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Forked from stepankuzmin/geolocation.cljs
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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(def urls (array "${z}/${x}/${y}.png"
(def OSM (js/OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ. "OSM (with buffer)" urls (extend-object! (js-obj) {"transitionEffect" "resize"
"buffer" 2
"wrapDateLine" true
"sphericalMercator" true})))
(def plot (js/OpenLayers.Map. (extend-object! (js-obj) {"div" "plot"
"layers" (array OSM)
"center" (array 0 0)
"zoom" 3
"controls" (array (js/OpenLayers.Control.Navigation. (extend-object! (js-obj) {"dragPanOptions" (extend-object! (js-obj) {"enableKinetic" true})}))
; Geolocation
(defn geolocation [position]
(def longitude (.-longitude js/position.coords))
(def latitude (.-latitude js/position.coords))
(def projection (js/OpenLayers.Projection. "EPSG:4326"))
(def center (.transform (js/OpenLayers.LonLat. longitude latitude) projection (.getProjectionObject plot)))
(.setCenter plot center 18))
(.getCurrentPosition js/navigator.geolocation. geolocation)
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