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Last active February 10, 2023 15:55
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"""Data Strutures that extend OrderedDict"""
from collections import Counter, OrderedDict
from typing import Any, Hashable, Optional, Tuple, List
from hypothesis import given, strategies as st
__all__ = ["OrderedDefaultDict", "MinMaxCounter"]
class OrderedDefaultDict(OrderedDict):
"""An Ordered DefaultDict"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Init an ordered default dict
>>> OrderedDefaultDict(list)
self.default_factory = None
if not kwargs and len(args) == 1 and callable(default_factory := args[0]):
self.default_factory = default_factory
if callable(default_factory := kwargs.pop("default_factory", None)):
self.default_factory = default_factory
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def __getitem__(self, key: Hashable) -> Any:
if key in self:
return super().__getitem__(key)
elif self.default_factory is not None:
self[key] = default_item = self.default_factory()
return default_item
raise KeyError(key)
def _peek(self, last=True) -> Optional[Tuple[Hashable, Any]]:
"""Return tail if last == True else return head
Time: O(1)
if self:
key, value = self.popitem(last=last)
self[key] = value
self.move_to_end(key, last=last)
return key, value
return None
def head(self) -> Optional[Tuple[Hashable, Any]]:
"""Return the head of the OrderedDict as (key, value)"""
return self._peek(last=False)
def tail(self) -> Optional[Tuple[Hashable, Any]]:
"""Return the tail of the OrderedDict as (key, value)"""
return self._peek(last=True)
class MinMaxCounter:
"""A Counter optimized for querying min / max keys by count frequency
Time: O(1) for increment, decrement, min, max
This data structure maintains an OrderedDefaultDict(set) that maps
count frequency -> a set of items such that the min_freq, max_freq are
always its first and last key
def __init__(self):
"""Init a MinMaxCounter"""
self.counter = Counter()
self.count_to_items = OrderedDefaultDict(set)
def increment(self, item: Hashable):
"""Increment the count for item"""
counter, count_to_items = self.counter, self.count_to_items
if freq_old := counter.get(item, None):
if not count_to_items[freq_old]:
del count_to_items[freq_old]
freq_new = counter[item]
if freq_new in count_to_items or not count_to_items:
else: # count_to_items and freq_new not in count_to_items
# Maintain Min Max invariance of the count_to_items
max_freq, max_key_set = count_to_items.popitem()
count_to_items[max_freq] = max_key_set
if freq_new > max_freq:
min_freq, min_key_set = count_to_items.head()
if freq_new < min_freq:
count_to_items.move_to_end(freq_new, last=False)
def decrement(self, item: Hashable):
"""Decrement the count for item"""
counter, count_to_items = self.counter, self.count_to_items
freq_old = counter[item]
if not count_to_items[freq_old]:
del count_to_items[freq_old]
if (freq_new := counter[item]) == 0:
if freq_new in count_to_items or not count_to_items:
else: # count_to_items and freq_new not in count_to_items
# Maintain Min Max invariance of the count_to_items
min_freq, min_freq_set = count_to_items.popitem(last=False)
count_to_items.move_to_end(freq_new, last=False)
count_to_items[min_freq] = min_freq_set
count_to_items.move_to_end(min_freq, last=False)
if freq_new < min_freq:
count_to_items.move_to_end(freq_new, last=False)
def max(self) -> Optional[Tuple[int, set]]:
"""Return the (max_count, item_set)"""
return self.count_to_items.tail()
def min(self) -> Optional[Tuple[int, set]]:
"""Return the (min_count, item_set)"""
return self.count_to_items.head()
def test_minmaxcounter(str_list: List[str]):
"""Test MinMaxCounter"""
counter = Counter(str_list)
minmax_counter = MinMaxCounter()
for str_ in str_list:
def __check_min_max_value(counter, minmax_counter):
max_count_set = minmax_counter.max()
min_count_set = minmax_counter.min()
if counter:
key, value = counter.most_common(1)[0]
max_count, max_set = max_count_set
assert value == max_count
assert key in max_set
key = min(counter, key=counter.get)
value = counter[key]
min_count, min_set = min_count_set
assert value == min_count
assert key in min_set
assert max_count_set is None
assert min_count_set is None
counter = +counter
__check_min_max_value(counter, minmax_counter)
for str_ in str_list:
counter = +counter
__check_min_max_value(counter, minmax_counter)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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