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Last active January 25, 2024 13:59
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  • Save LockTar/b70cc40f4895cb0e2e724cfe0f9faf87 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save LockTar/b70cc40f4895cb0e2e724cfe0f9faf87 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Copy all Azure DevOps branch policies from one branch to another using Azure CLI
# Description: Copies branch policies from one branch to another branch
# Run the script in the root of the git repository
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $RepositoryName,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $FromBranch,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $ToBranch,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('exact', 'prefix')]
[string] $ToBranchMatchType
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';
# Get id of the repo
$repositoryId = az repos list --query "[?name=='$RepositoryName'].id | [0]"
# Get all policies from branch
#az repos policy list --query "[?contains(settings.scope[].repositoryId,'$repositoryId')] | [?contains(settings.scope[].refName, 'refs/heads/$FromBranch')]"
# List all policies in table format with relevant information
#az repos policy list --query "[?contains(settings.scope[].repositoryId,'$repositoryId')] | [?contains(settings.scope[].refName, 'refs/heads/$FromBranch')] | [].{Type:type.displayName, BuildDefinitionId:settings.buildDefinitionId, Name:settings.displayName, Branch:settings.scope[0].refName}" --output table
$policies = az repos policy list --query "[?contains(settings.scope[].repositoryId,'$repositoryId')] | [?contains(settings.scope[].refName, 'refs/heads/$FromBranch')]" | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach ($policy in $policies) {
# See documentation on how to create a branch policy
Write-Host "Create policy of the type '$($policy.type.displayName)'"
$completeToBranch = "refs/heads/$ToBranch"
switch ($policy.type.displayName) {
'Build' {
Write-Host "Create policy '$($policy.settings.displayName)'"
# Join path filter with ; as separator
$pathFilter = $null
if ($null -ne $policy.settings.filenamePatterns) {
$pathFilter = $policy.settings.filenamePatterns -join ';'
# Create branch build policy
if ($null -eq $pathFilter) {
az repos policy build create `
--repository-id $repositoryId `
--branch $completeToBranch `
--branch-match-type $ToBranchMatchType `
--enabled $policy.isEnabled `
--blocking $policy.isBlocking `
--queue-on-source-update-only $policy.settings.queueOnSourceUpdateOnly `
--manual-queue-only $policy.settings.manualQueueOnly `
--valid-duration $policy.settings.validDuration `
--build-definition-id $policy.settings.buildDefinitionId `
--display-name $policy.settings.displayName
else {
az repos policy build create `
--repository-id $repositoryId `
--branch $completeToBranch `
--branch-match-type $ToBranchMatchType `
--enabled $policy.isEnabled `
--blocking $policy.isBlocking `
--queue-on-source-update-only $policy.settings.queueOnSourceUpdateOnly `
--manual-queue-only $policy.settings.manualQueueOnly `
--valid-duration $policy.settings.validDuration `
--build-definition-id $policy.settings.buildDefinitionId `
--display-name $policy.settings.displayName `
--path-filter $pathFilter
'Minimum number of reviewers' {
#Known bug:
#--block-lastPusherVote $policy.settings.blockLastPusherVote `
az repos policy approver-count create `
--repository-id $repositoryId `
--branch $completeToBranch `
--branch-match-type $ToBranchMatchType `
--enabled $policy.isEnabled `
--blocking $policy.settings.blockLastPusherVote `
--allow-downvotes $policy.settings.allowDownvotes `
--creator-vote-counts $policy.settings.creatorVoteCounts `
--minimum-approver-count $policy.settings.minimumApproverCount `
--reset-on-source-push $policy.settings.resetOnSourcePush
'Work item linking' {
az repos policy work-item-linking create `
--repository-id $repositoryId `
--branch $completeToBranch `
--branch-match-type $ToBranchMatchType `
--enabled $policy.isEnabled `
--blocking $policy.isBlocking
'Comment requirements' {
az repos policy comment-required create `
--repository-id $repositoryId `
--branch $completeToBranch `
--branch-match-type $ToBranchMatchType `
--enabled $policy.isEnabled `
--blocking $policy.isBlocking
'Require a merge strategy' {
$allowNoFastForward = $false
if ($null -ne $policy.settings.allowNoFastForward) { $allowNoFastForward = $policy.settings.allowNoFastForward }
$allowRebase = $false
if ($null -ne $policy.settings.allowRebase) { $allowRebase = $policy.settings.allowRebase }
$allowRebaseMerge = $false
if ($null -ne $policy.settings.allowRebaseMerge) { $allowRebaseMerge = $policy.settings.allowRebaseMerge }
$allowSquash = $false
if ($null -ne $policy.settings.allowSquash) { $allowSquash = $policy.settings.allowSquash }
az repos policy merge-strategy create `
--repository-id $repositoryId `
--branch $completeToBranch `
--branch-match-type $ToBranchMatchType `
--enabled $policy.isEnabled `
--blocking $policy.isBlocking `
--allow-no-fast-forward $allowNoFastForward `
--allow-rebase $allowRebase `
--allow-rebase-merge $allowRebaseMerge `
--allow-squash $allowSquash
Default {
Write-Host "Policy type '$($policy.type.displayName)' is not supported"
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