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Created August 4, 2018 03:02
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Based on this youtube video... Which deals with left truncating prime numbers.
# Title:
# Description: This is a generator of left truncating prime numbers. Each
# number in the 'all_primes' list will have the property of
# being a prime number after the left most digit is truncated.
# For example, the prime number 137 is such a left truncating
# prime. If you truncate the 1, the number 37 is also a prime
# number, if you truncate the 3, the number 7 is a prime
# number.
# If run successfully, the result should be a list of 1,442
# endpoints (largest base numbers that cannot have another
# digit added to the left and still meet the defintion of a
# left truncating prime). The largest endpoint should be
# 357,686,312,646,216,567,629,137.
# The program was run using single core processor, single
# threading on a 3.2GHz Intel Core i5 Mac. During the run
# time, the single core processor ran >95%. Results are
# appended at the end.
# Author: Bill Armstrong
# Date: July 29, 2018
# Version: 1.0
# Usage: python
# Notes:
# Python_version: 3.6.4
import math
import time
def is_prime(num):
return False
return True
return False
i = 3
if num%i==0:
return False
i += 2
return True
primes = [2, 3, 5, 7]
endpoints = []
all_primes = []
num = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
t = time.time()
while len(primes)>0:
ep = True
base = primes.pop(0)
for leftnum in num:
test_num = int(str(leftnum) + str(base))
if is_prime(test_num):
print("prime found: ", test_num)
ep = False
if ep:
print("endpoint found: ", base, " Total endpoints: ",
len(endpoints), " Total primes left to check: ", len(primes))
print ("*** COMPLETE ***")
print ("Found", len(endpoints), "endpoints.")
print ("With a total of", len(all_primes),
"prime numbers that have the Left Trunc property.")
print ("The largest Left Trunc prime was: ", endpoints[-1])
print ("Total processing time was", (time.time()- t), ".")
# Terminal Output of lines 54 - 58
*** COMPLETE ***
Found 1442 endpoints.
With a total of 8516 prime numbers that have the Left Trunc property.
The largest Left Trunc prime was: 357686312646216567629137
Total processing time was 440014.46286058426 .
Largest left truc number: 357,686,312,646,216,567,629,137
Total time: 5 days, 2 hours, 13 minutes, 34.46286058425903 seconds
The last 5 endpoints:
endpoint found: 315396334245663786197 Total endpoints: 1437 Total primes left to check: 5
endpoint found: 666276812967623946997 Total endpoints: 1438 Total primes left to check: 4
prime found: 96686312646216567629137
prime found: 57686312646216567629137
prime found: 95918918997653319693967
endpoint found: 9918918997653319693967 Total endpoints: 1439 Total primes left to check: 3
endpoint found: 96686312646216567629137 Total endpoints: 1440 Total primes left to check: 2
prime found: 357686312646216567629137
endpoint found: 95918918997653319693967 Total endpoints: 1441 Total primes left to check: 1
endpoint found: 357686312646216567629137 Total endpoints: 1442 Total primes left to check: 0
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Future modifications...

a) Try multithreading on prime calculations
b) Try multiprocessor on prime calculations

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