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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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  • Save Lokno/3ee0253549bc1a730aca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Lokno/3ee0253549bc1a730aca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AutoHotkey Script that lets you increment/decrement a selected number in a body of text
; Adds shortcuts to increment/decrement a selected number in a body of text
; Use Shift + Mouse Wheel
AddSelection( sign )
Send ^c
if( RegExMatch( clipboard, "^-?[0-9.]+$" ) ) ; is number
; determine smallest increment
dotPos := InStr( clipboard, "." )
numLen := StrLen( clipboard )
if( dotPos > 0 )
exponent := numLen-dotPos
epsilon := 10**-exponent
SetFormat, float, 0.%exponent%
epsilon := 1
num := clipboard
num := num + sign * epsilon
clipboard = %num%
numLen := StrLen( clipboard )
Send ^v
Loop, %numLen%
SendInput +{Left}
AddSelection( 1 )
AddSelection( -1 )
; alternative shift plus mouse move control
; pixelStep := 10
; ~LShift::
; ~RShift::
; MouseGetPos, xpos
; prevPos := xpos
; while GetKeyState("LShift", "P") or GetKeyState("RShift", "P")
; {
; MouseGetPos, xpos
; delta := Floor((xpos-prevPos) / pixelStep)
; if( delta != 0 )
; {
; AddSelection( delta )
; }
; prevPos := xpos
; Sleep, 100
; }
; return
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