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Last active February 27, 2024 01:06
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While working for B&Q, we took turns in writing a 1-2 pager about ourselves for the company weekly newsletter, (hence the DIY references). This is my entry. Warning: Contains a lot of unfunny jokes,

Alicia Sykes: Kingfisher Hub Blog Entry

By day a coder, by night... also a coder

Me at Kingfisher

I joined KF, (as a dev) towards the end of 2016, and have been in Coach 2 (the greatest of a all feature-teams) for most of that time.

Me and DIY

Well to be honest I have no big DIY achievements (unless I am allowed to count some of the many hundreds of incredibly cool bathroom-plans that I've designed via But (like most gamers, hackers and wanna-be nerds) I did build my PC. He's called Christopher, and he's pretty neat (if programmatically-controlled-LEDs, heat-sinks and fan-controllers are your thing).


What I get up to outside of work

When not at work, my life goal is to have amazing cable management ... okay that's a joke, but my cables are pretty neat and I needed an excuse to get a picture of them in.

A big part of my life is studying the Bible, and trying to learn more about Jesus. I started going to Church in January 2016, in Oxford in my final year of University, and it totally changed the way that I see the world, and the purpose for living. If everything else in my life fails me, I will always still have this .

Outside of work I also do a bit of running, a bit of climbing, and a lot of coding .

Random Fact #1 - My Name was sent to Mars

My name is on a USB stick of data, that was sent 58,000,000 km away on the most recent unmanned Mars trip, on the Atlas V 4 Rocket.

Random Fact #2 - Army Biathlete

When I was 17/18 I competed in the British Army Biathlon Championships (Ex. Spartan Hike). Biathlon is a combination of fast-paced cross-country skiing, and rifle shooting - random, or what?!

Random Fact #3 - Dinosaur Servers

I manage a few small servers. Each is named after a dinosaur, my favourite of which is doyouthinkhesaurus (pronounced do-you-think-he-saw-us?), which is my VPN server.

Random Fact #4 - I’ve typed the equivalent distance of the Bakerloo Line

I have a really really cool keyboard…. And in the last 12 months, my total keystroke distance was 23.5 km, which is the same (to the nearest km) as Harrow to Elephant & Castle via the Bakerloo line - that’s a lot of coding!

Random Fact #5 - I’m on Google Street View

I found myself on Google Streetview, it was during my very first week at Accenture, going to Tesco to buy Diet Coke, and we were easily recognizable by our brand-new Accenture laptop bags!

Random Fact #6 - I like SubWay

And so much so, that I have acured enough points to get a Sub the same height as me! (or 50 coffees…)

Thanks for reading and I’ll leave you with this picture of the DLR, from the snow last week!

Alicia 💖 :)

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