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Created February 27, 2024 00:19
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A quick 'n dirty Cloudflare Worker, for fetching pertinent about a given GitHub repository
export default {
async fetch(request, env) {
// Extract username and repo from the URL path
const url = new URL(request.url);
const pathSegments = url.pathname.split('/').filter(Boolean);
if (pathSegments.length !== 2) {
return new Response('URL must be in the format /{username}/{repo}', { status: 400 });
const [username, repo] = pathSegments;
// Headers for GitHub API requests
const headers = {
...(env.GITHUB_TOKEN ? { 'Authorization': `token ${env.GITHUB_TOKEN}` } : {}),
'User-Agent': 'as93-repo-info-worker',
'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json'
// API base URL, for given username and repo
const baseUrl = `${username}/${repo}`;
try {
// Parallel fetch requests for repository information
const [
infoResponse, languagesResponse, updatesResponse,
versionsResponse, contributorsResponse, commitsResponse,
] = await Promise.all([
fetch(`${baseUrl}`, { headers }),
fetch(`${baseUrl}/languages`, { headers }),
fetch(`${baseUrl}/events`, { headers }),
fetch(`${baseUrl}/tags`, { headers }),
fetch(`${baseUrl}/contributors`, { headers }),
fetch(`${baseUrl}/commits`, { headers })
// Handle potential fetch errors
const responses = [
infoResponse, languagesResponse, updatesResponse,
versionsResponse, contributorsResponse, commitsResponse,
for (const response of responses) {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`Failed to fetch from GitHub API: ${response.statusText}`);
// Extract and format JSON data from responses
const data = await Promise.all( => response.json()));
const [info, languages, updates, versions, contributors, commits] = data;
// Construct the final response object, containing only what we need
const result = {
info: {
ownerUsername: info.owner.login,
ownerAvatar: info.owner.avatar_url,
description: info.description,
url: info.html_url,
homepage: info.homepage,
language: info.language,
topics: info.topics,
license: info.license?.spdx_id,
isFork: info.fork,
isArchived: info.archived,
createdAt: info.created_at,
updatedAt: info.updated_at,
size: info.size,
scarCount: info.stargazers_count,
forksCount: info.forks_count,
watchersCount: info.watchers_count
updates: => ({
type: update.type,
actor: {
action: update.payload.action,
number: update.payload.number,
createdAt: update.created_at
versions: => ({
commit: version.commit.sha,
zipball: version.zipball_url,
tarball: version.tarball_url
contributors: => ({
username: contributor.login,
avatar: contributor.avatar_url,
contributions: contributor.contributions
commits: => ({
sha: commit.sha,
message: commit.commit.message,
// Return the response as JSON
return new Response(JSON.stringify(result), {
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
} catch (error) {
// Something fucked up real bad
return new Response(error.message, { status: 500 });
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Lissy93 commented Feb 27, 2024

Docs 👇

Simple API to return data about a given GitHub repo. Runs as a Cloudflare Worker.

To fetch full info on a repository, you're required to make several seperate requests to the GitHub REST API. (One for repo meta, languages, update events, versions, contributors, commits, etc). This is a bit of a faf if you're doing this in a frontend app, as you'll be rate-limited if you don't provide a token, yet it's not secure to use your GitHub token client-side.

As you can see, the code is quick and dirty, written in 5 minutes. But it does the job!


  1. Setup Node.js, if you haven't already done so, then install wrangler, npm i -g wrangler
  2. Create a new worker project, with wrangler init repo-stats
  3. Navigate into your project, and install deps with cd repo-stats and npm install
  4. In your wrangler.toml add your API key to the GITHUB_TOKEN env var
  5. Start the development server, and test everything's working with wrangler dev
  6. Finally, run wrangler deploy to deploy your app to the world! 🚀

You can now make requests to https://[project-name][user]/[repo]

Licensed under MIT, © Alicia Sykes 2024

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