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#include <FileThatDoesNotWriteOnException>
int main()
FileThatDoesNotWriteOnException myFile;
// Automatically writes on completion because the destructor of the file
// checks to make sure it completed without an exception being thrown.
// If an exception was thrown in "DO STUFF" then `setOK()` would never
// have been called.
// Here we encourage the author of the class "FileThatDoesNotWriteOnException"
// to create the class appropriately once. That way the user of the class never
// ever has to do it. Thus reducing the chances of error becuase of the user having
// to use boilerplate to do the validation manually.
// So you just want to use standard functions.
// You don't want to write a `FileThatDoesNotWriteOnException` and nobody else has.
// Even though the whole point of the article is about moving responcability of this
// onto the author so that users don't need to do this in the first place. Let us
// jsut examine how it can be done using standard libraries.
// As a note: The GSL is a set of basically standard libraries.
// Though not standard yet they are part of big C++ initiative being organized
// by the C++ standards comitee which will eventually make it into the standard.
// These libraries should be known to all serious C++ developers.
#include <gsl/gsl_util>
int main()
bool ok = false;
gsl::final_action finalAction([&ok](){if (ok){write_myFile();}});
ok = true;
int main()
bool ok = false
// Do Stuff
ok = true;
// Now we can try and write the file
if (ok) {
catch(Throwable e)
/* Ignore */
// Make sure not to throw exception if one is already propagating.
// If you allow this exception to propogate the user is debugging the wrong problem.
// You should solve the initial problem first. If this problem still exisits then
// debug it and solve it in the correct context.
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