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Last active February 10, 2021 02:01
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  • Save LiutongZhou/393f9b476a40a1b674918ba64a2c81dc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Useful External Tools for Pycharm
# pip install autopep8 pylint flake8 black blackcellmagic yapf
Program: autopep8
Arguments: --in-place --aggressive --aggressive $FilePath$
Working Directory: $ProjectFileDir$
Regular expression to match output:$FILE_PATH$:$LINE$:$COLUMN$:.*
Program: pylint
Arguments: "--msg-template='{abspath}:{line}: [{msg_id}({symbol}), {obj}] {msg}'" --output-format=colorized "$FilePath$"
Working directory: $ProjectFileDir$
Output filters: $FILE_PATH$\:$LINE$\:$COLUMN$\:.*
Program: flake8
Arguments: --max-complexity 10 --ignore F403,F404,F405,E501,E203,W503,W293,W291 $FilePath$
Working directory: $ProjectFileDir$
Output filters: *$FILE_PATH$\:$LINE$\:.*
Program: black
Arguments: $FilePath$
Working directory: $ProjectFileDir$
Program: yapf
Arguments: --in-place --recursive --parallel --style pep8 $FilePath$
Working directory: $ProjectFileDir$
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