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Last active October 14, 2015 14:17
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Scroll Page
# ScrollPage
# прокрутка страницы, как слайда
# IE9, iOS
# --------------------------------------------------------
# cache
# page — прокручиваемые страницы (указывать всем главным блокам)
# settings
# duration — продолжительность прокрутки
# timing — временная функция
# bindEvents — когда вызывать прокрутку
# onWheel — определение направления прокрутки (вверх/вниз)
# key — определение стрелки ввехр и вниз и вызов необходимой прокрутки
# scrollPageDown — прокрутка вниз
# currentPage — текущая страница
# nextPage — следующая страница
# scrollPageUp — прокрутка вверх
# --------------------------------------------------------
ScrollPage = do ->
init: ->
cache: ->
@page = document.getElementsByClassName("page")
settings: ->
@duration = 500
@timing = "ease-in"
bindEvents: ->
self = @
document.onwheel = document.addEventListener "wheel", (e) -> self.onWheel(e)
document.onmousewheel = document.addEventListener "mousewheel", (e) -> self.onWheel(e)
addEventListener "keydown", (e) -> self.key(e)
# for mobile
addEventListener "touchstart", (e) ->
@startY = e.pageY
@startX = e.pageX
addEventListener "touchmove", (e) ->
@endY = e.pageY
@endX = e.pageX
addEventListener "touchend", (e) ->
if Math.abs(@endY - @startY) > Math.abs(@endX - @startX)
if @startY > @endY then self.scrollPageDown()
else self.scrollPageUp()
onWheel: (e) ->
e = e || window.event
delta = e.deltaY || e.detail || e.wheelDelta
if 0 < delta < 110 or delta < -110 then @scrollPageDown()
else if -110 < delta < 0 or delta > 110 then @scrollPageUp()
key: (e) ->
switch e.keyCode
when 40 then @scrollPageDown()
when 38 then @scrollPageUp()
scrollPageDown: ->
if !@isScrolling
@currentPage = @currentPage || 0
@nextPage = @currentPage + 1
if @currentPage < @page.length - 1
@isScrolling = true
fn = (progress) =>
@page[@currentPage] = "#{0 - 100 * progress}%"
@page[@nextPage] = "#{100-100 * progress}%"
if progress is 1
@currentPage += 1
@isScrolling = false
AnimHandler.init fn, @duration, @timing
scrollPageUp: ->
if !@isScrolling
@currentPage = @currentPage || 0
@nextPage = @currentPage - 1
if @currentPage > 0
@isScrolling = true
fn = (progress) =>
@page[@currentPage] = "#{0 + 100 * progress}%"
@page[@nextPage] = "#{-100 + 100 * progress}%"
if progress is 1
@currentPage -= 1
@isScrolling = false
AnimHandler.init fn, @duration, @timing
<div class="wrapper">
<header id="header" class="page">
It's Header
<section class="page second">
It's second
<section class="page third">
It's Third
<section class="page fourth">
It's fourth
<section class="page fifth">
It's fifth
width 100%
height 100%
position relative
overflow hidden
position absolute
width 100%
height 100%
top 100%
top 0
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