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Last active January 31, 2024 13:04
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byob Vagrantfile
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# All Vagrant configuration is done below. The "2" in Vagrant.configure
# configures the configuration version (we support older styles for
# backwards compatibility). Please don't change it unless you know what
# you're doing.
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
# The most common configuration options are documented and commented below.
# For a complete reference, please see the online documentation at
# Every Vagrant development environment requires a box. You can search for
# boxes at = "ubuntu/xenial64" "forwarded_port", host_ip: "", guest: 8080, host: 8080
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
# Update and upgrade the server packages.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade
# Set Ubuntu Language
sudo locale-gen en_GB.UTF-8
# Install Python, SQLite and pip
sudo apt-get install -y python3-dev sqlite python-pip
# Upgrade pip to the latest version.
sudo pip install --upgrade pip
# Install and configure python virtualenvwrapper.
sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper
if ! grep -q VIRTUALENV_ALREADY_ADDED /home/vagrant/.bashrc; then
echo "# VIRTUALENV_ALREADY_ADDED" >> /home/vagrant/.bashrc
echo "WORKON_HOME=~/.virtualenvs" >> /home/vagrant/.bashrc
echo "PROJECT_HOME=/vagrant" >> /home/vagrant/.bashrc
echo "source /usr/local/bin/" >> /home/vagrant/.bashrc
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