -- stop timer when it reaches the end
p=0 -- init overall percentage
rectfill(0,110,127,127,c) -- draw a black rect to clip/hide info box as animates behind the bin
for i=1,5 do -- for each bin...
b=g[i] -- get the current bin
b[0]=b[1]+b[2]+b[3]+b[4] -- store total for current bin into first slot
l=(i-1)*24+5 -- temp variable to store left-hand pos (for drawing bins)
rectfill(l,119,l+.2*b[0],126,7) -- draw progress bar for current bin
-- draw the bin number, and the percentage filled underneath it
?"\14 0"..i.."\n\|j"..b[0]..";",(i-1)*24+8,111,12
rect(l,110,l+20,117) -- draw the bins
rect(l,119,l+20,126) --
if(b[0]==100)del(a,i) -- if current bin is full, then take it out of the selection pool
p+=b[0] -- add current bin stats to overall percentage progress score
c=0 -- default clear col (black)
if(p\5==75)c=t()\1%4 -- if overall percentage progress = 75%, then enjoy a music/dance experience!
-- draw project name and also text part of the logo (with black bg to make clear against "world" bg)
?"sIENA ⁶w⁶x3\#"..c.."⁶-bLUMON",9,6
if(p\5==100)?"⁶w⁶t⁶#100%",50,50,7 -- if all numbers refined (500, as 100 in each bin) then show user!
?"\14\f7<⁶1⁶c"..c,x,y -- draw mouse cursor using custom font letter...
-- ...and also flip() and cls() using P8SCII control chars (⁶1⁶c)
?(p\5).."% cOMPLETE",38,6 -- draw percentage complete amount
goto _ -- end of game loop
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