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Created May 4, 2020 16:44
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#Modified from:
############################## clone-branch.ps1 version 0.2 ##############################
##################################### Configuration ######################################
#$VerbosePreference = "Continue" # Uncomment this line to enable verbose logging
$InformationPreference = "Continue" # Comment this line to disable information logging
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$CloneServerUrl = "http://devopsdemosrd:14145"
$ImageName = "SCAOnlyWorkflow" # SQL Clone image from which dev database clones will be created
$SqlServerMachineName = "DEVOPSDEMOSRD" # SQL Server machine hosting the clone database (must have Clone Agent installed):
$SqlServerInstanceName = "" # Use empty string for the default instance
$DBName = "SCAOnlyWorkflow" # Database name linked to project
function GetFromAndToBranchNames {
$reflogResult = git reflog
$lastReflog = $reflogResult[0]
$lastReflogTokens = $lastReflog.Split(" ")
$fromBranchName = $lastReflogTokens[5]
$toBranchName = $lastReflogTokens[7]
$fromBranch = "$($fromBranchName | ForEach-Object {$_ -replace "\W"})"
$toBranch = "$($toBranchName | ForEach-Object {$_ -replace "\W"})"
function MigrateClone {
# Create the database build artifact object required to deploy the update to the dev database
# We avoid 'building' a database as not concerned with validation so use New-DatabaseProjectObject instead of Invoke-DatabaseBuild)
$ProjectFile=Get-ChildItem -Path "${PSScriptRoot}\..\..\SCAOnlyWorkflow_tSQLt\SCAOnlyWorkflow_tSQLt.sqlproj" -Include *.sqlproj -Recurse # Find the full path of the SCA project file
Write-Host "ProjectFile identified as:$ProjectFile"
$dbBuildArtifact = $ProjectFile | New-DatabaseProjectObject | New-DatabaseBuildArtifact -PackageId MyDatabase -PackageVersion 1.0.0
# Create the deployment artifact targeting the dev databaseto be updated
$devtarget = New-DatabaseConnection -ServerInstance "${SqlServerMachineName}\${SqlServerInstanceName}" -Database ${DBName}
$releaseArtifact = New-DatabaseReleaseArtifact -Source $dbBuildArtifact -Target $devtarget
# Deploy to the dev database
Use-DatabaseReleaseArtifact $releaseArtifact -DeployTo $devtarget -DisableMonitorAnnotation -SkipPreUpdateSchemaCheck -SkipPostUpdateSchemaCheck
function GetCloneBranchName {
param ($branchNameValue)
return "${DBName}_${branchNameValue}_${env:UserName}"
function CloneExists {
param ($cloneName)
return $null -ne (Get-SqlClone -Name $cloneName -Location $sqlServerInstance -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
function CreateClone {
Write-Verbose "Provisioning database ${DBName}..."
New-SqlClone -Name ${DBName} -Image $image -Location $sqlServerInstance -ErrorAction Stop | Wait-SqlCloneOperation -ErrorAction Stop
function RenameClone {
param ($fromName, $toName)
Write-Verbose "Renaming $fromName to $toName..."
$renameMe = Get-SqlClone $fromName -ErrorAction Stop
$renameOperation = Rename-SqlClone -Clone $renameMe -NewName $toName
Wait-SqlCloneOperation -Operation $renameOperation -ErrorAction Stop
function ProvisionCloneForBranch {
$fromCloneBranchName = GetCloneBranchName $fromBranch # This is what we will rename the current clone to, if present
$toCloneBranchName = GetCloneBranchName $toBranch # This is the clone name we're expecting
# We create a new clone in the case we can't find a linked database clone, eg first time setup.
if (CloneExists $DBName) {
# Clone for current branch doesn't exist
RenameClone $DBName $fromCloneBranchName
# We've switched branch so need to see if there's a clone already for this branch we can switch to
if (CloneExists $toCloneBranchName) {
# Confirmed that clone for branch exists so we save off the existing database
RenameClone $toCloneBranchName $DBName
else {
# Per-branch clone doesn't exist so we create a new one after save the current clone, naming it with the branch and user
if ($null -eq (Get-Command "git" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
throw "This script requires git to be installed and available on PATH"
$branchNames = GetFromAndToBranchNames
$fromBranch = $branchNames[0]
$toBranch = $branchNames[1]
if ($fromBranch -eq $toBranch) {
Write-Information "Provisioning database ${DBName} for branch ${toBranch}..."
Write-Verbose "Switched from branch ${fromBranch} to branch ${toBranch}"
$StopWatch = New-Object -TypeName System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
Connect-SqlClone $CloneServerUrl -ErrorAction Stop
$image = Get-SqlCloneImage $ImageName -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Verbose "Found SQL Clone image $ImageName at $CloneServerUrl"
$sqlServerInstance = Get-SqlCloneSqlServerInstance -MachineName $SqlServerMachineName -InstanceName $SqlServerInstanceName -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Verbose "Found SQL Server instance ${SqlServerMachineName}\${SqlServerInstanceName}"
$provisionTime = $StopWatch.Elapsed.ToString('ss')
Write-Information "Database ${DBName} successfully provisioned by SQL Clone (took ${provisionTime} seconds)"
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