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Created June 29, 2012 16:23
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Class CollectionItem
Enumerable object to be used in collections
@author Jiri Krakora aka Lokutus
@date 28.3.2012
@revision 1.0 Release
Public Class CollectionItem
Private oID As String
Public Property Set ID As String
Let Me.oID = ID
End Property
Public Property Get ID As String
Let ID = Me.oID
End Property
Public Function ToString As String
Let ToString = Me.oID
End Function
End Class
Class Collection
Generic objects Collection class
Can be used any user-defined objects, but must extend CollectionItem class
or must have a get/set property ID of type string
@author Jiri Krakora aka Lokutus
@date 28.3.2012
@uses CollectionItem
@revision 1.0 Release
Dim item As CollectionItem
Dim col As New Collection
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 10
Set item = New CollectionItem
Let item.ID = CStr(i)
Call col.Add(item)
While col.MoveNext
Print col.Current.ToString
Public Class Collection
Private oCollection List As Variant ' Items collection
Private oIndex List As String ' Index of the collection for faster lookup
Private oCount As Long ' Count of the whole items stack
Private oCurrent As Variant ' Current object set by MoveNext()
Private oCurrentIndex As Long ' Index of the Current object
Private oUpperBound As Long ' Index number of the last added item
Public Property Get Count As Long
Let Count = Me.oCount
End Property
Public Property Get UpperBound As Long
Let UpperBound = Me.oUpperBound
End Property
Public Property Get Current As Variant
Set Current = Me.oCurrent
End Property
Public Sub New
Set Me.oCurrent = Nothing
Let Me.oCount = 0
Let Me.oUpperBound = -1
End Sub
Return true/false if object list is empty
@return true/false
Public Property Get IsEmpty As Boolean
Let ~IsEmpty = True
ForAll item In Me.oCollection
Let ~IsEmpty = False
Exit Property
End ForAll
End Property
Return index of the collection item via item ID
If there is no item ID in the collection, returns -1
@return index as Long
Public Property Get IndexOf(id As String) As Long
ForAll item In Me.oIndex
If item = id Then
Let IndexOf = ListTag(item)
Exit Property
End If
End ForAll
Let IndexOf = -1
End Property
Check Collection if there is an item with specified ID
@param item ID
@return true/false
Public Property Get Contains(id As String) As Boolean
If IsElement(Me.oCollection(id)) Then
Let Contains = True
End If
End Property
Add new CollectionItem based object into collection
@param user defined object, must extend CollectionItem class
Public Sub Add(item As Variant)
If Me.AddItemIntoCollection(item) Then
Let Me.oUpperBound = Me.oUpperBound + 1 ' increment upper bound of the collection
Let Me.oCount = Me.oCount + 1 ' increment count of items
Let Me.oIndex(Me.oUpperBound) = item.ID ' set index
End If
End Sub
Insert new CollectionItem based object into collection onto specified position
@param user defined object, must extend CollectionItem class
@param index of the position to move item onto
Public Sub Insert(item As Variant, ByVal index As Long)
Dim i As Long
' Check index constraints
If index < 0 Then Let index = 0
If index > Me.oUpperBound Then
Call Me.Add(item)
Exit Sub
End If
If Me.AddItemIntoCollection(item) Then
' Rebuild index
For i = Me.oUpperBound To index Step -1
Let Me.oIndex(i + 1) = Me.oIndex(i)
Let Me.oUpperBound = Me.oUpperBound + 1 ' increment upper bound of the collection
Let Me.oCount = Me.oCount + 1 ' increment count of items
Let Me.oIndex(index) = item.ID ' set index
End If
End Sub
Only add item into collection
@param item
@return true/false
Private Function AddItemIntoCollection(item As Variant) As Boolean
On Error 182 GoTo eh182 ' when asking for property ID
On Error GoTo eh
If DataType(item) = 34 Then ' is it user defined object?
If Not item Is Nothing Then ' is it instantiated?
If DataType(item.ID) = 8 Then ' is property ID string?
If item.ID = "" Then ' if ID is empty, create unique one
Let item.ID = Me.GetUniqueItemID
End If
If Not IsElement(Me.oCollection(item.ID)) Then
Set Me.oCollection(item.ID) = item
Let AddItemIntoCollection = True
End If
End If
End If
End If
Exit Function
Resume es
Resume es
End Function
Remove collection member via it's ID
If there is no such a member, no action will be taken
@param object ID
Public Sub Remove(id As String)
Dim i As Long
Dim index As Long
On Error 120 GoTo eh120 ' List item does not exist
On Error GoTo eh
' erase collection item
Erase Me.oCollection(id)
Let Me.oCount = Me.oCount - 1
' get index of the collection item
Let index = Me.IndexOf(id)
' rebuild index
For i = index To Me.oUpperBound - 1
Let Me.oIndex(i) = Me.oIndex(i + 1)
Erase Me.oIndex(Me.oUpperBound)
Let Me.oUpperBound = Me.oUpperBound - 1
Set Me.oCurrent = Nothing
Let Me.oCurrentIndex = 0
Exit Sub
Resume es
Resume es
End Sub
Return collection member via it's ID
If there is no such a member Nothing is returned
@param object ID
@return object
Public Function Get(id As String) As Variant
On Error 120 GoTo eh120 ' List item does not exist
Set ~Get = Me.oCollection(id)
Exit Function
Set ~Get = Nothing ' return at least Nothing (datatype 9)
Resume es
End Function
Move caret to the next item in the collection and put it into Current
If there are no elements in collection or collection is at the end
false id returned and Nothig is being put into Current object
While col.MoveNext()
Set item = col.Current
@return true/false
Public Function MoveNext As Boolean
Dim id As String
On Error 120 GoTo eh120 ' List item does not exist
Let id = Me.oIndex(Me.oCurrentIndex)
Set Me.oCurrent = Me.oCollection(id)
Let Me.oCurrentIndex = Me.oCurrentIndex + 1
Let MoveNext = True
Exit Function
Set Me.oCurrent = Nothing
Exit Function
Resume es
End Function
Reset Current object to a default state
Public Sub Reset
Let Me.oCurrentIndex = 0
Set Me.oCurrent = Nothing
End Sub
Reset Collection
Erase all items, set count to zero, set Current to nothing, reset indexes
Public Sub Clear
Erase Me.oCollection
Erase Me.oIndex
Let Me.oCount = 0
Let Me.oUpperBound = -1
Let Me.oCurrentIndex = 0
Set Me.oCurrent = Nothing
End Sub
Return Collection as an array
If count is bigger then 32kB, return only 32k items
@return array of collection items
Public Function ToArray As Variant
Dim index As Long
Dim array() As Variant
If Me.oCount > 32000 Then
ReDim array(32000)
ReDim array(Me.oCount - 1)
End If
ForAll item In Me.oCollection
If index < 32001 Then
Set array(index) = item
End If
Let index = index + 1
End ForAll
Let ToArray = array
End Function
Return current object as string
@return string
Public Function ToString As String
Let ToString = TypeName(Me)
End Function
Return unique ID
@return unique ID
Private Function GetUniqueItemID As String
Dim eval As Variant
Let eval = Evaluate(|@RightBack(@Unique; "-") + @LeftBack(@Unique; "-") + @RightBack(@Unique; "-")|)
Let GetUniqueItemID = eval(0)
End Function
End Class
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