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You visited a restaurant called EXAMPLE, and the food items in that restaurant are sorted, based on their amount of calories. You have to reserve this list of food items containing calories.

Food and Calories

Problem Statement:-

You visited a restaurant called CodeWithHarry, and the food items in that restaurant are sorted, based on their amount of calories. You have to reserve this list of food items containing calories.

You have to use the following three methods to reserve a list:

  • Inbuild method of python
  • List name [::-1] slicing trick
  • Swap the first element with the last one and second element with second last one and so on like, [6 7 8 34 5] -> [5 34 8 7 6]


Take a list as an input from the user

[5, 4, 1]


[1, 4, 5]

[1, 4, 5]

[1, 4, 5]

All three methods give the same results!

# Food and Calories
listinp = input("\nYour calorie list:\n: ")
listinp = listinp.split(",")
# Inbuilt Method
revlist1 = listinp.copy()
print(f"\nUsing Inbuilt method of Python {revlist1}\n")
# Using List slicing
print(f"Using List Slicing {listinp[::-1]}\n")
# Swaping elements
for i in range(len(listinp)//2):
listinp[i], listinp[len(listinp)-i-1] = listinp[len(listinp)-i-1], listinp[i]
print(f"Using List Slicing {listinp}\n")
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