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Created May 14, 2020 13:20
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Project Euler第72题
;;; 换个思路?
;;; 先算出一百万以下的所有素数
;;; 基于这个素数表,对每一个数字d都进行快速的因数分解
;;; 得到数字d的质因数后,用筛法计算出互质的数字的个数
(defun generate-prime-numbers (limit)
(let ((bitmap (make-array limit :initial-element 1))
(result '()))
(dotimes (i limit (nreverse result))
(let ((ele (aref bitmap i)))
;; 如果ele已经是0了,便不是素数,也就不用做进一步判断了。
(when (= ele 1)
(let ((n (1+ i)))
;; 跳过1,因为1是素数并且是所有数字的因数
(when (> n 1)
(push n result)
;; 把属于当前数字的倍数对应的下标的元素赋值为0
(do* ((times 2 (1+ times))
(j (1- (* times n)) (1- (* times n))))
((> j (1- limit)))
(setf (aref bitmap j) 0)))))))))
(defvar *prime-numbers* (generate-prime-numbers 1000000)
(defun factoring (n)
(labels ((aux (n ps result)
(let ((f (first ps)))
(cond ((= n 1)
((zerop (mod n f))
(aux (/ n f) ps (if (equal f (car result)) result (cons f result))))
(aux n (rest ps) result))))))
(aux n *prime-numbers* '())))
;;; 用因数分解加筛法来寻找互质的数字
(defun count-coprime-numbers (d)
(let ((bitmap (make-array d :initial-element 1))
(factors (factoring d)))
(dolist (f factors)
(do ((i (1- f) (+ i f)))
((> i (1- d)))
(setf (aref bitmap i) 0)))
(count-if #'(lambda (ele)
(= ele 1))
(defun count-coprime-numbers-by-formula (d)
(* d
(reduce #'(lambda (acc n)
(* acc (- 1 (/ 1 n))))
(factoring d)
:initial-value 1)))
(defun count-total-reduced-proper-fractions (d)
"计算所有不大于D的正整数的reduced proper fraction的数量。"
(let ((count 0))
(dotimes (i d (1- count))
(let ((nd (1+ i)))
(when (zerop (mod nd 1000))
(format t "已处理~D个数字~%" nd))
(incf count (count-coprime-numbers-by-formula nd))))))
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