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Jesse Pearson Lixivial

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Lixivial / gist:25560
Created November 16, 2008 21:35
praebot qstat output
15:33:29 → miniLixi ( has entered the channel.
15:33:55 <@Lixivial> miniLixi: qstat
15:33:57 <miniLixi> Galt's Gulch - CTF - TX, USA 20 24 pushmectf \n
15:33:58 <miniLixi> 75 *A*Blackmushroom -666\n
15:33:58 <miniLixi> 64 12 Angry Men -666\n
15:33:58 <miniLixi> 82 MossDemos -666\n
15:33:59 <miniLixi> 27 [+]death/angel -666\n
15:33:59 <miniLixi> 50 <.< -666\n
15:34:00 <miniLixi> 91 neurocide -666\n
15:34:02 <miniLixi> 97 [o]SoulBringer 0\n
Lixivial /
Created November 17, 2008 05:12
Preliminary Infobot qstat wrapper
qstat: Usage for '## <params>':
qstat: ----- __Aliasing__
qstat: -a - Add an alias
qstat: -c - Check an alias
qstat: -e - Edit an alias
qstat: -r - Remove an alias
qstat: ----- __Querying__
qstat: -h - List of hosts to report/query from.
qstat: -p - Player name to search for in output of -c or -h
qstat: -g - Game type to use to query.
Lixivial / gist:32615
Created December 6, 2008 04:32
praebot qstat server output
22:24:51 <@Lixi|away> miniLixi: qstat -c masters -g nexuizm -m
22:25:01 <miniLixi> Here are lixi|away's results:
22:25:01 <miniLixi> MASTER
22:25:01 <miniLixi> [Nexuiz Ninjaz] Race - Washington DC, US - GigE 0 16 streetrace
22:25:02 <miniLixi> +++NEX CTF DesertCastles Server /MI/USA+++ 0 10 desertcastles6
22:25:02 <miniLixi> !BAF!MINSTAGATOR (minsta, hook) 7 32 farewell_laserfun
22:25:02 <miniLixi> 30 Stevibo 3
22:25:04 <miniLixi> 85 !BAF!Will Riker 2
22:25:06 <miniLixi> 86 [GT]ColdVodka 7
22:25:08 <miniLixi> 128 Big Ron 2
Lixivial / README
Created June 7, 2009 12:30
a quick and dirty fallback downloader and load balancer
There should be no weird php.ini variables to set, so just move this to a server and set the appropriate permissions.
If you want to make it so a URL can be parsed as, you can utilise a .htaccess
file to do this.
First, rename proxy.php to proxy and then put a .htaccess file in the same directory as proxy with the following information:
<Files proxy>
Lixivial /
Created January 17, 2010 05:48
import old tarball'd logs into a new awstats config.
# -- A simple import script to import old tarball logs into a new awstats site config.
# by Lixivial (Jesse Pearson)
# contact:
# or
# Script arguments:
# config -- awstats config name sans .conf
# access_log -- the path to the access log with wildcards
Lixivial /
Created March 3, 2010 20:05
shell script to output all Confluence spaces to PDF (and HTML) and place them on a share.
# set -x
# Jesse Pearson
# Shell script to output all Confluence Spaces to PDF and optionally
# push them to a SMB or some other share.
# Dependencies:
# wget
# Optional dependencies:
Lixivial /
Created March 3, 2010 20:28
AMANDA logs to Confluence
# Daily Backup Confluence Bridge
# jesse pearson
# Purpose:
# Used to send the Amanda backup logs into a Confluence page and
# attach a PDF output summary to the given page.
# Dependencies:
# cadaver
Lixivial /
Created March 14, 2010 19:06
preliminary vnstat->sqlite converter
use strict;
use DBI;
use XML::Simple;
use Getopt::Mixed;
# static vars to emulate boolean behaviour.
use constant false => 0;
use constant true => 1;
Lixivial /
Created April 5, 2010 16:23
a quick perl script to do some backup handling of common data types
# set -x
# Jesse Pearson
# Quick perl script to tar up given set of targets, and push them to a given destination
# Changelog:
# 04.05.2010 - jp - added cp and svn support.
# 04.05.2010 - jp - added local and remote backup holding directories.
# 04.01.2010 - jp - Initial creation date.
Lixivial /
Created November 5, 2010 14:36
bash script to parse and bundle maps by gametype.
# - Jesse M. Pearson (Lixivial)
# contact:
# Description:
# A simple script meant to break up Nexuiz maps into individual
# gametypes.
# Things to note:
# 1. The files generated/used are mostly self-contained to the script's execution directory.