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Created September 27, 2021 08:37
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Typings for @atom/watcher
declare module '@atom/watcher' {
import {Disposable} from 'event-kit'
export const DISABLE: unique symbol
export const STDOUT: unique symbol
export const STDERR: unique symbol
// May be one of:
// - A `string` specifying a path to log to a file. Be careful that you
// don't log to a directory that you're watching!
// - The constants {@link STDERR} or {@link STDOUT} to log to the node
// process' standard error or output streams.
// - {@link DISABLE} to disable logging.
export type LogTarget = string | typeof DISABLE | typeof STDOUT | typeof STDERR
export interface WatcherSettings {
// Configures the logging of events from the JavaScript layer. Defaults
// to {@link DISABLE}.
jsLog: LogTarget
// Configures the logging of events from the main thread, in line with
// `libuv`'s event loop. The default is {@link DISABLE}.
mainLog: LogTarget
// Configures logging for the worker thread, which is used to interact
// with native operating system filesystem watching APIs. The default is
// {@link DISABLE}.
workerLog: LogTarget
// Configures the logging for the polling thread, which polls the
// filesystem when the worker thread is unable to. The default is
// {@link DISABLE}.
pollingLog: LogTarget
// Controls the number of recently seen stat results are cached within
// the worker thread. Increasing the cache size will improve the
// reliability of rename correlation and the entry kinds of deleted
// entries, but will consume more RAM. The default is `4096`.
workerCacheSize: number
// Controls the rough number of filesystem-touching system calls
// (`lstat()` and `readdir()`) performed by the polling thread on each
// polling cycle. Increasing the throttle will improve the timeliness
// of polled events, especially when watching large directory trees, but
// will consume more processor cycles and I/O bandwidth. The throttle
// defaults to `1000`.
pollingThrottle: number
// Adjusts the time in milliseconds that the polling thread spends
// sleeping between polling cycles. Decreasing the interval will improve
// the timeliness of polled events, but will consume more processor
// cycles and I/O bandwidth. The interval defaults to `100`.
pollingInterval: number
// Tweak package-global settings. This method may be called even after
// watchers have been started. The `Promise` it returns resolves when all
// changed settings have taken effect. All configuration settings are
// optional. Omitted keys are left unchanged.
export function configure(settings: Partial<WatcherSettings>): Promise<void>
export interface WatcherOptions {
// If `true`, filesystem events that occur within subdirectories will be
// reported as well. If `false`, only changes to immediate children of
// the provided path will be reported. Defaults to `true`.
recursive: boolean
export type EntryAction = 'created' | 'modified' | 'deleted' | 'renamed'
export type EntryType = 'file' | 'directory' | 'symlink' | 'unknown'
export interface BaseEvent {
// A string describing the filesystem action that occurred.
action: EntryAction
// A string distinguishing the type of filesystem entry that was acted
// upon, if known.
kind: EntryType
// A string containing the absolute path to the filesystem entry that
// was acted upon. In the event of a rename, this is the *new* path of
// the entry.
path: string
export interface OtherEvent extends BaseEvent {
action: Exclude<EntryAction, 'renamed'>
export interface RenamedEvent extends BaseEvent {
action: 'renamed'
// A string containing the former absolute path of a renamed filesystem
// entry.
oldPath: string
export type Event = RenamedEvent | OtherEvent
export type EventConsumer = (events: Event[]) => unknown
export class PathWatcher {
private constructor(nativeWatcherRegistry: unknown, watchedPath: string, options: WatcherOptions)
public getOptions(): WatcherOptions
// Extended: Return a {Promise} that will resolve when the underlying
// native watcher is ready to begin sending events. When testing
// filesystem watchers, it's important to await this promise before
// making filesystem changes that you intend to assert about because
// there will be a delay between the instantiation of the watcher and
// the activation of the underlying OS resources that feed it events.
// PathWatchers acquired through `watchPath` are already started.
// ```js
// const {watchPath} = require('@atom/watcher')
// const ROOT = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures')
// const FILE = path.join(ROOT, 'filename.txt')
// describe('something', function () {
// it("doesn't miss events", async function () {
// const watcher = watchPath(ROOT, {}, events => {})
// await watcher.getStartPromise()
// fs.writeFile(FILE, 'contents\n', err => {
// // The watcher is listening and the event should be
// // received asynchronously
// }
// })
// })
// ```
public getStartPromise(): Promise<void>
// Invoke a callback with any errors that occur after the watcher has
// been installed successfully.
// The `callback` argument will be invoked with an `Error` with a stack
// trace that likely isn't very helpful and a message that hopefully is.
public onDidError(callback: (err: unknown) => unknown): Disposable
// Release an event subscription. The event callback associated with
// this `PathWatcher` will not be called after the watcher has been
// disposed, synchronously. Note that the native resources or polling
// root used to feed events to this watcher may remain, if another
// active `PathWatcher` is consuming events from it, and even if they
// are freed as a result of this disposal they will be freed
// asynchronously.
// Extended: Unsubscribe all subscribers from filesystem events. Native
// resources will be release asynchronously, but this watcher will stop
// broadcasting events immediately.
public dispose(): void
// Extended: Print the directory that this watcher is watching.
public toString(): string
// Invoke a callback with each batch of filesystem events that occur beneath
// a specified directory.
// The returned `Promise` resolves to a `PathWatcher` instance when the
// watcher is fully installed and events are flowing. The `Promise` may
// reject if the path does not exist, is not a directory, or if an
// operating system error prevented the watcher from successfully
// initializing, like a thread failing to launch or memory being exhausted.
// The *path* argument specifies the root directory to watch. This must be
// an existing directory, but may be relative, contain symlinks, or contain
// `.` and `..` segments. Multiple independent calls to `watchPath()` may
// result in `PathWatcher` instances backed by the same native event source
// or polling root, so it is relatively cheap to create many watchers within
// the same directory hierarchy across your codebase.
// The callback *may* be invoked for filesystem events that occur before the
// promise is resolved, but it *will* be invoked for any changes that occur
// after it resolves.
// *When writing tests against code that uses `watchPath`, note that you
// cannot easily assert that an event was not delivered. This is especially
// true on MacOS, where timestamp resolution can cause you to receive events
// that occurred before you even issued the `watchPath` call!*
export function watchPath(path: string, options: Partial<WatcherOptions>, consumer: EventConsumer): Promise<PathWatcher>
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