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Created March 2, 2023 17:46
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function getQueryOutfit(blob)
local lockHash = string.unpack('<i4', blob, 1)
local hash = string.unpack('<i4', blob, 9)
local price = string.unpack('<i4', blob, 17)
local unk1 = string.unpack('<i4', blob, 25)
local totalItems = string.unpack('<i4', blob, 33)
local unk2 = string.unpack('<i4', blob, 41)
local unk3 = string.unpack('<i4', blob, 49)
local gxt = string.unpack('z', blob, 57)
local outfitData = {
LockHash = lockHash,
Hash = hash,
Price = price,
TotalProps = unk1,
TotalComponents = totalItems,
Unk2 = unk2,
Unk3 = unk3,
Label = gxt
return outfitData
function getComponent(blob)
local lockHash = string.unpack('<i4', blob, 1)
local hash = string.unpack('<i4', blob, 9)
local locate = string.unpack('<i4', blob, 17)
local drawable = string.unpack('<i4', blob, 25)
local texture = string.unpack('<i4', blob, 33)
local field5 = string.unpack('<i4', blob, 41)
local componentType = string.unpack('<i4', blob, 49)
local field7 = string.unpack('<i4', blob, 57)
local field8 = string.unpack('<i4', blob, 65)
local gxt = string.unpack('z', blob, 73)
local myObject = {
LockHash = lockHash,
Hash = hash,
Locate = locate,
Drawable = drawable,
Texture = texture,
Price = field5,
ComponentType = componentType,
f_7 = field7,
f_8 = field8,
Label = gxt
return myObject
function getVariant(blob)
local hash = string.unpack('<i4', blob, 1)
local enumValue = string.unpack('<i4', blob, 9)
local componentType = string.unpack('<i4', blob, 17)
local myObject = {
Hash = hash,
EnumValue = enumValue,
ComponentType = componentType
return myObject
function GetShopPedComponent(componentHash)
local blob = string.rep('\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0', 9+16)
Citizen.InvokeNative(0x74C0E2A57EC66760, componentHash, blob)
local myObject = getComponent(blob)
return myObject
function GetShopPedProp(componentHash)
local blob = string.rep('\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0', 9+16)
Citizen.InvokeNative(0x5D5CAFF661DDF6FC, componentHash, blob)
local myObject = getComponent(blob)
return myObject
function GetShopPedQueryOutfits(characterType)
local max = SetupShopPedOutfitQuery(characterType, false)
if max == 0 then return false end
local items = {}
for i=0,max-1 do
local blob = string.rep('\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0', 7+16)
Citizen.InvokeNative(0x6D793F03A631FE56, i, blob) -- it starts from 0... so i-1 (DAMN YOU! STUPID SEXY LUA!)
local outfitData = getQueryOutfit(blob)
items[(i+1)] = outfitData
return items
function GetShopPedQueryOutfit(outfitIndex, characterType) -- characterType => 0: michael, 1: franklin, 2: trevor, 3:mpmale, 4:mpfemale
local max = SetupShopPedOutfitQuery(characterType, false)
if max == 0 then return false end
local blob = string.rep('\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0', 7+16)
Citizen.InvokeNative(0x6D793F03A631FE56, outfitIndex, blob) -- it starts from 0... so i-1 (DAMN YOU! STUPID SEXY LUA!)
local outfitData = getQueryOutfit(blob)
return outfitData
function GetShopPedOutfit(outfitHash)
local blob = string.rep('\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0', 7+16)
Citizen.InvokeNative(0xB7952076E444979D, outfitHash, blob)
local outfitData = getQueryOutfit(blob)
return outfitData
function GetShopPedOutfitComponentVariant(outfitHash, slot)
local blob = string.rep('\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0', 3+16)
Citizen.InvokeNative(0x19F2A026EDF0013F, outfitHash, slot, blob)
local variant = getVariant(blob)
return variant
function GetShopPedOutfitPropVariant(outfitHash, slot)
local blob = string.rep('\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0', 3+16)
Citizen.InvokeNative(0xA9F9C2E0FDE11CBB, outfitHash, slot, blob)
local variant = getVariant(blob)
return variant
function GetShopPedQueryComponent(componentId, componentType, characterType)
local blob = string.rep('\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0', 9+16)
Citizen.InvokeNative(0x1E8C308FD312C036, blob)
local max = SetupShopPedApparelQueryTu(characterType, 0, -1, 0 --[[0=component/1=props]], -1, componentType)
if componentId > max then return false end
Citizen.InvokeNative(0x249E310B2D920699, componentId, blob)
local myObject = getComponent(blob)
return myObject
function GetShopPedQueryComponents(componentType, characterType, locate)
if locate == nil then locate = -1 end
local blob = string.rep('\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0', 9+16)
Citizen.InvokeNative(0x1E8C308FD312C036, blob)
local max = SetupShopPedApparelQueryTu(characterType, 0, locate, 0 --[[0=component/1=props]], -1--[[prop related?]], componentType)
if max == 0 then return false end
local items = {}
for i=0,max-1 do
Citizen.InvokeNative(0x249E310B2D920699, i, blob)
items[(i+1)] = getComponent(blob)
return items
function QueryGetComponentIndex(nameHash, characterType, componentType)
local blob = string.rep('\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0', 9+16)
Citizen.InvokeNative(0x1E8C308FD312C036, blob)
local max = SetupShopPedApparelQueryTu(characterType, 0, -1, 0 --[[0=component/1=props]], -1--[[prop related?]], componentType)
if max == 0 then return -1 end
for i=0,max-1 do
Citizen.InvokeNative(0x249E310B2D920699, i, blob)
local data = getComponent(blob)
if data.Hash == nameHash then
return i
return -1
function GetShopPedQueryProp(propId, characterType)
local blob = string.rep('\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0', 9+16)
Citizen.InvokeNative(0x1E8C308FD312C036, blob)
local max = SetupShopPedApparelQueryTu(characterType, 0, -1, 1 --[[0=component/1=props]], -1--[[prop related?]], -1)
if propId > max then return false end
Citizen.InvokeNative(0xDE44A00999B2837D, propId, blob)
local myObject = getComponent(blob)
return myObject
function GetShopPedQueryProps(characterType)
local blob = string.rep('\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0', 9+16)
Citizen.InvokeNative(0x1E8C308FD312C036, blob)
local max = SetupShopPedApparelQueryTu(characterType, 0, -1, 1 --[[0=component/1=props]], -1--[[prop related?]], -1)
if max == 0 then return false end
local items = {}
for i=0,max-1 do
Citizen.InvokeNative(0xDE44A00999B2837D, i, blob)
items[(i+1)] = getComponent(blob)
return items
function QueryGetPropIndex(nameHash, characterType)
local blob = string.rep('\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0', 9+16)
Citizen.InvokeNative(0x1E8C308FD312C036, blob)
local max = SetupShopPedApparelQueryTu(characterType, 0, -1, 1 --[[0=component/1=props]], -1--[[prop related?]], -1)
if max == 0 then return -1 end
for i=0,max-1 do
Citizen.InvokeNative(0xDE44A00999B2837D, i, blob)
local data = getComponent(blob)
if data.Hash == nameHash then
return i
return -1
exports('GetShopPedComponent', GetShopPedComponent) -- GetShopPedComponent(componentHash)
exports('GetShopPedProp', GetShopPedProp) -- GetShopPedProp(componentHash)
exports('GetShopPedQueryOutfit', GetShopPedQueryOutfit) -- GetShopPedQueryOutfits(characterType)
exports('GetShopPedQueryOutfits', GetShopPedQueryOutfits) -- GetShopPedQueryOutfit(outfitIndex, characterType) -- characterType => 0: michael, 1: franklin, 2: trevor, 3:mpmale, 4:mpfemale
exports('GetShopPedOutfit', GetShopPedOutfit) -- GetShopPedOutfit(outfitHash)
exports('GetShopPedOutfitComponentVariant', GetShopPedOutfitComponentVariant) -- GetShopPedOutfitComponentVariant(outfitHash, slot)
exports('GetShopPedOutfitPropVariant', GetShopPedOutfitPropVariant) -- GetShopPedOutfitPropVariant(outfitHash, slot)
exports('GetShopPedQueryComponent', GetShopPedQueryComponent) -- GetShopPedQueryComponent(componentId, componentType, characterType) -- characterType => 0: michael, 1: franklin, 2: trevor, 3:mpmale, 4:mpfemale
exports('GetShopPedQueryComponents', GetShopPedQueryComponents) -- GetShopPedQueryComponents(componentType, characterType, locate) -- characterType => 0: michael, 1: franklin, 2: trevor, 3:mpmale, 4:mpfemale
exports('QueryGetComponentIndex', QueryGetComponentIndex) -- QueryGetComponentIndex(nameHash, characterType, componentType)
exports('GetShopPedQueryProp', GetShopPedQueryProp) -- GetShopPedQueryProp(propId, characterType) -- characterType => 0: michael, 1: franklin, 2: trevor, 3:mpmale, 4:mpfemale
exports('GetShopPedQueryProps', GetShopPedQueryProps) -- GetShopPedQueryProps(characterType) -- characterType => 0: michael, 1: franklin, 2: trevor, 3:mpmale, 4:mpfemale
exports('QueryGetPropIndex', QueryGetPropIndex) -- QueryGetPropIndex(nameHash, characterType)
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