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Created March 12, 2015 03:15
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  • Save LispyAriaro/fe86cb76eb60002ac53b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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(defn my-tokenize [sentence delimiters]
(let [the-regex (re-pattern
(clojure.string/join "|" delimiters))]
(clojure.string/split sentence the-regex)))
;;; C:\\Users\\ARIAROO\\Documents\\Projects\\Blackberry_OS6\\gidimoblackberry
(def proj-dir "C:\\Users\\ARIAROO\\Documents\\Projects\\Blackberry_OS6\\gidimoblackberry")
(defn my-file-lines-counter
(my-file-lines-counter dir-path 0))
([dir-path so-far]
(let [dir-contents (fs/list-dir dir-path)
full-dir-contents (map #(str dir-path File/separator %)
the-files (filter #(fs/file? %) full-dir-contents)
the-dirs (filter #(fs/directory? %) full-dir-contents)
total-lines-in-files (reduce + (map get-file-num-lines the-files))]
(reduce #(if (fs/file? %2)
(+ so-far (get-file-num-lines %2))
(my-file-lines-counter %2 so-far)) so-far
;;; Get all the dirs and files
;;; add the total lines in all files in the dir
;;; if the num of dirs is > than zero
;;; go through all the dirs and recur
;;; else return the total num files
(defn get-file-num-lines [file-path]
(count (clojure.string/split (slurp file-path) #"[\r\n]+")))
(def test-file "C:\\Users\\ARIAROO\\Documents\\Projects\\Blackberry_OS6\\gidimoblackberry\\")
(defn get-first-sames [the-word]
(for [i (range 0 (.length the-word))
:let [current (.charAt the-word i)
next (.charAt the-word (inc i))]
:while (or (== i 0)
(and (> (inc i) 0)
(= next current)))]
(.charAt the-word i)))
(defn my-shorten
(my-shorten the-word ""))
([what-left so-far]
(if (empty? what-left)
(let [what-left-indices (range 0 (count what-left))
get-first-sames (fn [the-word]
(for [i what-left-indices
:while (or (== i 0)
(and (> (inc i) 0)
(== (nth (inc i) what-left)
(nth i what-left))))]
(str i)))
the-sames (clojure.string/join ""
(get-first-sames what-left))
count-of-sames (.length the-sames)]
(if (== count-of-sames 1)
(recur (.substring 1 what-left)
(str so-far the-sames))
(recur (.substring count-of-sames)
(str so-far (.substring the-sames 0 1)
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