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Last active December 1, 2015 19:52
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  • Save Lokno/aef0db0cd7473fc9c63b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Lokno/aef0db0cd7473fc9c63b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Author : Jonathan Decker
# Description : Encodes/decodes a message using the Rail Fence Cipher
# Allows for recursively encoding of a message multiple times.
# usage: [-h] [-d] [-b BLOCKS] input output count [count ...]
# Parameters :
# [-d,--decode] - decodes if present (defaults to encoding)
# [-b BLOCKS, --blocks BLOCKS] - expects encoded message in groupings of the specified size
# <input> - file to encode/decode
# <output> - file to write output.
# count [count ...] - list of rail counts to encode
# or decode a message. List in order to encode the message
# from left to right, even when requesting decoding.
import sys
import re
import argparse
# Name: rfc_encode
# Description: Encodes a string s using the Rail
# Fence Cipher using railCount rails.
# Parameters:
# s - string to encode
# railCount - number of rails to encode across
# blockSize - IF nonzero, the input string s
# is stripped of nonalphanumberic characters
# and the encoded message is printed in space
# separated blocks of size blockSize;
# OTHERWISE (blockSize=0) s is encoded as is
def rfc_encode( s, railCount, blockSize=0 ):
if railCount < 2:
railCount = 2
if blockSize != 0:
# remove all non-alphanumeric characters
s = s.upper()
s = re.sub("[^A-Z0-9]",'',s)
l = len(s)
rails = [''] * railCount
count = 0
mo = railCount*2-2
ro = railCount-1
for c in s:
idx = ro-abs((count % mo)-ro)
rails[idx] += c
count += 1
message = ''.join(rails)
if blockSize != 0:
blocks = [message[i:i+blockSize] for i in range(0, l, blockSize)]
message = ' '.join(blocks)
return message
# Name: rfc_decode
# Description: Decodes a string s using the Rail
# Fence Cipher using railCount rails.
# Parameters:
# s - string to decode
# railCount - number of rails to decode across
# inBlocks - IF true, string s is assumed to be
# divided into space separated blocks.
def rfc_decode( s, railCount, inBlocks=False ):
if railCount < 2:
railCount = 2
if inBlocks:
s = s.replace(' ','')
l = len(s)
message = [' '] * l
mo = railCount*2-2
ro = railCount-1
sidx = 0 # moving start index in output
cidx = 0 # current index in output
rail = 0 # current rail
step = [0,0] # offset sequence for advancing through message length
stepIdx = 0 # current index in step
cidx = sidx
step[0] = (mo-(rail % ro)*2)
step[1] = mo-step[0]
if step[1] == 0:
step[1] = step[0]
for c in s:
message[cidx] = c
cidx += step[stepIdx]
stepIdx = 1-stepIdx
if cidx >= l:
sidx += 1
rail += 1
stepIdx = 0
cidx = sidx
step[0] = (mo-(rail % ro)*2)
step[1] = mo-step[0]
if step[1] == 0:
step[1] = step[0]
return ''.join(message)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''Encodes/decodes a message using the Rail Fence Cipher.
Allows for recursively encoding of a message multiple times.''')
parser.add_argument('-d','--decode', action='store_true', help='decodes message if flag is present')
parser.add_argument('-b','--blocks', type=int, default=0, help='expects encoded message in groupings of the specified size')
parser.add_argument('input', help='file to encode/decode' )
parser.add_argument('output', help='output file' )
parser.add_argument('railCounts', metavar='count', type=int, nargs='+', help='''rail count(s) to encode
or decode a message. List multiple counts in the order in which to encode the message
from left to right, even when requesting decoding.''')
args = parser.parse_args()
with open(args.input,'rb') as fin:
with open(args.output,'wb') as fout:
s =
if args.decode:
args.railCounts = args.railCounts[::-1]
for count in args.railCounts:
s = rfc_decode(s, int(count), args.blocks)
for count in args.railCounts:
s = rfc_encode(s, int(count), args.blocks)
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