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Created August 23, 2018 21:19
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  • Save LoganBarnett/b8f222647a256d345687c6c9c1952a0f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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My graph for doing timed reps (successful executions performed in 60 seconds) for Killer Queen.

timed reps

timestd sticksrt sticklng stickbanjoloopslazy-jstablejjump-scrape
<2018-02-01 Fri>2015103200??
<2018-03-01 Fri>2416111200??
<2018-04-01 Fri>2518272200??
<2018-05-01 Fri>40493137568??
<2018-05-07 Fri>336034304711??
<2018-06-13 Wed>3460293641318??
<2018-06-20 Wed>3457324021017??
<2018-08-13 Mon>335430342312?6
<2018-08-23 Thu>316128349??1?
# org-babel passes gnuplot a payload that's tab separated.
set key left top # This puts the legend in the top left.
set datafile separator "\t"
set xdata time
set xlabel "time"
set ylabel "reps"
set yrange [0:100]
# This is the format that org-babel sends to gnuplot.
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S"
set xrange ["2018-02-01-00:00:00":]
set format x '%Y-%m-%d'
set xtics format "%b %d"
# 564 is the magical width of 80 columns at the present font settings.
set term png size 564, 400

# Don't use this method of ignoring data - see notes below instead.
# set datafile missing "?"

# Defer to bc, a precision calculator for Linux.

# Check for ? which is my arbitarily chosen "missing value" for gnuplot.
# Normally we would use 'set datafile missing "?"' but I think since it's being
# passed to bc, the normal ignore missing data behavior doesn't work.
result(s) = s eq "?" ? NaN : system(sprintf('echo "%s" | bc -l', s)) + 0
plot data u 1:(result(strcol(2)))  w linespoints title 'std sticks', \
     data u 1:(result(strcol(3)))  w linespoints title 'short sticks', \
     data u 1:(result(strcol(4)))  w linespoints title 'long sticks', \
     data u 1:(result(strcol(5)))  w linespoints title 'banjo sticks', \
     data u 1:(result(strcol(6)))  w linespoints title 'loops', \
     data u 1:(result(strcol(7)))  w linespoints title "lazy j's", \
     data u 1:(result(strcol(8)))  w linespoints title 'rapid stablize', \
     data u 1:(result(strcol(9)))  w linespoints title "diving j's", \
     data u 1:(result(strcol(10))) w linespoints title 'jump scrapes'
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