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Created November 8, 2012 10:11
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  • Save LiuJi-Jim/4037938 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Matrix67 2011->2012 Maze
// v2.0,避免一个for (in),速度大幅度提高,但graph的构造不如之前优雅,优化了hash,总代码量几乎没有增加,加了点注释。
var ops = ['+7', '/2', '*3', '-5'];
var graph = [
[{e:0,n:1}, {e:1,n:1}],
[{e:0,n:0}, {e:1,n:0}, {e:2,n:2}, {e:3,n:2}],
[{e:2,n:1}, {e:3,n:1}]
]; // 第一维是顶点,第二维是出边,e是边的id,n是指向的顶点。
graph.forEach(function(vex, i){
vex.forEach(function(edge, j){
edge.f = new Function('val', 'return val' + ops[edge.e]); // 把边构造成一个function
var now = {
pos: 0, // 当前所在位置
last: -1, // 上一次经过的边
from: false, // 上一次状态
ret: 2011 // 当前结果
function calcHash(node){
return node.ret*100 + node.pos*10 + node.last; // pos和last都是个位数,以此构造hash。初始last=-1,刚好不会和任何中间状态碰撞。
var queue = [now], finish = 2, dest = 2012, visited = {};
while (queue.length > 0){
now = queue.shift(); // 宽搜
var pos = now.pos, last = now.last, ret = now.ret, path = now.path;
if (pos == finish && ret == dest) break;
var hash = calcHash(now);
if (visited[hash]) continue; // 访问过,剪枝
visited[hash] = true;
for (var i = 0; i < graph[pos].length; ++i){
var node = graph[pos][i], edge = node.e, to = node.n;
if (edge == 1 && ret % 2 == 1) continue; // 奇数不/2
if (edge == last) continue; // 不走回头路,丑特斯邦威
var move = {
pos: to,
last: edge,
from: now,
ret: node.f(ret)
var path = ['=2012'];
while (now){
path.push(ops[now.last]); // 通过last回溯出完整路径
now = now.from;
console.log('2011' + path.reverse().join(''));
var ops = ['+7', '/2', '*3', '-5'];
var fns =, i){
return new Function('val', 'return val' + op);
var graph = [
{0:1, 1:1},
{0:0, 1:0, 2:2, 3:2},
{2:1, 3:1}
]; // {边:指向}
var now = {
pos: 0, // 当前所在位置
last: -1, // 经过的边
from: false,
ret: 2011 // 当前结果
function calcHash(node){
return node.ret * 10 + node.last;
var queue = [now], finish = 2, dest = 2012, visited = [{},{},{}];
visited[calcHash[now]] = true;
while (queue.length > 0){
now = queue.shift();
var pos = now.pos, last = now.last, ret = now.ret, path = now.path;
if (pos == finish && ret == dest) {
for (var edge in graph[pos]){
var fn = fns[edge], to = graph[pos][edge];
if (edge == 1 && ret % 2 == 1) continue; // 奇数不/2
if (edge == last) continue;
var move = {
pos: to,
last: edge,
from: now,
ret: fn(ret)
}, hash = calcHash(move);
if (visited[to][hash]) continue;
visited[to][hash] = true;
var path = ['=2012'];
while (now){
now = now.from;
console.log('2011' + path.reverse().join(''));
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