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Created March 6, 2014 19:27
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  • Save Lokaltog/9397502 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Lokaltog/9397502 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
src/wkline.c: (in function wk_context_menu_cb)
src/wkline.c:7:36: Parameter web_view not used
A function parameter is not used in the body of the function. If the argument
is needed for type compatibility or future plans, use /*@unused@*/ in the
argument declaration. (Use -paramuse to inhibit warning)
src/wkline.c:7:57: Parameter window not used
src/wkline.c: (in function wk_realize_handler)
src/wkline.c:21:8: Operand of ! is non-boolean (int):
!strcmp(wkline->position, "top")
The operand of a boolean operator is not a boolean. Use +ptrnegate to allow !
to be used on pointers. (Use -boolops to inhibit warning)
src/wkline.c:25:13: Operand of ! is non-boolean (int):
!strcmp(wkline->position, "bottom")
src/wkline.c:32:31: New fresh storage (type GtkWidget *) passed as implicitly
temp (not released): ((((GtkWidget *)g_type_check_instance_cast((GTypeInstan
ce *)((window)), ((gtk_widget_get_type()))))))
A memory leak has been detected. Storage allocated locally is not released
before the last reference to it is lost. (Use -mustfreefresh to inhibit
src/wkline.c:34:65: Function gdk_property_change expects arg 7 to be gint gets
arbitrary unsigned integral type: (sizeof(vals) / sizeof(vals[0]))
Types are incompatible. (Use -type to inhibit warning)
src/wkline.c:33:34: New fresh storage (type GdkAtom) passed as implicitly temp
(not released): gdk_atom_intern("CARDINAL", (0))
src/wkline.c:35:2: Fresh storage atom not released before return
src/wkline.c:30:2: Fresh storage atom created
src/wkline.c:35:2: Fresh storage gdkw not released before return
src/wkline.c:32:2: Fresh storage gdkw created
src/wkline.c: (in function main)
src/wkline.c:51:8: Arrow access from possibly null pointer wkline:
A possibly null pointer is dereferenced. Value is either the result of a
function which may return null (in which case, code should check it is not
null), or a global, parameter or structure field declared with the null
qualifier. (Use -nullderef to inhibit warning)
src/wkline.c:49:11: Storage wkline may become null
src/wkline.c:52:57: Passed storage wkline->dim contains 2 undefined fields:
w, h
Storage derivable from a parameter, return value or global is not defined.
Use /*@out@*/ to denote passed or returned storage which need not be defined.
(Use -compdef to inhibit warning)
src/wkline.c:52:57: Passed storage *wkline contains 1 undefined field: position
src/wkline.c:52:39: New fresh storage (type json_t *) passed as implicitly temp
(not released): wkline_get_config(wkline, "position")
src/wkline.c:55:57: New fresh storage (type GTypeInstance *) passed as
implicitly temp (not released): (GTypeInstance *)((gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW
src/wkline.c:56:91: Null storage passed as non-null param:
gtk_layout_new (NULL, ...)
A possibly null pointer is passed as a parameter corresponding to a formal
parameter with no /*@null@*/ annotation. If NULL may be used for this
parameter, add a /*@null@*/ annotation to the function parameter declaration.
(Use -nullpass to inhibit warning)
src/wkline.c:56:97: Null storage passed as non-null param:
gtk_layout_new (..., NULL)
src/wkline.c:56:57: New fresh storage (type GTypeInstance *) passed as
implicitly temp (not released): (GTypeInstance *)((gtk_layout_new(NULL,
src/wkline.c:57:63: New fresh storage (type GTypeInstance *) passed as
implicitly temp (not released): (GTypeInstance *)((webkit_web_view_new()))
src/wkline.c:62:53: New fresh storage (type json_t *) passed as implicitly temp
(not released): wkline_get_config(wkline, "monitor")
src/wkline.c:62:34: Function gdk_screen_get_monitor_geometry expects arg 2 to
be gint gets json_int_t: json_integer_value(wkline_get_config(wkline,
src/wkline.c:63:34: Passed storage dest contains 4 undefined fields:
x, y, width, height
src/wkline.c:65:37: New fresh storage (type json_t *) passed as implicitly temp
(not released): wkline_get_config(wkline, "height")
src/wkline.c:65:2: Assignment of json_int_t to int:
wkline->dim.h = json_integer_value(wkline_get_config(wkline, "height"))
src/wkline.c:68:8: Operand of ! is non-boolean (int):
!strcmp(wkline->position, "top")
src/wkline.c:71:13: Operand of ! is non-boolean (int):
!strcmp(wkline->position, "bottom")
src/wkline.c:83:30: New fresh storage (type GtkWidget *) passed as implicitly
temp (not released): ((((GtkWidget *)g_type_check_instance_cast((GTypeInstan
ce *)((web_view)), ((gtk_widget_get_type()))))))
src/wkline.c:85:20: New fresh storage (type GtkContainer *) passed as
implicitly temp (not released): ((((GtkContainer *)g_type_check_instance_cas
t((GTypeInstance *)((layout)), ((gtk_container_get_type()))))))
src/wkline.c:85:135: New fresh storage (type GtkWidget *) passed as implicitly
temp (not released): ((((GtkWidget *)g_type_check_instance_cast((GTypeInstan
ce *)((web_view)), ((gtk_widget_get_type()))))))
src/wkline.c:86:20: New fresh storage (type GtkContainer *) passed as
implicitly temp (not released): ((((GtkContainer *)g_type_check_instance_cas
t((GTypeInstance *)((window)), ((gtk_container_get_type()))))))
src/wkline.c:86:135: New fresh storage (type GtkWidget *) passed as implicitly
temp (not released): ((((GtkWidget *)g_type_check_instance_cast((GTypeInstan
ce *)((layout)), ((gtk_widget_get_type()))))))
src/wkline.c:89:95: Null storage passed as non-null param:
g_signal_connect_data (..., (NULL), ...)
src/wkline.c:89:104: Null storage passed as non-null param:
g_signal_connect_data (..., NULL, ...)
src/wkline.c:89:2: Return value (type gulong) ignored: g_signal_connect...
Result returned by function call is not used. If this is intended, can cast
result to (void) to eliminate message. (Use -retvalother to inhibit warning)
src/wkline.c:91:121: Null storage passed as non-null param:
g_signal_connect_data (..., NULL, ...)
src/wkline.c:91:2: Return value (type gulong) ignored: g_signal_connect...
src/wkline.c:92:83: Null storage passed as non-null param:
g_signal_connect_data (..., (NULL), ...)
src/wkline.c:92:92: Null storage passed as non-null param:
g_signal_connect_data (..., NULL, ...)
src/wkline.c:92:2: Return value (type gulong) ignored: g_signal_connect...
src/wkline.c:93:99: Null storage passed as non-null param:
g_signal_connect_data (..., NULL, ...)
src/wkline.c:93:2: Return value (type gulong) ignored: g_signal_connect...
src/wkline.c:95:39: New fresh storage (type json_t *) passed as implicitly temp
(not released): wkline_get_config(wkline, "theme_uri")
src/wkline.c:99:22: New fresh storage (type GtkWidget *) passed as implicitly
temp (not released): ((((GtkWidget *)g_type_check_instance_cast((GTypeInstan
ce *)((window)), ((gtk_widget_get_type()))))))
src/wkline.c:105:11: Fresh storage window not released before return
src/wkline.c:55:2: Fresh storage window created
src/wkline.c:105:11: Fresh storage layout not released before return
src/wkline.c:56:2: Fresh storage layout created
src/wkline.c:105:11: Fresh storage screen not released before return
src/wkline.c:60:2: Fresh storage screen created
src/wkline.c:105:11: Fresh storage web_view not released before return
src/wkline.c:57:2: Fresh storage web_view created
src/wkline.c:105:11: Fresh storage wkline_theme_uri not released before return
src/wkline.c:95:2: Fresh storage wkline_theme_uri created
src/wkline.c:44:7: Variable monitor_num declared but not used
A variable is declared but never used. Use /*@unused@*/ in front of
declaration to suppress message. (Use -varuse to inhibit warning)
src/widgets/widgets.h:31:33: File static variable wkline_widgets declared but
not used
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